Former commander of the VKS Bondarev has headed the Federation Council Committee on defense

Photo: RIA Novosti The Federation Council Committee on defense and security has chosen a new leader — he was a former commander of the aerospace forces (VKS) Russia Viktor Bondarev. The decision of the Committee approved by resolution at the first plenary session of the chamber. “At the Committee meeting agreed to elect the Chairman Bondarev Viktor Nikolaevich, the Hero of Russia, — said the first Deputy Chairman of the defense Committee Yevgeny Serebrennikov. — Propose to the Federation Council to approve the Committee’s decision”. Senators endorsed the choice of the members of the Committee. Bondarev delegated to the Federation Council on 19 September, as the representative of the Executive authority of the Kirov region on the basis of the decree of the Governor Igor Vasilyev, who was elected to the post in a single day of voting. Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev became the first Senator that the nomination took advantage

The Federation Council urged the UN and the EU to protect the rights of national minorities in Ukraine

Photo: RIA Novosti The Federation Council at the first meeting of the autumn session adopted a statement condemning the Ukrainian education act, and appeal to the international organizations to take measures to restore violated this law, the rights of national minorities. “Starting in 2020, the children of neuroinvasion families will not be able to receive education in native language”, — said in a statement. The senators believe that the full transfer of education in Ukraine in the state language contradicts the framework Convention for the protection of national minorities and the European Charter for regional or minority languages. “We urge the UN high Commissioner for human rights, the high Commissioner of OSCE on Affairs of national minorities, Council of Europe Commissioner for human rights, as well as parliaments of European countries and international parliamentary organizations to make an objective assessment of the anti-democratic law of Ukraine and protecting the rights

The head of Dagestan resigned

Photo: TASS The head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov has written a letter of resignation, according to RBC with reference to its sources. According to the newspaper, Abdulatipov was urgently summoned to the presidential administration to discuss the nomination of a successor. Also he was offered a number of posts. “It was unexpected for him, no one knew,” — said the publication source in the environment of abdulatipova. Yesterday, the staff of the office of the head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov has denied an article of “Vedomosti” about his imminent resignation.

Who and why Russia forgives debts

Who and why Russia forgives debts The President of Russia Vladimir Putin meeting with President of Guinea alpha Conde recalled that Russia has written off more than 20 billion dollars in debt to African countries in the framework of the programme of assistance to the poorest countries of the world. Who and why Russia forgives debts, to understand the Russian service Bi-bi-si. “The initiative to assist the poorest countries with high debt off African countries debt in the amount of 20 billion dollars”, — Putin said. He also reminded that Russia in 2016 allocated to Africa, $ 5 million food needs. To write off Russia’s debts of African countries worth over $ 20 billion was said in 2012, the Director of the Department of international organizations Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Sergeyev at the UN meeting. Until 2008, Russia wrote off the African debts for another

Putin announced the creation of the conditions for ending the war in Syria

Putin announced the creation of the conditions for ending the war in Syria Moscow. September 28. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Syria created the necessary conditions for ending the civil war, the final defeat of the terrorists and the return of refugees to their homes. “In fact, the necessary conditions for termination of the fratricidal war in Syria, the final destruction of the terrorists and the Syrians return to civilian life, to their homes”, — said Putin after talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “It is absolutely fundamental thing that is important, not only for the Syrian people, not only for the region but for the whole world: we create the conditions for return of refugees. Most important, we create the conditions to enhance the search process for a durable political settlement in Geneva under the auspices of the UN,” — said the Russian leader.

“We are ready to turn the page and move on”

“We are ready to turn the page and move on” U.S. Ambassador John Tefft told “Kommersant” about the “Embassy war” and other problems in relations with Russia. U.S. Ambassador John Tefft on Thursday completed the work in Russia and together with his wife Mariella, and I left Moscow. On the eve of departure to Washington, he told the correspondent of “Kommersant” Helen Chernenko what he has accomplished in office, what he regrets and what happened to him in the last two weeks. — With what feelings you leave Moscow? — I’m leaving with mixed feelings. I am proud that my team and I were able to carry out their work professionally, with dignity and respect even in those moments when towards us have behaved differently. I think that our Embassy is well represented not only in the negotiations with the Russian government, but also in the communication with the citizens.

Putin and Erdogan opened a Turkish-Russian talks

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS ANKARA, September 28. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived on Thursday evening in the Palace of the President of the Turkish Republic. According to tradition, to meet the Russian leader at the residence of Erdogan was built a guard of honor. The President of Turkey, personally greeted his counterpart on the porch of the Palace. The heads of state shook hands. The two leaders have opened talks in an expanded format. The conversation held behind closed doors without the press. It is expected that the main topic will be coordination of actions in the areas of de-escalation in Syria.

Putin: Orel region has made a unique contribution to the development of science and culture of the country

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated the residents of the Orel region with the 80th anniversary of the region. The text of the congratulatory telegram posted on the official website of the Kremlin. “Your edge that gave the homeland of prominent writers and poets, scientists and engineers, military commanders and diplomats, have made a truly unique contribution to the strengthening of the state, the development of science, culture, public thought. It is gratifying that the tradition of constructive, creative work continues to the present generation of inhabitants of the region”, — said, in particular, in the telegram. The head of state stressed that among the key challenges facing the region, the modernisation of agriculture, the construction of new, modern highways, improving the social sphere, improving the quality of people’s lives. “And of course, the most responsible attitude is required for issues related to the environment, protection of natural

Matviyenko said about the attempts to undermine the situation in Russia before elections

Photo: RIA Novosti The Federation Council speaker Valentina Matvienko has said about the increased attempts to undermine the situation in Russia, reports RIA “Novosti”. According to her, attempts to influence the situation in Russia will continue and, most likely, especially in the period of campaign for elections of the President of Russia. “We can see how complicated the international situation is now. That soon she will start to improve, can not count” — said Matvienko. She explained that Russia should resist any such action. Speaker of the Federation Council instructed the Commission on the protection of sovereignty “carefully monitoring the situation, to take, if necessary measures are needed”. In July Matvienko stated that the attempts to organize in Russia a “color revolution” is unlikely to cease in the foreseeable future.

U.S. Ambassador John Tefft, left Moscow

U.S. Ambassador John Tefft, left Moscow U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Tefft has completed work in Russia and together with his wife Mariella, and I left Moscow. This is stated in the press service of the Embassy of the USA in Russia, received by RBC. John Tefft held the post of U.S. Ambassador to Russia in 2014. In its place will be assuming the head of the Atlantic Council and former Governor of Utah John huntsman. The Committee on international Affairs of the United States on September 19 held a hearing on the approval of the new American Ambassador to Russia. During the hearing, democratic Senator Ben Cardin urged Huntsman to protect U.S. national interests and to raise the issue of human rights in Russia. In response, huntsman said that “with impatience” waits for the beginning of his work as Ambassador, to counter “the Russian opponents of the United States”