The Federation Council approved Bondarev Chairman of the Committee on defense and security

Viktor Bondarev © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, September 27. /TASS/. The Federation Council at session on Wednesday approved a former commander of the VKS Viktor Bondarev Chairman of the house Committee on defense and security. The senators voted for it unanimously. Earlier the Committee for the defense included Bondarev your composition and chose him as their Chairman. The Committee’s decision was announced at a meeting of the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee Yevgeny Serebrennikov. On Wednesday, Federation Council speaker Valentina Matvienko awarded Bondarev the identity of the Senator. In July, the Council dismissed the Chairman of the Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov, who wrote the application at own will.

What will be remembered in the Governor Tolokonsky in Krasnoyarsk edge

Viktor Tolokonsky © Yegor Aleev/TASS Political career of the 64-year-old Victor Tolokonsky was primarily associated with the Novosibirsk region. Since 1993 he spent seven years headed the administration of Novosibirsk, then moved to the regional government: twice elected to the post of Governor, and after the abolition of direct elections was appointed by presidential decree. At the head of the region Tolokonsky worked for 10 years, and his unexpected transition in 2010 to the post of the Plenipotentiary representative of RF President in the Siberian Federal district, many analysts perceived as a demotion. Tolokonsky to the post of head of the Novosibirsk region was replaced by Vasily Yurchenko, who stayed in the Governor’s chair not long — in March 2014 he was dismissed with the formulation “in connection with loss of trust of the President.” Experts attribute the failure Yurchenko opposition Tolokonsky, who soon also left his post in may

The movement of trains bypassing Ukraine will begin in the next two months

Photo: RIA Novosti Just bypass Ukraine will go 61 pairs of trains. And with the schedule next year, which begins on the second Sunday in December, Russian Railways will be fully prepared to let the major part of passenger trains in the South of Russia through the new site. They will be able to go at speeds over 100 kilometers per hour. “But we have to understand that the site is new, you have to break in,” reminded the pegs. Continues the test operation, which will allow you to check the readiness of the railway infrastructure, traffic control systems, and prepare a locomotive crew who will drive the train here. Then it will be necessary to adjust the timetable, “to put a number of localities in General without passenger traffic,” said Pegov. As soon as I make up a new schedule will begin selling tickets and will clear their price.

The Russian foreign Ministry about the policy of US pressure on North Korea: a road to nowhere

Photo: RIA Novosti Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control, the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov commented on U.S. policy towards the DPRK. “Sanctions are not a panacea, and that our American partners make a clear bet solely on the methods of pressure, first of all sanctions, is really a road to nowhere, it means they admit their own weaknesses,” — said Ulyanov during a press conference in MIA “Russia today”. However, he noted that the DPRK issue has no military solution, the conflict will lead to disaster. “We believe that military solution to this conflict, because it is associated with catastrophic consequences not only for South Korea but for the entire region,” — said Ulyanov. He added that Russia will not accept a military solution to the conflict. Previously, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow is convinced of the inevitability

Putin took the Bad with the chief of the Kremlin anti-corruption

Putin took the Bad with the chief of the Kremlin anti-corruption President Vladimir Putin signed a decree replaced the chief of the presidential Directorate for countering corruption. Oleg is Bad, the Agency was headed by Andrey Chobotov, who for many years worked with Sergey Ivanov As the press service of the Kremlin, the head of the Department for countering corruption Oleg Bad will now become first Deputy Minister of justice. His place in accordance with the presidential decree is Andrey Chobotov. The office for combating corruption under the administration of the President of Russia was created in December 2013, Then it was headed by a native of Kiev, graduated from the Higher school of KGB of the USSR Oleg Bad. Andrey Chobotov also started his career in the KGB. In 1999, he went to work in the security Council of Russia, and then in the Ministry of defence. In 2004,

Asked Kadyrov to increase Federal grants for high birth rate in Chechnya

Asked Kadyrov to increase Federal grants for high birth rate in Chechnya Moscow. September 27. INTERFAX.RU — High growth rate birthrate in Chechnya should be taken into account when preparing the budget, said the head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. “It poses challenges that need immediate solutions. They should be taken into account when forming the budget. This growth in social spending — health, education and other, which must be considered when calculating the grants for leveling the budget”, — wrote Kadyrov in instagram. The head of Chechnya said at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. “Dmitri assured that he will give full support and assistance”, — said Kadyrov. The meeting also discussed the development of the real sector of economy, creation of conditions for maximum utilization of production facilities and construction of new enterprises that could produce goods in demand in the regional market and beyond. “At

The FSB plans to build a fence on the border with Ukraine, Crimea

The FSB plans to build a fence on the border with Ukraine, Crimea SIMFEROPOL, September 27. /TASS/. Border Department of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Crimea will build a 50-kilometer fence on the border with Ukraine to ensure the safety of the Republic, told TASS in the press service of the border Guard. The arrangement of the boom will cost more than 200 million rubles, the work is scheduled for completion later this year, follows from materials on the procurement website. “Currently, work on the engineering equipment of the Russian-Ukrainian border is being conducted as planned, and the construction of a 50-mile engineering obstacles in the North of the Crimea — its another stage”, — reported in Department. As reported on the procurement website, the Department announced a tender for the supply and installation of a fence height greater than two meters and a length of 49.5