The Russian Embassy in London invited British journalist to fly in space on iPhone

© Leon Neal/Getty Images LONDON, 8 Oct. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in the UK suggested the British journalist Giles Wittell to fly into space on the phone is Apple’s iPhone. This proposal was posted on the page of the Russian diplomatic mission on Twitter in response to the statement Wittell that of the carrier rocket “the Union” “the power of computer systems less than iPhone”. “Maybe Wittell then should try to fly into space with his iPhone, and not the “outdated” Union”, – stated in the message of the Embassy.

Poroshenko signed a law on pension reform

Poroshenko signed a law on pension reform The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the Verkhovna Rada adopted laws on pension reform. The Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman wrote on Facebook. “President Petro Poroshenko signed the laws on pension reform. As I promised, all retirees in October will receive the new increased pension! Thank you to everyone for your support!” — stated in the message. Earlier, on October 3, the Ukrainian Parliament approved a law on pension reform, the adoption of which is one of the requirements to receive the next tranche of lending from the International monetary Fund (IMF). Reform does not require raising the retirement age, however, provides for an increase in the minimum required for retirement insurance record from 1 January 2018 from 15 to 25 years and subsequent annual increase of 1 year. Citizens will also provide an opportunity to compensate for the lack of insurance,

Foreign Minister threatened to restrict the American media in Russia

Foreign Minister threatened to restrict the American media in Russia Moscow may limit the operation of American mass media in Russia in response to the oppression of Washington the Russian media. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the TV channel NTV. She noted that the Russian law on mass media “is the article which prescribes that if in any country in respect of the Russian media apply restrictive measures to respond adequately in relation to correspondents in this country, which operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the same position is laid down in article accreditation rules inkarrow”. She stressed that Moscow will take similar measures against American media in case of pressure on Russian journalists on the territory of the United States. Earlier, the Federation Council Commission for the protection of the sovereignty were asked relevant agencies to develop an

Russian foreign Ministry: US pressure on the RT forcing Russia to apply the same measures

View of the building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, October 8. /TASS/. The pressure of the US authorities on the RT forcing Russia to apply to the American media similar measures. Such statement in interview to the program “week” on Sunday on the NTV channel made the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

In Barcelona, tens of thousands of shares made for the unity of Spain

In Barcelona, tens of thousands of shares made for the unity of Spain Moscow. 8 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Barcelona, speaking against the independence of Catalonia from Spain, reports on Sunday television and radio BBC. Day of demonstrations in support of the unity of Spain were held in other cities across the country, including in Madrid. Earlier on Sunday, Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Rajoy said that the Spanish government will not allow the separation of Catalonia from the country and will do everything possible to maintain national unity. October 1, Catalonia held a referendum on independence, which were actually broken by law enforcement authorities in Spain and was accompanied by mass unrest, which led to numerous victims. The constitutional court of Spain, declared the vote unconstitutional. Madrid announced that he would not negotiate with Barcelona due to the fact that

All the detainees were released in the regions at events on 7 October

All the detainees were released in the regions at events on 7 October Moscow. 8 Oct. INTERFAX.RU ó in the course of the uncoordinated action of the opposition in the cities of the Russian citizens released from police, have informed “Interfax” on Sunday at the press center of the interior Ministry. “During carrying out of actions for the most serious violations of public order is composed of 71 administrative report. The average duration of stay of detained persons in the police Department ranged from one to two hours”, — stated in the message. According to the interior Ministry, only 17 of the territorial bodies of internal Affairs was delivered to 136 employees, 60 of which required a court appearance after 8 October. “The greatest number of citizens was delivered to the bodies of internal Affairs in the Yaroslavl (56), Lipetsk (24), Bryansk and Pskov (7) regions, and in Krasnodar region

In China grew by about 1.3 million punished for corruption officials

In China grew by about 1.3 million punished for corruption officials In China in 2013 punished approximately 1.34 million officials implicated in corruption. It is reported by the Central Commission of the Communist party for discipline inspection, reports Reuters. Chinese President XI Jinping made the basis of its policy of anti-corruption campaign, which is called the strategy of “tigers and flies” (referring to the high-ranking officials and officials working in minor positions). Among punished for corruption, 648 thousand were officials from the villages, whose crimes are petty corruption. In addition, the Supervisory authorities checked 155 thousand party organizations (almost 95% of all structures of the party). Under suspicion are major officials. In August, Chinese authorities began an investigation against the head of the anti-corruption Committee of the Ministry of Finance Mo Stanchina. Prior to that, on charges of use of official powers for enrichment was dismissed the chief of Department

The Spanish Prime Minister ruled out the secession of Catalonia from a country

The Spanish Prime Minister ruled out the secession of Catalonia from a country Moscow. 8 Oct. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Sunday said that the Spanish government will not allow the separation of Catalonia from the country and will do everything possible to maintain national unity. “Spain will not disintegrate, and national unity will continue. We apply all the tools that gives us the law,” he said in an interview with the newspaper El Pais. “We show that independence happened and I can say with absolute honesty that it will not be”, — added the Prime Minister. While Rajoy called on Catalans to return to the legal field and noted that the issue of Catalonia has become a “battle for Europe”. “This is a battle for Europe. In 2012, Spain led the fight for the Euro. And we, the Europeans won, the Prime Minister stressed. — Now there is

Kim Jong-UN has said the growth of the economy of North Korea

Kim Jong-UN has said the growth of the economy of North Korea DPRK leader Kim Jong UN said that the national economy grew in 2017, despite the sanctions of the international community. This was reported by Yonhap. Also, during the Plenum of the workers ‘ party of Korea Kim Jong UN has appointed his younger sister Kim yo-Jong Deputy member of the Central Committee of the Politburo. In addition, the DPRK leader has commented on the words of the President of the United States Donald trump of “the only way” to solve the issue of North Korea. “Our nuclear weapons are a precious fruit of the bloody struggle of the people for protecting the destiny and sovereignty of the country from protracted nuclear threats of the U.S. imperialists,” said Kim Jong-UN. Earlier, trump wrote on his Twitter that the actions of the American authorities, who for 25 years led the

The new US Ambassador in Russia, the huntsman called his main goal

The new US Ambassador in Russia, the huntsman called his main goal His main goal of the new U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman believes restoring trust between the two superpowers. It is reported by KSL. The huntsman, the former Governor of Utah, arrived in salt lake city in order to participate in the formal ceremony of taking the oath. The official oath he took on September 29 in Washington. The huntsman acknowledged that relations between Washington and Moscow are now “the toughest in the world.” Thus they are characterized by “a low level of confidence.” Restoring trust between the nuclear superpowers is the purpose of his work. “We must not think that this will be easy or fast. But I believe that if both sides show good will, we can overcome this hurdle to start effective cooperation on key issues,” he said.