The FSB plans to build a fence on the border with Ukraine, Crimea

© Alexey Pavlicek/TASS SIMFEROPOL, September 27. /TASS/. Border Department of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Crimea will build a 50-kilometer fence on the border with Ukraine to ensure the safety of the Republic, told TASS in the press service of the border Guard. The arrangement of the boom will cost more than 200 million rubles, the work is scheduled for completion later this year, follows from materials on the procurement website.

Spring made the state Duma a draft law on strengthening control over the use of budget funds

Photo: RIA Novosti Vice-speaker Irina Yarovaya introduced Tuesday to the state Duma a bill that increases the control over the use of budgetary funds at regional and local levels. As reported the press service of the MP, it is proposed, in particular, to establish the right of municipalities to delegate authority for the implementation of the external municipal financial control to the regional level. “First and foremost, the bill aims to improve audit quality, because the transfer of authority from the municipal to the regional level is the ability to attract the most professionally trained specialists for control over targeted and effective use of budgetary funds at the local level”, — explained the author of the initiative. “In addition, this will avoid a formal approach and excessive spending of the municipal budget for the content of the control organs that is especially relevant for remote and sparsely populated municipalities,” she

Health: in the state Duma proposed to schoolchildren free drink milk

Photo: Fotolia / Nitr Soon students can begin to get 200 milliliters of milk daily. This is reported by “Izvestia”. This initiative addressed the Committee on agrarian issues of the state Duma. It is expected that the Fund program will be funded by the Federal and regional budgets in equal shares. In the opinion of MPs, free milk will strengthen children’s health and will help the development of the dairy industry. Only the implementation of the program is needed, according to preliminary estimates, 15.4 billion. In 20 regions of Russia, such a program is already running and, according to the authors of the bill, research shows that a daily intake of dairy products positively influences child health. Document submitted to the Duma and expects approval of the government. According to the authors, the project was supported by three parliamentary factions — the Communist party, “Fair Russia” and LDPR. However, there

The head of Dagestan Abdulatipov said that he would resign

The head of Dagestan Abdulatipov said that he would resign MOSCOW, 27 Sep — RIA Novosti. The head of the Republic of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov said that, most likely, the environment will submit a letter of resignation. “I will be filing a statement of resignation. Most likely, today. What’s next? Going back if I’m alive and healthy. I have a very big plan in this palette of interests,” Abdulatipov said in an interview with radio station “Moscow speaking”. As the main reasons for the resignation Abdulatipov called age. “The causes of the retirement — age occurred, the 71 year already. I think that such a reason because for all other matters, the Republic is on the rise, it is derived from the severe crisis in which it was located,” said Abdulatipov. According to him, he invited several candidates for his post. While Abdulatipov stressed that the final decision will be

In Udmurtia will destroy the last kilogram of Russian chemical weapons

In Udmurtia will destroy the last kilogram of Russian chemical weapons Enterprise in the village of Kizner in the Udmurt Republic of 27 September 2017 will destroy the last pounds of chemical warfare agents, previously stood on the arms of the USSR, and then Russia. As reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Federal management on safe storage and destruction of chemical weapons work to neutralize chemical warfare agents will be completed a year ahead of schedule. Chemical weapons as an independent means of mass destruction appeared in the late nineteenth century. The most ambitious of its use occurred in the First world war, and it was then revealed that the use of chemical warfare agents has a low efficiency: the troops had to wait suitable for a gas attack weather conditions since the wind could carry the cloud on their own fighters. Today chemical weapons are no longer

The defense Ministry has posted a video of the launch of a ballistic missile “Topol-M”

The defense Ministry has posted a video of the launch of a ballistic missile “Topol-M” MOSCOW, 27 Sep — RIA Novosti. The defense Ministry has posted a video of the launch of an Intercontinental ballistic missile RS-12M “Topol” from the landfill “Kapustin Yar” in Astrakhan region. Video posted on the official YouTube channel of the office. It is noted that the launch was conducted to test promising combat equipment of ICBMs. At the same time training warhead missiles struck the target for the conditional range “Sary-Shagan” (Republic of Kazakhstan). During the download an error has occurred.

The speaker is against the idea to evaluate the effectiveness of MPs by likes

Photo: RIA Novosti Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin considers it wrong to assess the performance of politicians by the number of likes, they are gaining in social networks. His words leads TASS. The head of the Duma Committee on Federal structure and local self-government Alexei Didenko, speaking on Monday at an enlarged meeting of the Council for legislative support of the digital economy under the Chairman of the state Duma, appealed to the senior Vice-President, head of the “Risks” of Sberbank Alexander Vedyahin. “Can we not spend money on elections, but to form opinion of the head of municipal formation on the basis of likes on social media?” — asked the Deputy. Vedyahin replied that these mathematical formulas exist, however, in this case is more a matter for legislative regulation. In turn, Volodin has noticed that “at Laika we can judge about the attitude to man, but will

Named cost of equipment “Warrior”

Named cost of equipment “Warrior” KLIMOVSK (Moscow region), September 27 — RIA Novosti. Each set of equipment “future soldier” “Ratnik-2” costs of the Ministry of defense of Russia for at least 200 thousand rubles, told RIA Novosti on Wednesday CEO TSNIITOCHMASH Dmitry Semizorov. To date, the Armed forces have received more than 200 thousand sets. The troops will be fully equipped by 2020. According to Semizorova, 200 thousand roubles — the basic cost of the kit: “This complete outfit, including weapons.” For comparison, according to him, the basic cost of a French outfit called “Fallin” is about 200 thousand dollars.

Residents of Iraqi Kurdistan voted in a referendum for independence. Baghdad in response to the threatened military operation

Residents of Iraqi Kurdistan voted in a referendum for independence. Baghdad in response to the threatened military operation In Iraqi Kurdistan held a referendum on independence. With a turnout of 80% for independence from Baghdad voted, according to preliminary data, 72% of voters. The referendum was held not only Kurdish autonomy, but also in the disputed territories that Kurds consider their own and which could take in the fight against “Islamic state”. It is also important that, having received control over these territories, the Kurds have concentrated in their hands about a third of Iraq’s oil reserves. Baghdad the referendum results are not recognized. On request “Medusa” orientalist Marianna Belenkaya says that means a referendum on the independence of Kurds in Iraq. The actual independence of the Iraqi Kurds in 1991. At the end of the First world war the territory on which they lived, the Kurds were divided between