The Briton, who was hit by a bus, got to his feet and went to the pub

The Briton, who was hit by a bus, got to his feet and went to the pub MOSCOW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. In a network there was video from a surveillance camera that caught the incident with the bus in the British town of reading, reports The Guardian. The footage of the recording, posted on YouTube, shows how the bus at high speed, knocked down walking on the sidewalk man. The flying several meters, almost instantly gets up and walks into the nearest pub. 53-year-old Briton Simon Smith, the victim of the incident, escaped with only scratches and bruises, says The Guardian.

Train Warsaw — Berlin arrested because of the information about an explosive device

Train Warsaw — Berlin arrested because of the information about an explosive device WARSAW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. Train Warsaw — Berlin detained at the station of Mogilno (Kujawsko-Pomorskie) for information about the explosive device. “Initially, the information that the train bomb was sent by e-mail to the hotline of the PKP (Polish Railways). The train was stopped at the station in Mogilno. From it and from nearby homes were evacuated about 600 people,” — said the local police. Currently, the train is surveyed by specialists of sapper-pyrotechnic service. On a place there are rescuers and policemen.

Putin accused foreign intelligence agencies in direct support of terrorists

Putin accused foreign intelligence agencies in direct support of terrorists According to the President, so they are trying to destabilize the regions at the borders of the Russian Federation. Moscow. June 28. INTERFAX.RU — a Number of foreign intelligence services are directly supporting extremist and terrorist groups to destabilize regions near the Russian border, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “You know well the challenges facing Russia: attempts to contain our development, to impose on the opposition, to destabilize the regions located near the Russian border. Including as a weapon used by terrorist and extremist groups. It is no secret that some of them carefully are sponsored, and even get direct support from the intelligence services of some States,” said Putin, who arrived Wednesday in the headquarters of the SVR, to congratulate the officers of the 95th anniversary of illegal intelligence. The President also noted the intensification of foreign intelligence services

The car with employees of the SBU has exploded in the Donetsk region, media reported

The car with employees of the SBU has exploded in the Donetsk region, media reported KYIV, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. The car with employees of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has exploded in the Donetsk region, one person died and four were injured, reported in Wednesday’s edition of “Ukrainian truth” with reference to the source. “In the Konstantinovsky region of Donetsk region was blown up by a car with SBU… One worker was killed and four wounded,” — said in the message. As notes the edition, according to the nature of the damage, the explosive device was laid, “all the bottom of the car posted”. According to “the Ukrainian truth”, the SBU confirmed information about the incident, the case is the military Prosecutor’s office. Official information of the security Service of Ukraine, RIA Novosti has not yet. ATO z auto pedrali became SBU — Espresso (@EspresoTV) 28

Virus-extortionist Petya reached Asia

Virus-extortionist Petya reached Asia Moscow. June 28. INTERFAX.RU — Virus-extortionist Petya propagating in a similar way with malicious cryptographer WannaCry and has already hit the computers of companies, port operators and governmental structures of the USA and Europe, reached Asia. About it reports Bloomberg. In the result of a cyber attack is out of order management system freight traffic of India’s largest container port Jawaharlal Nehru, which is operated by A. P. Moller-Maersk, reported the Ministry of transport of the country. The system does not recognize the identity of the goods. There are signs that the virus is starting to spread in China, but significant failures have been identified, said Zhang Wenbin, chief specialist of information security Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Experts ESET virus lab on Tuesday said that the spread of malware-ransomware Petya began with Ukraine. This same country most affected by cyber attacks, the report said. The ten

The cause of the accident in the subway of new York became loose rail

The cause of the accident in the subway of new York became loose rail MOSCOW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. The cause of the derailment of two wagons in the metro new York became loose rail inventory, reports channel ABC News. On Tuesday, the two carriages of the train derailed in a subway in new York. The result is emergency braking two wagon derailed and crashed into the wall of the tunnel; 34 people were injured, including due to smoke-filled, 17 were hospitalized. In total, the accident site was about 800 people, evacuating them from the tunnel took more than an hour. “I was leaning against the left door, on the left side of the train, and the right door was ripped open.” — DNAinfo New York (@DNAinfoNY) 27 Jun 2017 “Storing equipment between tracks — it is common practice throughout the country, the purpose of which is

Media reported taken prisoner near Lugansk Russian scout

Media reported taken prisoner near Lugansk Russian scout According to “bi-Bi-si”, 22-year-old citizen of Russia was taken prisoner as a result of clashes on June 24. Moscow. June 28. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian contractor Victor Ageev was taken prisoner by the Ukrainian military during the fighting near Lugansk, said on Tuesday “Bi-Bi-si” with reference to sources in military circles of Ukraine. According to the publication, on June 24 near the village of Zholobok in Luhansk region reported involving soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces and the reconnaissance of the 4th mechanized brigade of the 2nd army corps of the self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic (LNR). As a result, the commander of the militias, which the publication of “bi-Bi-si” referring to the Ukrainian media calls regular Russian officer was killed and four soldiers were taken prisoner. The defense Ministry of Ukraine in response to the request

In Spain, Britain and Germany arrested six suspected of having links with ISIS*

In Spain, Britain and Germany arrested six suspected of having links with ISIS* MADRID, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. Law enforcement authorities in Spain, the UK and Germany carried out an operation in which were arrested six people on suspicion of terrorist activities and having links with the group “Islamic state.”* Four people were detained in Palma de Mallorca (Spain, Balearic Islands), one in UK and another in Germany, stated in the message of Ministry of internal Affairs of Spain. The criminal group was engaged in recruitment and propaganda. The investigation began in 2015 when one of the Internet pages was discovered a series of videos as a young person living in Spain, persuaded to go to Syria. It was found that the recruitment was coordinated by Imam Salafi, in respect of which the investigation was conducted in several European countries and was detained in the UK. The man recently

In the UAE, a British tourist was given a life sentence for drug trafficking

In the UAE, a British tourist was given a life sentence for drug trafficking In the apartment of a man found cocaine and ecstasy. 22-year-old tourist from the UK convicted in the UAE. According to the newspaper the National, the man was imprisoned for life for drug trafficking. Police arrested the defendant near his apartment in Dubai. During the search they found him at home drugs — ecstasy and cocaine. The young man admitted in court his guilt only partially. He argued that the prohibited substance was necessary to it for personal use and not for sale. However, he was convicted of selling drugs. He can appeal the verdict within 15 days.

In Venezuela, a helicopter attacked the Supreme Court building

In Venezuela, a helicopter attacked the Supreme Court building MEXICO city, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. A helicopter belonging to the body of scientific, criminal and forensic investigation police of Venezuela (CICPC), on Tuesday evening, spread through Caracas calling for disobedience and attacked the building of the Supreme court of Venezuela, said the Minister of communication and information Ernesto Villegas. “One man took up arms against the Republic. He stole the helicopter and attacked the Supreme court” — leads the channel NTN 24 the words of Villegas. Posted in social networks photos of the helicopter indicate that the crew stretched a banner reading “350. Freedom.” Stolen helicopter used to throw grenades near the Supreme Court building in Caracas, Venezuela; no casualties reported. — Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) 28 Jun 2017 Mira el video que circula en redes del momento en que helicoptero ataca con dos granadas TSJ y sede del