Almost 20 people died per day in the North of India from lightning strikes

Almost 20 people died per day in the North of India from lightning strikes At least 19 people were killed over the past day from lightning strikes during a thunderstorm in the States of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in Northern India. As reported by the National authority for elimination of consequences of natural disasters, the vast majority of the victims were farmers and at the time of passage of the storm front in the region were in the open field. According to statistics from the Indian authorities, the annual victims of the storm disaster in the country there are about 2 thousand people.

In the flood zone in China was 12 million people

In the flood zone in China was 12 million people As a result of prolonged heavy rains in Central China in the disaster area were more than 12.2 million residents. On 9 July, reported the Agency “Xinhua”. In Hunan province, 83 people were killed or went missing, cites the local administration. Among them, 28 people were buried under the rubble caused by landslides, 13 were flood victims, 22 were killed in the building collapse, four were sunk, another 16 were killed or went missing as a result of the collapse of the soil or for other reasons. Urgently was evacuated 1.62 million people, more than 470 thousand people are in urgent need of financial assistance. Strong rains, which run from June 22 to a large area of Hunan, 53 destroyed thousands of homes, 68 thousand were seriously damaged. On liquidation of consequences of floods 52 mobilized thousands of troops, police

Four people were killed in road accident in Dagestan

Four people were killed in road accident in Dagestan The accident in Buinaksk district of Dagestan, killing four people. This is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the Republican interior Ministry. According to the regional emergency Department, the accident occurred on the highway Makhachkala-Buinaksk, near the village of Novocomum. On the road collided with the BMW and Lada Kalina. “Four persons of Lada Kalina died. Another victim was taken to hospital. The circumstances of the accident are clarified,” — said the police. On the evening of 8 July in Krasnodar territory the accident occurred while overtaking, killing three people. Another victim, a boy born in 2004, was hospitalized.

The Iraqi authorities had announced the “victory” over ISIS in Mosul

The Iraqi authorities had announced the “victory” over ISIS in Mosul Commander of the armed forces of Iraq, Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi announced the complete liberation of Mosul from the terrorists. He has already arrived in the headquarters of the command of the operation to liberate Mosul. The Prime Minister of Iraq Haidar al-Abadi congratulated the country and the citizens of the Republic with “a great victory” in Mosul. The city, according to policy, fully liberated from the militants of the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”. PM Al-Abadi arrives in Mosul to announce its liberation and congratulate the armed forces and Iraqi people on this victory — Haider Al-Abadi (@HaiderAlAbadi) 9 Jul 2017 During the download an error has occurred. “Commander of the armed forces Haider al-Abadi arrived in the liberated city of Mosul and congratulated the fighters and heroes of the Iraqi people on this great victory,” there

In Japan, the flooding killed 18 people

In Japan, the flooding killed 18 people In Japan, the number of victims of the floods caused by heavy rains in the South-Western island of Kyushu, has increased to 18 people. Another 14 people were injured, reports news Agency NHK. Rescuers found three dead bodies in the Prefecture of Fukuoka in the city of Asakura. According to the newspaper, more than 570 people are still cut off from the outside world, in evacuation centers, there are more than 1.8 thousand people. Earlier it was reported about 15 people killed. Heavy rains started in Japan this week. As reported by the newspaper Manichi, July 6, with flood missing 22 people, the body of one victim was found in amagi. The floods in Fukuoka Prefecture, there have been many landslides, which roads in several villages were blocked. HelpSaved correct: how to behave in the city at organetto to do to protect your

In the zoo of Barnaul wolf attacked a child

In the zoo of Barnaul wolf attacked a child In Barnaul the wolf attacked a child at the zoo “Forest fairy tale”. This is stated in the message published on the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) in the Altai territory. According to investigators, on 8 July at about 15:00 local time (12:00 GMT) 3-year-old boy and his father were at the zoo and stuck his hand in the cage with the wolf. After this, the animal attacked the child and inflicted injury. The boy was hospitalized with lacerations of the arms and the ear. SKR conducts a preliminary examination. In early June, the TFR began checking the information on the tamed wolf attack on 11-year-old girl in the suburbs. According to the Agency, the test was started after “one of the Central channels” showed material about the attack of a wolf on the girl in the village

In new York after reports of the shooting were evacuated Mall

In new York after reports of the shooting were evacuated Mall MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Visitors of the shopping center Kings Plaza in new York evacuated after reports of gunfire, reports TV station WPIX. As reported, we are talking about the crime, the shooting is not conducted. According to local police, the victims in the incident. Arrived at the scene, law enforcement officers found a shell casing. Later, they arrested an armed man. On the identity of the detainee and the reasons for the accident is not reported.

With the explosion in the Sinai Peninsula killed two Egyptian policemen

With the explosion in the Sinai Peninsula killed two Egyptian policemen CAIRO, July 8 — RIA Novosti, Nadim Zuaui. Two officers were killed and another nine injured in an explosion Saturday in the Northern Sinai near El-Arish, reports the Egyptian Agency MENA. According to him, the armored car in which there were employees of the Ministry of internal Affairs, was undermined in the area of Al-Safa while driving along one of the streets. The district tightened security and explosives experts check the adjacent areas. The explosion in El-Arish happened the next day after a series of attacks on military targets in Northern Sinai. On Friday, attacks killed 23 and injured another 33 military. While the security forces in clashes killed more than 40 militants. A large number of victims among the Egyptian military due to the fact that during the attack the militants used car bombs. On Saturday it became

In the US, a hacker from Russia has been sentenced to nine years in prison

In the US, a hacker from Russia has been sentenced to nine years in prison Hacker Alexander tverdokhlebova possessing the citizenship of Russia and the United States, sentenced in Virginia to nine years in prison for stealing tens of thousands of credit card numbers. In his accounts found more than $5 million. Hacker Russian origin Alexander Tverdokhlebov was sentenced on Friday to nine years in prison in court in Alexandria for theft of tens of thousands of credit card numbers and other crimes. About it reports The Washington Post. 29-year-old Tverdokhlebov told the court that he will try to “redeem himself”. According to investigators, he spent almost ten years on the Russian Internet forums, where hackers come together in groups and sell stolen information. To join the forum, he needed a guarantor, which would prove its reliability, said the Prosecutor in court. Tverdokhlebov for several years, was able to sell

The number of victims of floods in the southwest of Japan has increased to 16

The number of victims of floods in the southwest of Japan has increased to 16 The number of victims of the disaster in southwest Japan, as a result of heavy rains has officially risen to 16, also in the neighboring Prefecture in the sea discovered 4 more bodies, said the newspaper “Mainichi” on Saturday. In the city of Asakura in Fukuoka Prefecture — one of the most affected by floods and flooding areas, discovered the body of a man. Thus, the number of victims increased to 16. In addition, in the neighboring Prefecture of Saga in the coastal regions of the sea discovered at various times on Saturday the bodies of 4 people. They have not yet been identified, but the probability that these people also became victims of the disaster and the flow of water they swept into the sea. As previously reported, 16 people missing. However, this is