Russian hacker sentenced in the US to five years in prison

Russian hacker sentenced in the US to five years in prison Russians Mark Vartanian in the United States was sentenced to five years in prison. The damage from the malware, which he distributed, according to the investigators, amounted to about $500 million. The American court sentenced the Russian programmer Mark Vartanian admits distributing malware to five years in prison, reports Associated Press. The sentence was handed down by the court in the city of Atlanta. In sentencing the judge took into account the confession Vartanian and his cooperation with the investigation. In addition, he reckoned the time he previously spent in custody under arrest hacker is 2014. After serving his sentence he was being deported to Russia. Vartanian was detained in Norway in Fredrikstad at the request of Washington. As suggested by the American authorities, the Russian programmer operated online under the alias Kolypto. According to investigators, he participated in

Four children were killed in road accident in Kursk region

Four children were killed in road accident in Kursk region Moscow. July 19. INTERFAX.RU Five people, including four children, were killed as a result of collision of two cars in the Kursk region, told “Interfax” the press service of the regional Department of internal Affairs. According to him, another seven people were taken to hospital with various injuries. The Ministry clarified that the accident occurred on Wednesday evening near the village of Seta. “Car “Peugeot” in which there were nine people, including five children, made a u-turn across a double solid line, resulting in collided with a car “Volkswagen,” he told police.

TFR filed the first charge after the beginning of struggle with “borsato”

TFR filed the first charge after the beginning of struggle with “borsato” In a criminal case about nonpayment of salaries of workers of the plant in Nizhny Tagil, where staff complained to Putin at the wages, the accused appeared. The President instructed to deal with the “borsato” management. Russia’s investigative Committee was charged with fraud one of the founders of the Nizhny Tagil factory insulation products, whose workers complained to Vladimir Putin during a “Straight line” on delays of salaries. A message posted on the Agency’s website. Collected sufficient evidence to bring one of the founders of the 34 — year-old Denis Kokorin, in fact, directing the plant’s operation, allegations of committing these crimes (part 2 of article 145.1 of the criminal code, 199.2 of the criminal code, part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code).The message of the TFR Specified in the Agency section of the criminal code

In Moscow has released from-under guards convicted for the robbery of a disabled

In Moscow has released from-under guards convicted for the robbery of a disabled A Moscow court has freed a disabled young man who was sentenced to four and a half years in prison for robbery. Anton Mamaev, who at 28 years old, weighs 18 kg and is almost not moving, will be able to leave jail. Timiryazev Moscow court agreed to release from custody of the disabled of the 1st group of Anton Mamayev, who was convicted for robbery, the correspondent of Russian service Bi-bi-si. The lawyer condemned Andrey Orlov told reporters that wheelchair Mamayev changed the measure of restraint and released on his own recognizance. According to the lawyer, Mamaev should be released from jail “after an hour and a half.” The court session was held behind closed doors not in the courthouse, and in the SIZO “Matrosskaya Tishina” in the hospital which in recent times was Mamayev. The

Victor bout has increased the term of imprisonment for the production of alcohol in the chamber

Victor bout has increased the term of imprisonment for the production of alcohol in the chamber Moscow. July 19. INTERFAX.RU — Russian citizen Viktor bout, sentenced to 25 years in prison for illegal arms, increased the term of imprisonment for 40 days, accusing him in the production of alcohol, write “Izvestia” with reference to the lawyer condemned Alexey Tarasov. According to him, Booth raised the camera Kombucha to treat stomach. A drink based on it for several months, drinking and other prisoners and the guards. “But all of a sudden the camera came on with some strange device, and said that Viktor Bout is engaged in the production of alcohol. If there is alcohol and was, we are talking about hundredths or even thousandths ppm”, — said Tarasov. As a result of the bout was deprived of the indulgences, which he received for good behavior, and increased prison time to

Philip Fox was sentenced to three years in prison for incitement to suicide

Philip Fox was sentenced to three years in prison for incitement to suicide The Tobolsk district court sentenced the Manager of one of the “groups of death” in social network “Vkontakte” Budykina Philip (pseudonym Philip Fox) to three years and four months in prison for incitement to suicide. This was reported to the correspondent of the publication assistant judge of the district court of the city of Elvira Yakubova. During the download an error has occurred. “In the course of the trial failed to prove the guilt and the involvement of the young person to the two episodes in which he persuaded adolescent girls to suicidal thoughts,” — told the correspondent of the publication assistant judge of the Tobolsk district court Elvira Yakubova. According to the investigation, Bodaken bowed to suicide 16-the summer inhabitant of Astrakhan, and 17-year-old girl from the village Irtysh Tobolsk district, Tyumen region. Both girls

In the suburbs, two children were killed due to the ignition of the sofa

In the suburbs, two children were killed due to the ignition of the sofa MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Investigators in the Moscow region opened a criminal case after the death of two small children in a fire that previously arose due to a fire in the apartment sofa, reported on the website of the regional Central Board of the RF IC. The incident occurred in the rural settlement of Andreevka Solnechnogorsk district. According to the SC, one and a half children and two and a half years he was in the apartment alone. “Criminal case on signs of the crime provided by part 3 of article 109 of the criminal code (causing death by negligence to two persons)”, — stated in the message.

The court sought to Navalny 2.1 million rubles in favor of “Kirovles”

The court sought to Navalny 2.1 million rubles in favor of “Kirovles” MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Nikulinskiy court of Moscow partially satisfied the claim of company “Kirovles” to Alexei Navalny and Peter Ofitserova Vyacheslav Opaleva and recovered from them 2,1 million rubles, RIA news from the courtroom. Originally “Kirovles” asked to recover a little more than 16 million 165 thousand roubles as compensation of damage from the theft. “The court has decided claim requirements to satisfy partially recover from Navalny and two other defendants in the case 2 million 164 thousand rubles,” — said the judge.

The threat of a tsunami on Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands removed

The threat of a tsunami on Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands removed As said the representative of EMERCOM in Kamchatskiy Krai, the wave, the height of which could reach 50 cm, went to the Bering island. TASS, July 18. The threat of a tsunami after an earthquake in the Aleutian ridge filmed on the Kamchatka Peninsula and North Kuril Islands. “The tsunami threat lifted. The wave height is of 50 cm was predicted by the experts, went to the Bering island Aleut district of Kamchatka”, — reported in the Center of crisis management EMERCOM of Russia in Kamchatskiy Krai. The interlocutor of Agency has added that the mobile group inspect the building for damage due to strong aftershocks, while deformations are not detected. However, according to the head of the Aleutian district Svetlana Arnachy, the quake was felt “very strongly”. The houses were swaying hanging objects, some residents from

Kamchatka has declared threat of a tsunami

Kamchatka has declared threat of a tsunami Moscow. July 18. INTERFAX.RU — Seismologists registered an earthquake of magnitude 7 occurred on the border of the Bering sea and the Pacific ocean, reported “Interfax” in the Kamchatka branch of Geophysical service RAS. “Seismic event occurred on Tuesday at 11:34 local time (2:34 GMT). Its epicenter was 288 km South-East located on the commander island of Bering village Nikolskoe, Aleutian district (this is the nearest settlement), — said the representative of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He noted that the energy class of the earthquake was 13.2. In turn, the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in Kamchatskiy Krai “Interfax” reported that the earthquake announced the threat of a tsunami. “According to experts of the Kamchatka center “Tsunami”, the village of Nikolskoye possible approach of a tsunami wave, but the wave height will not be more than 50 cm,” — said the