The North Korean Ambassador to Moscow has threatened USA with nuclear weapons

The North Korean Ambassador to Moscow has threatened USA with nuclear weapons Moscow. September 30. INTERFAX.RU — North Korea with nuclear forces may respond to statements of the American President Donald trump to Pyongyang, said North Korean Ambassador to Russia Kim Hyung Jun. “If the US do (…) actions are denying our people’s right to exist, our Republic, as stated by the Supreme leader Kim Jong UN, using a fair nuclear forces will force them to pay in full,” said Kim Hyun-Jung, speaking at the conference “For peace on the Korean Peninsula and unification of Korea” on Saturday in Moscow. He called trump’s statements about the destruction of the DPRK, made at the UN General Assembly, “crazy.” According to the North Korean diplomat, that the US actions undermine the process of unification of Korea and brought relations between Pyongyang and Seoul to “a complete standstill”. The Ambassador stressed that despite

Kudrin told about the risks to Russia from new sanctions of the USA

Kudrin told about the risks to Russia from new sanctions of the USA The new US sanctions, which put Russia on a par with North Korea and Iran, are reputational risks. This was stated by the head of the Center for strategic initiatives, former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin at the Fair financial and exchange services Finfair on Saturday, September 30, reports TASS. “Of course, it is unpleasant to stand next to North Korea and Iran in this list. This creates a new reputational risks for Russia. In its openness to Russia is difficult to compare with these countries,” said Kudrin. Previously, on 30 September it was reported that restrictions on funding of Russian banks and companies in the oil and gas sector under the new us law on sanctions enters into force on 28 November. The President of the United States Donald trump signed the law on new sanctions against

Kudrin said that can affect a mitigation of anti-Russian sanctions

Kudrin said that can affect a mitigation of anti-Russian sanctions MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. To soften the U.S. sanctions against Russia will be very difficult; to help a more flexible position of Europe, the Chairman of the Board of the Foundation center for strategic research, the ex-Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin. “Remove sanctions very difficult. An initiative is needed first and foremost,” he said on Saturday at the fair financial and exchange services FinFair. “I would suggest not to be pessimistic, because I believe that we can aim at reducing the sanctions,” — said however Kudrin. He recalled that during the cold war the Soviet Union held talks on various issues. According to him, the negotiation process may be involved diplomats and politicians in the US, Europe and Russia. “I believe that there is scope for mutual steps in reducing international sanctions, mutual steps to increase the credit safety

The Crimean Prosecutor’s office spoke about “layoffs due to “Matilda”

Photo: RIA Novosti The Crimean Prosecutor’s office has called “premature” any insights on the situation around the movie “Matilda”. The statement reports TASS. “Until they are complete (check — Prim. Rambler) to draw any conclusions relevant to this situation, the circumstances is premature”, — quotes the words of the Supervisory Agency TASS. On September 28 the Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Polonskaya stated that the number of employees of the Crimean Prosecutor’s office were dismissed for their principled position on the film by Alexei Uchitel. The MP added that he received information from former employees of the Crimean Prosecutor’s office. The MP added that prosecutors were forbidden to voice their position in the painting by Alexei Uchitel. Natalia Poklonskaya has repeatedly opposed the screening of “Matilda”, which is about the relationship of Nicholas II and the ballerina Mathilde Kshesinskaia. The MP called the film “ahistorical fake.” Poklonskaya said that

Ankara began talks between Putin and Erdogan

Photo: RIA Novosti In Ankara, at the presidential Palace began meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reports TASS. To meet the Russian leader at the Palace was built a guard of honor, the two leaders shook hands. After that the negotiations in the extended format behind closed doors. Presumably, one of the main topics will be cooperation between the two countries in the areas of de-escalation in Syria.

CBS: the rest of the children trump has cost the American taxpayers $330 thousand

CBS: the rest of the children trump has cost the American taxpayers $330 thousand WASHINGTON, September 30. /Offset. TASS Anton Cranks/. Holiday the older children of the US President Donald trump in aspen (Colorado) has cost American taxpayers $330 thousand that was spent on their protection. To such conclusion the CBS TV channel, received through the court documents the Department of homeland security (DHS) on the basis of the Law on freedom of information. We are talking about Ivanka trump and her husband Jared Kushner, who are advisors to the American leader, and Eric trump and his wife. For their protection in March this year during a weeklong stay at a ski resort DHS spent nearly $330 million In particular, $26 million was spent on rental of vehicles, $22 thousand for the necessary equipment to accompany members of the President’s family on the slopes, including for the purchase of lift

North Korea has going to conduct another ballistic missiles

North Korea has going to conduct another ballistic missiles Moscow. September 30. INTERFAX.RU — a Few North Korean ballistic missiles removed from located in the Pyongyang military enterprise on the launch pad, which may indicate preparation for new launches, reported the South Korean TV channel KBS, citing military sources. According to them, South Korean and American intelligence has documented the export of ballistic missiles from the center for research and development of rocket technology, located in the district Sanogo-don in the North of Pyongyang. It is assumed that they are either a ballistic missile medium-range “Hanson-12”, or Intercontinental ballistic missiles, “Hanson-14”, which are produced in the enterprise. South Korean authorities believe that North Korea can go to another provocative launch ballistic missiles on the anniversary of the founding of the ruling workers ‘ party of Korea, which will be celebrated on October 10. Last week the foreign Minister of the

The source announced the criteria for dismissals of governors

The source announced the criteria for dismissals of governors MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. A series of substitutions in the Governor’s case will be completed by October 10, the President will be extended from 8 to 11 new candidates to the governors. One obvious solution is to dismiss the Omsk Governor Viktor Nazarov, told RIA Novosti source close to the presidential administration. “It will be finished to 10-th day (10 October), will be offered from 8 to 11 return new gubernatorial candidates, taking into account those which have already been announced. The number of resignations is wholly dependent on the decision of the President”, — said the Agency interlocutor. A corner in Omsk Among the upcoming changes to the President’s proposed replacement of the Governor of Omsk region Viktor Nazarov. “Yes, in the Omsk region requires changes to improve handling in the region,” the source added. Possible candidates for

The head of Dagestan in Moscow

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov in his speech before the deputies said that in Moscow there are people who are “on the go shave rabbits.” About it reports the edition “Novoye Delo”. “They impose the President is not very popular decisions. But the President’s decision is not accepted without the will of the Almighty,” said Abdulatipov. The head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov at the session of the National Assembly confirmed his resignation and thanked the deputies of all levels and citizens for working together. Earlier media reported that the main candidate for the presidency of the Republic is the first Deputy Director of Regardie Sergei Melikov.

MFA: the Opposition of the United States, the Russian media will not remain unanswered

Photo: Hostile actions of the US administration against the Russian media will not remain without adequate response. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova during the next briefing. “When you start “fighting without rules”, when the law is perverted and becomes an instrument of the destruction of television stations, each step in relation to the Russian media will have a corresponding response. And to whom this answer I have to, that’s in Washington, you need to calculate properly”, — said Zakharov requirement of Washington to register a company serving the Russian TV channel RT, as a foreign agent. According to her, such a requirement is “contrary to American principles of freedom of speech.” “I would like to say that Russia is committed to all international regulations and relevant standards in terms of freedom of speech and repeatedly proves it. Clearly selective and politically