In new York, 30 people were injured after the collision of the ferry with pier

In new York, 30 people were injured after the collision of the ferry with pier 30 people were injured after the collision of the ferry transport system New York Water Taxi from pier, in the borough of Manhattan in new York. On it informs TV channel NBC, citing representatives of the fire service of the city. According to the service, the vessel crashed into pier No. 79 near the Lincoln tunnel under the Hudson river and connecting Manhattan with new Jersey. Un “ferry taxi” de #NewYork colisiona con terminal de Midtown @GothamTommy — InfoEmergencias (@InfoEmerg) July 28, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. JUST IN: 11 riders are being treated for minor injuries after ferry makes hard landing in Manhattan: FDNY — NBC New York (@NBCNewYork) July 28, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. According to the commander of the fire departments of

When the automobile at the crowd in Helsinki suffered two Russians

When the automobile at the crowd in Helsinki suffered two Russians MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. Among victims of the collision of a car into a crowd of people in Helsinki there are two citizens of Russia, informs the police Department of the capital of Finland. During the incident killed one person and injured four, among whom was Estonian citizen and one Finn. The deceased was also a citizen of Finland, said the office. All the victims were taken to hospital, their life is not in danger. Deceased confirmed to be Finnish citizen. The injured are not in life threatening condition. #Helsinki — Helsingin poliisi (@HelsinkiPoliisi) July 28, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. On Friday, a crowd of people in Helsinki was hit by a car. Police arrested 50-year-old driver. One dead, several injured as car rams into crowd in #Finland’s #Helsinki — Sputnik

BuzzFeed: Mikhail Lesin, was killed in Washington

BuzzFeed: Mikhail Lesin, was killed in Washington According to the resource, about the murder of a former Russian Minister said two FBI. NEW YORK, July 28. /TASS/. Two members of the FBI believe that the cause of death of the former Minister of press and broadcasting of Russia Mikhail Lesin in Washington in November 2015 was not an accident. With this statement made by U.S. network resource BuzzFeed. According to his version, the two staff members of the FBI, whose names are not given, reported that Lesin was allegedly killed. According to the publication BuzzFeed, this opinion follows a U.S. intelligence officer, whose identity also was not disclosed. These persons, as acknowledged by the network resource, was not involved in the investigation in connection with the death of Yassin, but if they rely on the opinion of their colleagues who are familiar with the proceedings. As BuzzFeed says, hotel room,

Russia tracked the rocket launch of the DPRK, said the Ministry of defence

Russia tracked the rocket launch of the DPRK, said the Ministry of defence MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russia tracked the rocket launch of the DPRK rocket fell in the Central part of the sea of Japan, according to the Ministry of defence. “Launch of a ballistic missile, launched 28 July, approximately 17 hours 40 minutes Moscow time rocket range “Concannon” (DPRK), were monitored by means of the Russian system of missile warning (EWS)”, — stated in the message. According to the Russian defense Ministry, the missile climbed to an altitude of 681 km and flew a 732 kilometer after falling in the Central part of the sea of Japan. In the night of Saturday there were reports about the launch in Korea of a new ballistic missile in the direction of the island of Hokkaido in the sea of Japan. It was released in the mountain province Cagando

BuzzFeed told about the murder of Lesina in the United States

BuzzFeed told about the murder of Lesina in the United States Mikhail Lesin was killed in Washington before a meeting with employees of the U.S. Department of justice. About it reports Reuters, citing two FBI agents and us intelligence. The body of the former head “Gazprom-Media” found in a hotel in DuPont circle November 5, 2015. Lessin died as a result of “blunt head trauma resulting power of influence” mentioned in the forensic report. He was also found injuries to the neck, trunk, upper and lower extremities. The next day a friend of Lesina Director Vi Sergey Vasilev in interview to the newspaper “Kommersant” said that of Lesina in Washington has been “associated with alcohol” failure: he had the night left the hotel. At the end of October 2016 US police closed the case, calling it an accident. According to conclusions it is judicial-medical examination the death of Yassin contributed

In Helsinki the car crashed into a crowd of people.

In Helsinki the car crashed into a crowd of people. MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. The man in the car crashed into a crowd of people in Helsinki, one person was killed, reports Reuters with reference to police. According to law enforcement, there are several victims. Media reported that the driver of the car detained. In early June, a car crashed into a crowd on London bridge, after which three armed terrorists climbed out of the car and attacked passers-by. The terrorists were killed by police. Seven people were killed.

In Hamburg during the attack of the unknown one person was killed, several others injured

In Hamburg during the attack of the unknown one person was killed, several others injured MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. In Hamburg, a man in a knife attack on visitors of a supermarket, according to local police. As a result one person was killed and several were injured. Police arrested the alleged offender. “Reliable information on the motive and the number of casualties yet. We will inform,” — said in the message of militiamen on Twitter. #BREAKING Attaque au couteau à Hambourg, mort 1 et plusieurs blessés. L assaillant arrêté — Julien Le Clézio (@JulienLeClezio) July 28, 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

In the United States has sentenced a drug dealer to sell broccoli instead of marijuana

In the United States has sentenced a drug dealer to sell broccoli instead of marijuana MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. Drug dealer in the US, sold to customers of broccoli under the guise of drugs, was sentenced to 16 years in prison, the newspaper the Huffington Post. The sababa Colbert-Evans (Sababu Colbert-Evans) was convicted of attempted murder and distribution of imitation substances. The sentence of his accomplice Tersely Davis (Tercell Davis), who pleaded guilty and also the former at the scene, will be submitted in early August. The incident occurred last year. Davis was found on the outskirts of Denver with their customers who wanted to buy marijuana, and sold them broccoli, bought a few hours earlier at the convenience store. Following the deal, he received 10 thousand dollars. Later in the day, buyers discovered the fraud and contacted Davis under a false name, to agree on a new

Rogozin has promised to answer “reptiles” from Romania

Rogozin has promised to answer “reptiles” from Romania The actions of the Romanian authorities banned the passage through the country’s airspace EN route from Moscow to Chisinau the regular plane of the Russian airline S7, has endangered the lives of women and children, said flying the plane Vice-Premier of Russian government Dmitry Rogozin. “Wait for an answer, reptiles,” — wrote Deputy Prime Minister on his page on Twitter. Commenting the behaviour of the Romanian authorities, Rogozin called the incident a “demarche” to the address of the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, at the personal invitation of which the representative of the government of Russia and flew to Chisinau. “In fact it is also a move to address the Moldovan President,” Rogozin said (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). The S7 plane with Rogozin on Board took off from Moscow on Friday at 11:53 MSK and had to land in Chisinau at 16:30.

Crimea an hour remained without electricity from-for heats in the Kuban

Crimea an hour remained without electricity from-for heats in the Kuban MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. Crimea was left without electricity on Friday afternoon due to the heat wave in the Kuban — was happened the emergency disconnecting of transmission lines of the power bridge, according to the Ministry of energy. The supply of electricity to the Peninsula were able to resume quickly — already after an hour after the first messages about failures that all lines supplying Crimea were included. The energy Ministry promises that the supply of energy to all consumers of the Crimea will be restored soon. Blame the heat The original source in the government of the Crimea reported about disruptions in energy supply in major cities of the Peninsula, as Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta, Feodosia, Evpatoria. However, some time later the Minister of fuel and energy of Ukraine Vadim Belik said about a complete power