Trump has accused Iran of financing North Korea

Trump has accused Iran of financing North Korea The President of the United States Donald trump believes that Iran is funding North Korea and conducts trade with Pyongyang. He told this in an interview with journalist Mike Huckabee for the TV channel TBN. The interview is available on the YouTube channel, Huckabee (17:25). The American leader also pointed out that, in his opinion, Iran violates the provisions of the agreement on the settlement of the Iranian nuclear problem. In addition, trump blamed Tehran for creating “problems” in the middle East. “Iran is a bad player, and may have to be treated as a bad player,” added the US President. October 5, the Washington Post reported that trump is going to announce the cancellation of the nuclear deal with Iran. The newspaper’s sources indicate that the tramp believes the transaction does not meet the national interests of the United States. According

Trump said about 25 years of failed talks with North Korea

Trump said about 25 years of failed talks with North Korea The President of the United States Donald trump in his Twitter again brought up the subject of North Korea, saying the negotiations of the previous leaders of the USA came to nothing. The President has not indicated that he has in mind. 6 Oct trump after meeting with military officials at the White house said that the past event can be described as “the calm before the storm”. Answering the journalists ‘ question about what he meant by such a comparison, trump replied: “Know.” Also, the American leader said that he had discussions “with the world’s best military”. 1 October, trump promised that, unlike his predecessors bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama, “cope” with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. “Good treatment of Man-rocket for 25 years, why should it work now? Clinton failed, Bush failed, Obama failed.

The Afghan Taliban refused to fight with ISIS

The Afghan Taliban refused to fight with ISIS The leader of the movement “Taliban” in Afghanistan Hebatullah the Akhundov ordered members to stop fighting with the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state”, as these movements “common goals”. On Saturday, October 7, reported the TV station 1TV News. Channel sources in the security service pointed out that this happened about 10 days ago, when the Akhundov arrived in Helmand province in the South of the country at a meeting with the leadership of militants. In April 2015, it became known that the militants of the “Islamic state” and the Taliban have declared Holy war (Jihad). The conflict between the two terrorist organizations began after the leader of the IG Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi called Mullah Mohammad Omar, the founder of the Taliban — “a fool and illiterate warlord” who deserves “any spiritual or political credibility”. In response, the leader of the

Uncoordinated action of the opposition in the cities of the North-West of Russia were detention

Uncoordinated action of the opposition in the cities of the North-West of Russia were detention Moscow. 7 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the rally of supporters of opposition leader Alexei Navalny took place on Saturday in several cities of the North-West of Russia, there were no arrests. So, in Petersburg the opposition gathered on the Champ de Mars. The activists, which, according to observers, had accumulated several hundred, went unauthorized March on Liteiny Prospekt, but the police put a stop to it. The activists were arrested, the rest dispersed. Earlier Smolny warned St. Petersburgers of the inadmissibility of the protest action on 7 October. And on Saturday afternoon it became known that the police detained the coordinator of the “Open Russia” in St. Petersburg Andrei Pivovarov, and earlier in the morning, for illegal campaigning were detained two employees of the city headquarters of Alexei Navalny, a lawyer of the St. Petersburg headquarters

Zakharova: the deportation of the correspondent of NTV from Ukraine resembles a “witch hunt”

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, October 7. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova believes that the expulsion of NTV correspondent Vyacheslav Nemysheva from Ukraine resembles a “witch hunt”. “Slightly resembles a medieval witch hunt,’ she said on Saturday the TV channel NTV. – Taken from the street just on call and on demand of any citizen whom he did not like”. Journalist Vyacheslav Nemyshev, was arrested on 4 October in Kiev by the police for a minor offense. According to her, during identification identified accreditation certificate to operate in the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic, which was the basis for the inspection of the detainee and the subsequent expulsion from the country.

As the world congratulated Vladimir Putin on the anniversary

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS 7 Oct 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin will be 65. Earlier, the head of state usually does not allocate his birthday from everyday life, spending it at work. In the morning the President receives congratulations from around the world. Numerous letters and telegrams he received from heads of States and governments of foreign countries and heads of international organizations. Vladimir Putin, in particular, congratulated the presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Finland.

Surkov spoke about the negotiations with Welker

Surkov spoke about the negotiations with Welker Negotiations with the special representative of the US state Department in Ukraine with Kurt Volker had been constructive, said the Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov, the correspondent of RBC. “They discussed the Russian-proposed draft UN resolution on Donbass. Found mutual understanding on a number of positions. Most of the identified differences are recognized can be overcome”, — said Surkov. He added that both sides stressed the need to implement the Minsk agreements crucial role in the Normandy format and Minsk contact group. “Agreed with Kurt that our consultations on the Ukrainian settlement will be continued in the necessary to achieve the result volume. That in the end the result will be, no doubt,” — concluded Surkov.

SBU has accused the PMC of Wagner in the destruction of Il-76 with the Ukrainian paratroopers

SBU has accused the PMC of Wagner in the destruction of Il-76 with the Ukrainian paratroopers Private military company (PMC) Dmitry Utkin, known under the call sign Wagner, involved the destruction of a carrying Ukrainian paratroopers Il-76 in Lugansk airport in June 2014. This was at the briefing said the head of the security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Hrytsak, “Interfax-Ukraine”. According to him, the freighter with the help of portable anti-aircraft missile complex was hit by two Russians from PMC Wagner. Hrytsak said their names and other data: “Andrey Guryev, born in 1990, a citizen of Russia, personal number М1235, position — arrow-antiaircrafter of calculation of MANPADS. Other person — Andrey Lebedev, born in 1974, citizen of Russia, personal number М1671, senior arrow-antiaircrafter of calculation of MANPADS”. According to the SBU, the soldiers of a private military company took part in the armed conflict in the Donbass, in particular stormed

Trump was surprised to see a good article in the WP about their voters

Trump was surprised to see a good article in the WP about their voters WASHINGTON, 7 Oct. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump said Saturday in his Twitter that he was surprised by the article the newspaper the Washington Post, which gives a positive assessment of the actions of Republican voters. “I can’t believe I finally see a good article in The Washington Post. It talks about the enthusiasm of the voters trump in terms of investing money in the campaign. NCRP (national Committee of the Republican party) collects much more money than the Democrats, and most of these money — my beautiful small donors. For their sake, I tirelessly work!” — wrote the head of the White house. Can’t believe I finally got a good story in the @washingtonpost. It discusses the enthusiasm of the “Trump” voters through campaign…. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 7, 2017 During the