Krasnoyarsk territory Governor Viktor Tolokonsky announced his resignation

Krasnoyarsk territory Governor Viktor Tolokonsky announced his resignation Krasnoyarsk territory Governor Viktor Tolokonsky announced the resignation at a meeting with the staff of the regional government and deputies, told “Kommersant” the Deputy of regional legislative Assembly, who attended the meeting. Reports about the possible resignation of Viktor Tolokonsky appeared in the media in mid-September. The government of the Krasnoyarsk territory until the last day denied information about his possible resignation. Sources “Kommersant” called Mr. Tolokonsky in the list of ten Russian governors, which President Vladimir Putin could resign this fall. Victor Tolokonsky became the third Governor in a series of resignations. On 25 and 26 September a presidential decree was released from the post of Governor of Samara region Nikolay Merkushin, the Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev. Victor Tolokonsky was born in 1953 in Novosibirsk. His political career began in 1981 in Novosibirsk regional Executive Committee. In 1992,

Kadyrov praised the Belarusian potatoes and a handshake Lukashenko

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov during his visit to Belarus and noted that the potatoes in the Republic tasty and a handshake from the President of the country Alexander Lukashenko — strong. His impressions of Kadyrov shared in Telegram channel on Monday, September 25. “The meeting with Alexander Lukashenko were very warm and friendly,” wrote Kadyrov. The head of Chechnya noted that the priorities of the two countries will be the industry, agriculture, processing of agricultural products and the creation of joint ventures. Moreover, Lukashenko, according to Kadyrov, praised the progress in the reconstruction and development of the Chechen Republic. “Chechens as a people are hospitable, and I invited Alexander Lukashenko to visit the Chechen Republic during the next visit to Russia”, — Kadyrov wrote, noting that Lukashenko accepted the invitation. At the end of his message, the head of Chechnya added: “Potatoes are very tasty…

Alekseeva intends to complain to the President of the Russian Federation on violations of believers ‘ rights

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Moscow Helsinki group Lyudmila Alexeyeva during the traditional autumn meeting of the members of the Council under RF President on development of civil society and human rights (HRC) with the head of state intends to talk about the violations of citizens ‘ rights to freedom of religion. Date and agenda of the meeting of human rights defenders with Vladimir Putin not yet been determined. “I intend to tell the President about the obvious offensive forces of a state on all the churches except the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. For the Orthodox, which are not included in the Moscow Patriarchate, including the attack” — said Alekseev TASS. She also said that in his report intends to point out the violations of the rights of Jehovah’s witnesses and Scientologists. “The Moscow Helsinki group, has always defended the rights of believers under the

The United States accused Russia of violating the Treaty on open skies

The United States accused Russia of violating the Treaty on open skies Washington started the implementation of the response, but is willing to cancel them if Russia will return to fulfill the obligations under the contract. Moscow. September 27. INTERFAX.RU — the United States accused Russia of reneging on the terms of the open skies Treaty and begin to implement retaliatory steps, said to “Interfax” a source in the state Department. “We have been concerned with the question of execution by Russia of the Treaty on open skies. After repeated and unsuccessful attempts at diplomatic cooperation with Moscow, we decided to take some reasonable and comparable steps in response to the failure of Russia’s obligations,” — said “Interfax” a representative of the American foreign Ministry, who requested anonymity. According to the source, Washington is hoping, “that it will bring changes to the calculations of the Russian side and will encourage

In the United States near the border with Mexico began to build prototypes of a wall

In the United States near the border with Mexico began to build prototypes of a wall In the U.S. city of San Diego, near the border with Mexico, began to build the prototypes of the wall. This was reported on the website of the U.S. Customs and border protection service. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to the report, it is planned to build eight prototypes. Four of them will be built of concrete, and the remainder as “other materials”. All prototypes are from the 548 cm to 914 cm in height. They are designed to prevent trespassing in the area where they are built, and “will set future standards” for the construction of such structures. The prototype is scheduled to be completed within 30 days. As stated by the acting head of the CBP, Ronald Vitello, the wall on the border means a commitment to “border security” of the United States. “Prototyping allows

Zampolpreda the UN called the mistake the development of a Treaty to ban nuclear weapons

Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov © AP Photo/Mary Altaffer UN, September 27. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. The development of a Treaty to ban nuclear weapons, opened for signature 20 Sep, error that its provisions are “significant downside risks” to the non-proliferation regime. This was stated on Tuesday by Deputy permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov meeting on the occasion of the International day for the total elimination of nuclear weapons.

The Russian foreign Ministry commented on the accusations of Russia in violation of the INF Treaty

Photo: Arguments and Facts Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov called the allegations of U.S. violation of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and short range. Last Friday during a meeting of the UN security Council U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that Russia has not fulfilled the provisions of the Treaty and also breached “the security assurances the data at the end of the cold war.” “We will not accept attempts to groundlessly accuse Russia in violation of several agreements, including the INF Treaty. During the scoring of these allegations, the Americans were not charged with specific facts that could be used as evidence” — quoted Ryabkov to Interfax. The diplomat added that the Russian side also has claim to the execution of U.S. treaties in the field of control over arms, including missiles and medium-range. The INF Treaty was signed by

The Russian foreign Ministry accused the US of helping terrorists in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow is alarmed that the United States demonstrates contradictory behavior in relation to the elimination of the terrorist group ISIS banned in Russia, reports RIA Novosti. “The fact is, unfortunately, obvious and it is very worrying. Namely, we have seen once again that the American side, declaring, verbally stating that she is interested in eliminating ISIS and the victory over terrorists in Syria, in fact, some of their actions demonstrate the opposite, that everything has some political and geopolitical problems for Washington more important than what is declared in terms of commitment to the counter-terrorism struggle,” he explained. We will remind that earlier Russian Ministry of defense has published aerial photographs of the locations of ISIS militants North of the city of Deir ez-Zor in Syria, which shows the technique of the special forces of the United States. The

Lavrov: to eliminate the hotbed of terrorism in Syria was created

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov stated about the encouraging development of the situation in Syria and creating conditions that will allow in a short time to eliminate a terrorist hotbed in the country. About it reports TASS. According to the Minister, the positive dynamics of development of the situation in Syria is characterized in that, using the Astana process, which was initiated by Russia with the participation of Turkey and Iran, agreements were reached that allowed us to create four zones of de-escalation, where “significantly reduced the level of violence, starts the reconstruction and socio-economic infrastructure and improving the humanitarian situation”. “Create the conditions for a speedy, final liquidation of the hotbed of terrorism, to establish peace throughout Syria and conduct of the inclusive inter-Syrian dialogue based on UN security Council resolution 2254” — said Lavrov.