Lavrov called those responsible for the deterioration of Russian-American relations

Lavrov called those responsible for the deterioration of Russian-American relations MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Moscow hopes for release of Russian-American relations out of the impasse, ready to seek their recovery, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “The hope of the withdrawal of cooperation from an artificial current impasse there, but the future relations depends not only on us but also on the American side,” he said in an interview with the Arab newspaper “Ash-shark al-Ausat”. “Russia is open to ensure that along with the new US administration to seek ways to improve relations based on the principles of mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. Unfortunately, bilateral relations remain hostage to a showdown in the American establishment,” added the Minister. According to him, that the Russian-us relations dropped to the current low level, not the fault of Russia. “This is a direct consequence of the policy

Lavrov accused the US of deadly provocations

Lavrov accused the US of deadly provocations U.S. suit against Russian troops in Syria’s deadly provocations. About it in interview to the newspaper “Ash-shark al-Ausat” has declared the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, reports RIA Novosti. “Then allegedly accidentally hit by Syrian troops, after which the ISIS (ISIS, a group banned in Russia) go to the counter, “incite” other terrorists on the strategic locations where you restored the legitimate authority of the official Damascus, against our troops will satisfied with deadly provocations,” he said. Also, according to him, the Moscow concern “the tactics of half-measures” adopted by Washington and its allies in the region. “If you apply double standards, dividing terrorists into “bad” and “not very bad” to forget about the need for the UN security Council sanctions for its activity, about the effectiveness of counter-terrorism is difficult to speak,” explained the Minister. He added that the

Lavrov said that Russia has offered the United States in the fight against urgent threats

Lavrov said that Russia has offered the United States in the fight against urgent threats MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russia offers US to establish a real coordination on the fight against current challenges and threats, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “The potential for Russian-American interaction in international Affairs is great, but remains largely unrealized. Has long been proposed colleagues to establish a real coordination in counter-terrorism, in the fight against other dangerous challenges — the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, drug trafficking and cybercrime. Not to mention the problem of settlement of regional crises in the world, unfortunately, does not become less,” he said in an interview with the Arab newspaper “Ash-shark al-Ausat”. According to the Russian Minister, Russia and the United States there are also opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation in the trade and investment sphere. “It is significant that American business values the presence

Lavrov: Russia and the United States there is hope for the conclusion of cooperation from artificial deadlock

Sergei Lavrov © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, October 4. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow and Washington still hope for the conclusion of the relationship of the artificial stalemate and the normalization of their mutual consideration of the interests of each other. This opinion he expressed in an interview with the newspaper Asharq al-Awsat.

Lavrov: Russian policy in Syria has no vested interest and double bottom

The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, October 4. /TASS/. Russia’s policy in Syria and the middle East generally does not have a vested interest and a double bottom, this is its advantage compared to the US-led coalition. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in interview to the newspaper Asharq al-Awsat.

Vice-Governor of the Murmansk region and the head of the office of the regional government resigned

Photo: The severest Vice-Governor of the Murmansk region and the head of the office of the regional government resigned. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to the press service of the government of the Murmansk region. According to the Agency, the head of the region Igor Babenko and the head of the government of the Murmansk region Svetlana Powercia dismissed at his own request. Today they will be excluded from the government of the Murmansk region.

Catalonia declares independence of the region in the coming days

Catalonia declares independence of the region in the coming days Catalonia declares independence from Spain in the coming days. In an interview with BBC said the head of the region Carles Pujdeme. 21фотография21фотография21фотография In the first dialogue with journalists after the referendum, Putteman explained that the regional government will issue a decree by the end of this week or the beginning of next. He noted that currently, between Madrid and the government of Catalonia no contact. When asked what he would do in case of an attempt of the Spanish authorities to take control of the government of Catalonia, Putteman replied that it would be a “mistake that will change everything.” 3 Oct the king of Spain Felipe VI has accused the government of Catalonia in invalid of disloyalty and violation of the Constitution. “They’re in a clear and decisive manner have placed themselves outside the law and democracy. They

The Supreme court was included in all processes

The Supreme court was included in all processes The Supreme court (SC) has proposed a major procedural reform. The amendments, which are designed to reduce the burden on judges and make it easier for them to rule on disputes, will affect civil, arbitration and administrative proceedings. Decisions on many cases the courts will be able to motivate, elbows on economic disputes will be challenged to consider themselves judge, the appeal will become the sole, and the citizens will have to learn about meetings with his participation. In addition, it is supposed to decipher the code of Criminal procedure, the concept of entrepreneurs who are not subject to arrest for economic crimes, and strengthen requirements for judges and investigators in the extension of preventive measures. The Plenum of the armed forces approved submission to the state Duma the bills on amendments to the Civil procedure (CPC), Arbitration procedure (AIC) and the

The state Department explained the reason for the invasion of the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco

The state Department explained the reason for the invasion of the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco WASHINGTON, October 3 — RIA Novosti. Employees of the U.S. state Department entered the building of the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco, because the time allotted for living there are Russians, has ended, said the official representative of the Ministry Heather Nauert. Earlier, the Russian foreign Ministry posted a statement, which noted that “completely captured all the premises of the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco.” “October first was the day which we kindly provided the Russian government, because we know that some of these buildings (Consulate — ed.) families. Some people lived in these areas at the office. When we found out, we offered extra time, so they gathered their things and left. So we allowed them to live in these apartments until October 1, and their time

The Kremlin hopes that Ambassador huntsman will contribute to the restoration of relations of Russia and the United States

U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman © REUTERS/Molly Riley MOSCOW, 3 Oct. /TASS/. The Kremlin hopes that the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, headed by the new Ambassador John Huntsman will contribute to the restoration of relations between the two countries, the damage which was caused by the actions of Washington. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov.