Zakharova: Russia urged to take measures for the abolition of amendments to the Ukrainian law on education

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, September 28. /TASS/. Russia urges all governments to take measures for the abolition of amendments to the Ukrainian law on education. This was stated on Thursday at a briefing Director of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The Ministry of foreign Affairs: information about captured two of the Russian military in Syria needs to be tested

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Gennady Homeland/TASS MOSCOW, September 28. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Ministry has neither a confirmation nor a denial of information about the capture of two Russian soldiers in Syria. This was stated on Thursday the official representative of the Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Have seen these reports. I have no confirmation or refutation of the data, – said Zakharov. They need to be checked”. Earlier in the media appeared information with reference to IG (banned in Russia as a terrorist organization) captured two Russian soldiers in Deir-ez-Zor.

The United States intends to answer

Photo: RIA Novosti US taking action in response to alleged non-compliance by Russia of the open skies Treaty that provides for mutual inspections of countries in the airspace of each other, said RIA Novosti the representative of US state Department. “We have long been concerned about the observance by Russia of the Treaty on open skies. After repeated unsuccessful attempts at diplomatic communication with Moscow, we decided to take reasonable and proportionate measures in response to the failure by Russia (agreement — ed.)”, — said the representative of the state Department. “We hope that this will change the calculations of Russia and encourage Russia to chat with us about our concerns in a constructive way. We are ready to cancel these arrangements at any time, if Russia will return to compliance with its obligations under the Treaty on open skies,” he added. Earlier, the Chairman of the joint chiefs of

In the state Duma considered populism the plans of the commander of the Ukrainian Navy

Photo: RIA Novosti State Duma Deputy from the Crimea Ruslan Balbec commented on the statement of the commander of naval forces of Ukraine Vice-Admiral Igor Voronchenko on neobhodimosti to guard against Russian submarines. Balbec found the words Voronchenko evidence of “deep ignorance of the tactical situation.” “It’s a myth, populism and dust in the eyes of taxpayers”, — quotes the Deputy of RIA “news”. Recall Voronchenko said that it is necessary to repair the Corvette “Vinnitsa”, which is already 40 years in service. Also, according to him, Ukraine “is needed anti-submarine ships”. Balbec said that the anti-submarine ships will not reflect the impact of cruise missiles launched from submarines. “Who green Ukrainian Admiral is going to find and catch in the Black sea?”, said Balbec, noting that Russian submarines can hit ships with 300 meters and ground targets with 1.5 thousand meters. “What anti-submarine lines he was going to build

Media: the Federation Council gave the wording of the term

Photo: RIA Novosti The Commission of the Federation Council for the protection of state sovereignty and prevent interference in the internal Affairs of Russia gave the wording of the legal term “interference in internal Affairs.” According to the newspaper “Izvestia“, the senators, the bill on “undesirable behavior”, which must submit to the state Duma in 2018. The head of the Commission Senator Andrei Klimov said that now the phrase “there was a clear line”. “Interference in the internal Affairs is not under the recognized principles of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation activities aimed at changing the constitutional order, territorial integrity, its foreign and domestic policy, as well as the composition and structure of bodies of state and municipal authorities”, — said Klimov. According to him, for violation of the law, Russian citizens will face liability from administrative to criminal, and foreigners — the expulsion from Russia.

The Governor of the Nenets Autonomous district resigned

The Governor of the Nenets Autonomous area Igor Koshin © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, September 28. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has accepted the resignation of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous district Igor Koshin and appointed acting head of the region Alexander Tsybulsky, who until recently was Deputy Minister of economic development. “In connection with the statement of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous area I. V. Koshin on early termination of powers and in accordance with subparagraph “C” of paragraph 1 and subparagraph “a” of paragraph 9 of article 19 of the Federal law of 6 October 1999 No. 184-FZ “On General principles of organization of legislative (representative) and Executive bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation” I decide: to accept resignation of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous area I. V. Koshin on their own”, – stated in the decree of the President.

Medvedev will meet with Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev will discuss with the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan integration cooperation within the Eurasian economic Union on 29 September in Moscow, the press service of the Cabinet. Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan will be in Russia on an official visit. During the conversation, Dmitry Medvedev and Sapar Isakov will discuss topical issues of bilateral relations, including areas of cooperation in trade-economic, investment, energy and cultural-humanitarian spheres. “Dmitry Medvedev will discuss with the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan integration cooperation within the Eurasian economic Union on 29 September in Moscow”, — stated in the message.

The US has threatened to terminate the open skies Treaty with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti United States in favor of maintaining the balance in the framework of the Treaty on open skies and believe that Russia did not comply. The Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the United States Joseph Dunford said that in the contract there is no need in the case, “if Russia will not comply with its provisions”. The US is interested in the preservation of the open skies Agreement with Russia, but the Pentagon believes that Moscow violates its provisions. About it reports TASS. The Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff U.S. army General Joseph Dunford believes that the contract is not necessary in the case, “if Russia will not comply with its provisions”. Previously, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal reported that the us authorities intend to announce the introduction of restrictions on the flights of military aircraft Russia over

Poklonskaya answered the accusation of the Teacher in working against the state

State Duma Deputy Natalya Poklonskaya responded to the words directed by Alexei Uchitel about her work against the state. About the position it stated on the page in Facebook on Tuesday, September 26. “It’s funny to watch how the Teacher and his “team” are torn between their desires painful prick me and to justify himself before the face of an imminent threat of exposure and publicize the true circumstances of their creation”, — she wrote. The MP also noted that the film “Matilda”, about the novel of the future Emperor Nicholas II with the ballerina Matilda Kschessinska violates the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin from 2016, which approved the Doctrine of information security of the country. Previously, on 25 September, Alexey Uchitel said that, by opposing the release of the “Matilda”, Poklonskaya goes against the state, reports the RNS. “I think I openly stated, and we wrote

Putin replaced the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous district

Putin replaced the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous district Moscow. September 28. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a decree on early termination of powers of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous district Igor Koshin, said on Thursday the press-service of the Kremlin. “To accept resignation of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous area I. V. Koshin on their own”, — stated in the text of the decree. The same decree the President has appointed Alexander Tsybulsky acting Governor until the inauguration of the person elected to head the region. On Thursday morning, RBC announced that Sochi will soon resign. According to the newspaper, in presidential administration developed a new criteria of efficiency of heads of regions, among them the dynamics of the economic situation, electoral ratings, the conflicts of the elites and corruption scandals. “So, the Federal centre has paid attention of the head of