In the case of the speaker appeared in the booklet of “Rosneft” and the letter to Putin

In the case of the speaker appeared in the booklet of “Rosneft” and the letter to Putin In the trial of the ex-economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev the first time since the process has not come to any one of the summoned witnesses for the prosecution, and the Prosecutor’s office decided to devote the meeting to the study of documents. The materials were read by a few hours, but, according to the defense, none of them did not confirm the position of the prosecution, according to which the speaker allegedly threatened the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin. The speaker before the meeting only answered to the remark of the journalist saying he is losing weight every day. “It’s an illusion,” said the former Minister. All other attempts to ask questions of the Minister was stopped by the employees of the FSIN, as Ulyukayev under the terms of house arrest, forbidden to

Putin has sent in resignation of the Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region

Putin has sent in resignation of the Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region The head of the Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev, who ruled the region for 12 years, resigned at his own request. His place will be Deputy Minister of trade and industry Gleb Nikitin as previously reported sources RBC. President Vladimir Putin has sent in resignation of the Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev signed a decree. As specified in the decree, Shantsev himself filed a letter of resignation. Not yet announced where he will continue to work. Shortly before the resignation of Putin Shantsev was awarded the order “For merits before Fatherland” II degree. Shantsev was awarded “for the big contribution in socially-economic development of the region and many years of diligent work”. By another decree the President appointed the acting Governor first Deputy Minister of industry and trade Gleb Nikitin. On appointing Putin said Nikitin in

Roskomnazdor threatened Facebook with a lock for storing data of Russians abroad

Roskomnazdor threatened Facebook with a lock for storing data of Russians abroad The Agency believes that a social network needs in 2018 to implement the law on personal data localization. Moscow. September 26. INTERFAX.RU — Facebook in 2018 must comply with Russian law on personal data localization, otherwise the resource will cease work on the territory of the Russian Federation, told journalists the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov on Tuesday. “The law is mandatory for all. In any case, we will ensure that the law was fulfilled, or the company will cease to operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, as, unfortunately, happened with LinkedIn. There are no exceptions,” said Zharov, answering a question “Interfax” about the timing of the execution of the social network of Facebook of the relevant law.

Russian foreign Ministry: the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran will be a headache for all

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Gennady Homeland MOSCOW, September 26. /TASS/. The US withdrawal from the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program will be a headache for all. It on a press-conferences on Tuesday has declared the Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control, the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov.

The senators were indignant with quality of nutrition in the Federation Council

The senators were indignant with quality of nutrition in the Federation Council At the meeting of Committee of the Federation Council (SF) according to the regulations, the members of the upper house discussed the issue “of improving the” quality “food and catering” senators. First Deputy Chairman of the Committee Svetlana Goryacheva complained of “low quality food”, which is prepared in SF. “It is time for us to engage a major question: what do we have here, semi-finished products purchased, then they fry us in the ultra-high price to sell?” — asked Svetlana Goryacheva. According to her, this question came to it, many senators. Need “from the office of the Committee to single out anyone, so went and looked that they served,” said Ms. Goryacheva. “These cakes, which can be in any eatery, I’m sorry, for a penny to buy… and here it is sverhdorogo”, she added. “Absolutely correct statement (question.—

Irina Yarovaya called candidate for Governor of the Murmansk region

Irina Yarovaya called candidate for Governor of the Murmansk region Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya can become a Governor of the Murmansk region, reports FlashNord with reference to a source in the leadership of the Duma faction “United Russia” and two deputies of the Duma. According to one of them, Spring has already held consultations about a possible change of work. “She heads a list of three candidates for the post of Governor of the region”, — quotes FlashNord. To review the most the Spring the Agency was unable. Recently the Murmansk region various media called the number of regions where in the near future may be replaced by the user. About the possible early resignation of the Governor Marina Kovtun reported including sources FlashNord, “Kommersant” and “Vedomosti”. She Kovtun on September 22 stated that “fakes” are not commented, since her “other job”. She recalled that her term

The Committee of the Federation Council is preparing a draft law on the work of prisoners outside prisons

The Committee of the Federation Council is preparing a draft law on the work of prisoners outside prisons Member of the Federation Council Committee on budget and financial markets Dmitry Shatohin has told about the development of the bill, according to which prisoners would be allowed to go to work in cities and towns located close to prisons and penal colonies. The document will be submitted to the state Duma before the end of the fall session, according to “Parlamentskaya Gazeta”. As emphasized by the publication, only in Russia do not work more than half of the prisoners, and the level of their remuneration does not allow to be released with enough funds to pay child support or court costs. “Our idea is to apply the work on existing commercial enterprises. But doing this prevents conflict of laws — required amendments to the Penal code that would allow prisoners to

The Governor of the Novosibirsk region did not comment on the rumors about the possible resignation

The Governor of the Novosibirsk region Vladimir Gorodetsky © Stoyan Vasev/TASS NOVOSIBIRSK, September 26. /TASS/. The Governor of the Novosibirsk region Vladimir Gorodetsky did not comment on earlier media reports about his imminent resignation. This decision, if adopted, should be made by the President, said the head of the region on Tuesday to journalists. “I was appointed by the President, then I got the confidence of the people. The President did not comment, what to comment? Bad happened [practice]. Political scientists call names – it’s not polite. Comes rotation time, and the President announces his decision. Not for me to judge. I work with pleasure. Gossip, rumors – it is not my credo is to comment on rumors,” – said Gorodetsky. On Sunday, the newspaper “Kommersant” and other media published the information with reference to unnamed sources about the early resignations of heads of regions. According to mass media, the

After the defeat of the IG* will understand the true purpose of the US in Syria, Lavrov said

Photo: RIA Novosti VLADIVOSTOK, September 24 — RIA Novosti. The Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov did not rule out the possibility that the US may have other targets in Syria in addition to the destruction of terrorists, it will become clear after the victory over the terrorist group “Islamic state.”* “There (in Syria — ed. ed.) is working (between Russia and the USA approx. ed.) through the appropriate channels. Work, which gives the result. Americans, I think, at the level of military know perfectly well, there still are professionals. Regarding different objectives (in Syria — ed. ed.), certainly is. And when ISIS* will be defeated and with him “Dzhebhat EN Nusra”*, then, in General, and manifest, who have goals in Syria,” said Lavrov in an interview with NTV. “Because we are American colleagues, including (Secretary of state Rex — approx. ed.) Tillerson, say on oath that they have no other