In Italy detained the Ukrainian military after the testimony of the reporter

In Italy detained the Ukrainian military after the testimony of the reporter KYIV, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The interior Ministry of Ukraine said that the Ukrainian military Vitaly Markiv was detained in Italy for the murder of two journalists in the Donbas in may 2014 based on the testimony of a French reporter. According to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Marcia arrested in Italy on suspicion of involvement in the killing of photojournalist Andrea Rokelli near Slavyansk in the Donetsk region in 2014. The national guard of Ukraine (NGU) said that Markiv served in the battalion Kulchytsky on the post of Deputy platoon commander. “According to a French journalist about the circumstances of death in 2014 in the ATO zone, the Italian and Russian journalists (Roselli and Andrei Mironov — ed.) the Prosecutor of the city of Pavia (Lombardy region) criminal proceedings are begun. In this production, a French

In Croatia, the patient shot the psychiatrist from the machine

In Croatia, the patient shot the psychiatrist from the machine BELGRADE, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Patient Serjan Smojver Sunday was shot from a Kalashnikov psychiatrist Sinisa Rakic on the Croatian island of RAB, the wife of the psychiatrist escaped by jumping from the window, reports the portal of the newspaper Jutarnji list. The patient and the doctor lived in an apartment house in the village of Barbat on island of RAB in the Adriatic sea. At about 11.00 GMT on Sunday Smojver, according to media reports, killed Rakic of all of the machine, the doctor’s wife escaped by jumping through the window from the second floor. After the gunman barricaded himself in his apartment and stated that he prepared the explosive device. The Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic reported the incident, without naming names, without specifying the occupation of the participants in the events. “On arrival of

The start of the Chinese “Great trip-5” failed

The start of the Chinese “Great trip-5” failed Running the most powerful Chinese rocket “long March 5” (“Changzheng-5”) was unsuccessful. On Sunday, July 2, reports the Agency “Xinhua”. What was the cause of the failure is still unknown. To investigate the incident created expert Commission. China’s 2nd heavy-lift carrier rocket blasts off carrying the nation’s latest technology experiment satellite — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) July 2, 2017. “Great trip-5” was launched from the spaceport Wenchang in Hainan province on 2 July at 19:23 local time (14:23 GMT). It was planned that the launch vehicle will orbit a communications satellite “Lizzani-18”. China to launch 2nd heavy-lift carrier rocket on Sunday; it will send a communication satellite into orbit — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) July 1, 2017. This was the second running of the “Great trip-5”. The first was successfully held in early November of last year. Then the

In Tatarstan detained the drivers involved in an accident of bus and truck

In Tatarstan detained the drivers involved in an accident of bus and truck MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Detained the drivers of bus and truck involved in an accident in Tatarstan, which killed 14 people, including two children, and another 15 were injured, reports on Sunday press-service of the MIA for the Republic of Tatarstan. The message about the collision of the bus “Neoplan” with MAN truck towing rigid hitch car “KAMAZ”, near Zainsk enrolled in 0.40 GMT on Sunday. According to initial information Department of the emergencies Ministry in Tatarstan, the bus was carrying 28 people, he followed the route Samara — Izhevsk. As a result of collision the bus overturned on the roadway and caught fire. According to the regional Ministry of health, on the spot killed 13 people, including two children, 15 injured (12 of them were hospitalized). The regional investigative Committee later said that the

In Alaska, 11-year-old boy saved adults from bear attack

In Alaska, 11-year-old boy saved adults from bear attack In Alaska, 11-year-old Eliot Clark saved relatives, attacked by a brown bear on the way to fishing. About it reports the local edition of the Juneau Empire. The boy, his father, uncle and cousin walked through the woods, accompanied by three dogs in Eastern Alaska. A group attacked the bear knocked to the ground by two men. Eliot began to shoot at the animal with a shotgun. After the third shot, the bear fell to the ground, which gave adults the opportunity to use his weapon and kill the beast. As the publication said the boy’s father, the whole group owe him my life. To react to an attack faster than any boy, according to his father, it helped that he was carrying a rifle in his hands, not the shoulder. It is reported that this year is the first time

Five people were killed in a car accident in the Stavropol region

Five people were killed in a car accident in the Stavropol region Moscow. July 2. INTERFAX.RU — Passenger car at high speed drove into a tree, then collided with another car in the city of Novoaleksandrovsk (Stavropol region), reported “Interfax” in the propaganda Department of road safety regional STSI. “At 14:00 in Novoaleksandrovsk on the street Rasshevatskaya, the driver of “Nissan” at a high speed lost control and collided with a tree after the car on the roadside hit a parked VAZ-2104″, — said the representative of the Department Sergey Serdyukov. In the accident killed five people who were in the “Nissan” — four men and one woman.

Tatarstan authorities said, how many people were on the bus involved in the incident

Tatarstan authorities said, how many people were on the bus involved in the incident KAZAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. The bus collided with a truck in Tatarstan on Sunday night, according to 29 people, the press service of the President of Tatarstan with reference to the Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin, located on the site of the accident. The message about the collision of the passenger bus “the Neoplan” with MAN truck towing rigid hitch car “KAMAZ”, near Zainsk enrolled in 0.40 GMT on Sunday. According to initial information GUMCHS of the Russian Federation in Tatarstan, the bus was carrying 28 people, he followed the route Samara — Izhevsk. As a result of collision the bus overturned on the roadway and caught fire. According to the regional Ministry of health, on the spot killed 13 people, including two children, 15 injured (12 of them were hospitalized). The regional

In London, a car crashed into a group of teenagers

In London, a car crashed into a group of teenagers South London Audi A3 at high speed crashed into a group of teenagers. On Sunday, 2 July, reports BBC News. According to preliminary data, killed 16-year-old girl. Six people taken to hospital with non life-threatening injuries. According to police, sat behind the wheel of the Audi A3, the man received a head injury and may soon seek medical assistance. Militiamen doubt that hitting on teenagers was intentional. 19 June in London, the van did hit a mosque located in the district of Finsbury Park. The man tied the Imam of the mosque, he defended him from an angry mob to allow the police to detain. The evening of June 3, three men made a car hitting pedestrians in the area of London bridge, and then drove to borough market, where he got out of the car and with knives attacked

In hospitals there are ten injured in road accident in Tatarstan

In hospitals there are ten injured in road accident in Tatarstan KAZAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. Two victims in road accident with bus and a truck in Tatarstan, which killed 14 people discharged from hospital, in hospitals there are 10 victims, told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the Ministry of health of the Republic Aigul Salimzyanova. The message about the collision of the bus “Neoplan” with MAN truck towing rigid hitch “KAMAZ” near Zainsk enrolled in 0.40 GMT on Sunday. According to GUMCHS of the Russian Federation in Tatarstan, the bus went on a route Samara — Izhevsk, there were 28 people. As a result of collision the bus overturned on the roadway and caught fire. According to the regional Ministry of health, on the spot killed 13 people, including two children, 15 injured (12 of them were hospitalized). The regional investigative Committee later said that the bus

In Tatarstan in the case of an accident detained the head of JSC “Eurasian Corporation of bus stations”

In Tatarstan in the case of an accident detained the head of JSC “Eurasian Corporation of bus stations” MOSCOW, July 2. /TASS/. General Director of “Eurasian Corporation of bus stations” delayed in the case of an accident with a passenger bus in Tatarstan, which, according to the latest data, 14 people were killed. This was reported on the website of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. “In accordance with article 91 of the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation detained the General Director of JSC “Eurasian Corporation of bus stations”, the company being searched. Also carried out other necessary investigative actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. The criminal investigation continues,” — said in the message. The accident occurred on Sunday, July 2, at about 00:40 GMT, the car “KAMAZ” collided with a passenger bus, EN route from Samara to Izhevsk. The bus overturned on