Media reported about the attack on the Israeli Embassy in Jordan

Media reported about the attack on the Israeli Embassy in Jordan BEIRUT, 23 Aug — RIA Novosti. A Jordanian national was killed and served Israeli injured in an attack on the Israeli Embassy in Amman, according to Jordanian news Agency Ammun. The Agency, citing its own sources reported about the attempt to break the cordon of security of the Embassy, resulting in gunfire at the Embassy compound. An Israeli citizen taken to hospital with serious injuries, says the Agency. Security staff, according to Jordanian media, at the moment not comment on the details of the incident.

The news Agency Sputnik came under fire in Mosul

The news Agency Sputnik came under fire in Mosul MOSUL, July 23 — RIA Novosti. The correspondent of the Arabic edition of Sputnik Sarah Noureddine came under fire in the West of the Iraqi Mosul, injuring an Iraqi soldier accompanying her. “The attacker was with a rifle of the type M16 and was in a small room with a hole in the roof at the elementary school At-Tahir in the old part of Mosul,” said Noureddine. According to her, the shooter was at a distance of about a meter from her and an Iraqi soldier, she could clearly see the rifle. In the moment of attack reporter was filming the demining process in the residential district of al-Maidan near the main mosque An-Nuri. By coincidence, the bullet hit the Iraqi soldier, not the journalist. “The soldier suffered five bullet wounds in the leg, back, and lost a finger. I only

The MOE has named the preliminary cause of the fire in the house near Chelyabinsk

The MOE has named the preliminary cause of the fire in the house near Chelyabinsk CHELYABINSK, July 23 — RIA Novosti. Faulty wiring, according to preliminary data, could cause a fire in a residential building in Chelyabinsk region, killing four children, reported the press center of GUMCHS of Russia in the region. A fire in a private house occurred on Sunday night. At the time of the arrival of the rescue found burning in the area of 30 square meters. As reported a press-service GUMCHS, firefighters have stopped the spread of fire, but the fire was discovered too late. During a fire in the house was the father of three daughters and a niece. Rescuers managed to save only man. “Looking at all possible versions of the incident, but emergency workers tend to the fire due to faulty wiring. According to preliminary data, she locked on the veranda of the

In case of fire in the Chelyabinsk region killed four children

In case of fire in the Chelyabinsk region killed four children In the Chelyabinsk region in a fire killed four children and injured one adult. This was reported on the website of the regional emergency Department. According to the report, the fire occurred in the night from Saturday to Sunday, July 23, in the village of Upper Kubanka Pestovskogo municipal district. MOE said that the total area of the fire in the house was 50 sq. m. The Ministry said that one of the causes of death is that the fire was discovered too late. “Unfortunately, precious time was lost, and firefighters managed to save only one adult,” — said in the message. The exact cause of the fire now is established by rescuers. During the download an error has occurred. Victims of the fire were three daughters escaped a man and his niece who were visiting. The hostess at

In the US, after the concert, Chance the Rapper hospitalized more than 90 people

In the US, after the concert, Chance the Rapper hospitalized more than 90 people The visitors, including 50 minors, were poisoned by alcohol. TASS, July 23. More than 90 people were hospitalized with severe alcohol poisoning in Connecticut after the concert, the hip-hop artist Chance the Rapper (chance the Rapper, real name, Chancelor Bennett). This was reported on Saturday, a representative of the local police. The concert was held in the night of Saturday in the state capital, Hartford, with a population of 125 thousand people. “Bad night for the police of the Hartford concert Chance the Rapper. 50 revealed a minor alcohol poisoning, [all] over 90 hospitalized,” — said in a Twitter Deputy chief of police Bryan Fuli. He noted that the use of alcohol at the event “passed all bounds”, and as a result many were taken to hospital with “severe poisoning”. According to the Associated Press, most

The ceiling partially collapsed in the apartment houses in St. Petersburg

The ceiling partially collapsed in the apartment houses in St. Petersburg Moscow. July 22. INTERFAX.RU — a Partial collapse of designs of a residential building occurred in St. Petersburg on Saturday, residents of the affected apartments were evacuated, have informed “Interfax” in a press-service of administration of the Petrograd district. The collapse occurred in the house 57 on the Kamennoostrovsky prospectus. Collapse of structures — floor and ceiling — was recorded between the second and third floors. Preview — could not home design, because on the second floor was totally renovated. Whether the project is agreed upon, remains to be seen. Among the tenants, no one was hurt. People living in apartments in the area of the collapse were evacuated. “While they have not placed this issue is resolved. Someone might be able to stay with relatives, someone will be put in maneuverable Fund”, — noted in press service. During

In Bashkortostan, found the deceased did not return from a camping family

In Bashkortostan, found the deceased did not return from a camping family Moscow. July 22. INTERFAX.RU — IN Bashkiria after several days of searching found dead three residents of the village of Akyar haybullinsky district — mother, father and their two year old child, reported “Interfax” the press service of the Republican SU TFR on Saturday. Searching for people was organized on the morning of July 19, immediately after receiving the message in law enforcement bodies relatives of the couple about their disappearances. Pre-investigation check it is established that 37-year-old man, his 29-year-old wife and two-year-old July 17, left home by car on vacation from Achara and never returned. As reported by the press service of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Bashkiria, on July 22, during search operations in the river Tanalyk 6 km from the settlement on the territory haybullinsky district police officers together with the divers of

Detained in the Donbas Russians Ageeva found guilty of terrorism

Detained in the Donbas Russians Ageeva found guilty of terrorism The Russians, who said that a Russian soldier, was detained by the Ukrainian military in the Luhansk region. Moscow. July 22. INTERFAX.RU — the Head of the security Service of Ukraine Vasily Gritsak has declared that the actions of the detainee in Luhansk oblast Victor Ageev is branded as terrorism. “Ageeva actions qualify as terrorism,” Hrytsak said at a briefing on Saturday in Kiev. According to the head of the SBU, in the near future, the case will be investigated. Russian Ageyev was detained by the Ukrainian military in June in the Luhansk region. He argued that a military contract. “I’m in the military. Part 65246,” said Ageev in an interview to “TSN. Tyzhden” on channel “1+1”.

Hundreds of people slept on the streets of KOs for fear of new aftershocks

Hundreds of people slept on the streets of KOs for fear of new aftershocks The situation on the Greek island after a strong earthquake returning to normal, however, its main port is closed, traffic is intermittent. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Moscow. July 22. INTERFAX.RU Popular among tourists to the Greek island of KOs on Saturday is recovering after the incident the day before the earthquake, of magnitude 6.7, reported by the Western media. Hundreds of local residents and foreign tourists spent the night outdoors, fearing further aftershocks. The main port of the island that suffered damage from the earthquake and closed for a second day, traffic on the Spit is intermittent. However, the situation normalizerbase. So ferry traffic has gradually resumed. To do this, use another, smaller port on the island. On Friday, earthquake on the island, two people died and hundreds were injured. Several hundred people were injured in the Turkish city

The number of victims of mistaken U.S. strike in Afghanistan has risen to 16

The number of victims of mistaken U.S. strike in Afghanistan has risen to 16 MOSCOW, 22 Jul — RIA Novosti. Victims of erroneous attack on the United States on Friday, 16 Afghan policemen, two were wounded, reports Agence France Presse with reference to local authorities. Earlier, the associated Press news Agency reported 12 dead. The incident occurred on Friday evening around 17.00 local time (15.30 GMT) in Helmand province, as Afghan security forces conducted a sweep of the village from the militants of the radical grouping “the Taliban”, said a police spokesman Salam Afghan. “During the attack on 16 Afghan policemen, including two commanders, were killed. Two police officers got wounds”, — he said. These data are also confirmed by a representative of the provincial Governor Omar Zwack. Earlier in the headquarters of “operation Resolute support”, which was held in NATO reported that several Afghan soldiers were killed in a