Switzerland stopped the investigation against the former head of the Ministry of agriculture

Switzerland stopped the investigation against the former head of the Ministry of agriculture According to media reports, the former Minister, which appeared in the materials of the investigation on money laundering, again has access to all Bank accounts that previously were seized. Moscow. 5 Aug. INTERFAX.RU the Swiss Prosecutors closed the case against the former head of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia Elena Skrynnik, which appeared in the materials of the investigation on money laundering, passed on Saturday, the Swiss media. As noted by the publication, the ex-Minister again has access to all Bank accounts that previously were seized. In December 2015, it became known that the investigative authorities of the Russian Federation issued a decision to suspend the case of embezzlement of more than 1 billion rubles for the so-called “case of Rosagroleasing” in connection with failure of the person subject to attraction as the accused. After that,

Fox: tilt-rotor osprey aircraft of the US crashed off the coast of Australia

Fox: tilt-rotor osprey aircraft of the US crashed off the coast of Australia It is unknown how many people were on Board. TASS, 5 August. The tiltrotor MV-22 Osprey of the U.S. armed forces was wrecked off the coast of Australia. This was reported on Saturday, the Fox News channel, citing an official from the Ministry of defense. It is unknown how many people were on Board. Tiltrotor crew usually consists of four people, while it can carry 24 people. Currently conducted search and rescue operation involving boats and aircraft.

The coalition struck phosphorous bombs on the hospital in raqqa, told the media

The coalition struck phosphorous bombs on the hospital in raqqa, told the media The shells hit the generators, ambulances and departments within the hospital. The international forces dropped more than 20 bombs. MOSCOW, Aug 5 — RIA Novosti. The international coalition led by the US launched an airstrike phosphorus bombs on the hospital in the Syrian Rakka, reports the Syrian news Agency SANA, citing the Deputy head of the local branch of the “red Crescent”. “The hospital was bombed more than 20 shells, the purpose of which become generators, ambulances and offices inside the hospital,” — said the Deputy head of the Syrian “red Crescent” Dina al-Asaad, who, according to the Agency, lives in raqqa. According to her, the hospital was not Islamic state terrorists*. Al-Asaad said that the hospital served about 100 thousand people in the city. Agency SANA reported on the use of phosphorous bombs coalition in air

Patient psychiatric hospital in Lviv took hostage 76

Patient psychiatric hospital in Lviv took hostage 76 Law enforcement authorities of Lviv freed the hostages, who were captured by one of the patients at the local psychiatric hospital. On Saturday, August 5, reported in Facebook, the patrol police of the city. The hospital staff called the guards on Friday evening. According to them, one of the wards blocked the entrance to the ward, where at that time there were 76 patients, and threatened the hostages with bodily harm. Police arrived on the scene made the decision to storm the room. At this time, the invader smashed a window and injured ten people with shards of glass. Later six of them had to be hospitalized, three in serious condition. In addition, during the assault injured five patrolmen. The rebellious personality of the patient set is a 30-year-old native of Lviv, who was in the hospital for compulsory treatment for the

About 100 people were evacuated from the mine in Tuva because of the smoke

About 100 people were evacuated from the mine in Tuva because of the smoke Moscow. 5 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — At the mine of the mining company “Mezhegeyugol” in Tuva on Saturday, there was smoke, was carried out the evacuation of the miners, the press service of the Main Department of EMERCOM in the Republic. “At 10:30 local time, it was reported the smoke of a coal mine UK “Mezhegeyugol” Tandinskiy area. The cause is established, evacuated 93 people,” — said in a press release.

In Astrakhan, burns shopping Mall, area smoke 400 square meters

In Astrakhan, burns shopping Mall, area smoke 400 square meters MOSCOW, Aug 5 — RIA Novosti. Shopping center “Kirovsky supermarket” burning in Astrakhan, the area of the smoke is 400 square meters, according to the website of EMERCOM in the Astrakhan region. “In 7 hours 36 minutes in the Kirov district of Astrakhan on the Victory street, 53 there was a fire of the roof in the Mall “Kirovskiy supermarket”. 7 hours 44 minutes declared a call № 2. The fire area has made 150 square meters. As of 8 hours 13 minutes the smoke area amounted to 400 square meters. Discovered the fire area of 100 square meters”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the location of the call 10 units of the main equipment and 6 units of special equipment and 42 personnel. Information is specified.

Rescuers brought to the surface of the mine “Mir” hit the link miner

Rescuers brought to the surface of the mine “Mir” hit the link miner Alisher Mirzaev admitted to hospital, his condition serious but stable. MOSCOW, August 5. /TASS/. Rescuers brought to the surface with a 410-year horizon of the mine “Mir” in Yakutia miner, previously self released on bond. As reported TASS the press service of EMERCOM of Russia, the victim was hospitalized. “Shakhtar Alisher Mirzaev, discovered by rescuers on a 410-m the horizon, raised to the surface. He was taken to hospital, before the first had treated him the rescuers,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Mirzayev became the 143rd rescued miner from the flooded mine. As reported by TASS Deputy Minister of health of Yakutia Ludmila Verbitskaya, Mirzaev will do anti-shock therapy. “He is exhausted, complains of pain in the feet, but external damage is not. The reaction of a miner braked,” — said TASS Deputy Minister of health of

Ukraine opened a criminal case against musicians Scooter for visiting Crimea

Ukraine opened a criminal case against musicians Scooter for visiting Crimea Located in Kiev the Prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Crimea opened a criminal case against musicians of the German band Scooter, who came to the Peninsula and took part in the festival “Zolotaya Balka”. This was reported by Ukrainian Public radio. The frontman H. P. Baxter and the band members face up to eight years in prison under the criminal code of Ukraine “violation of the order of entry in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and departure from it”. Information about the visit of the German group on the Peninsula were entered in the Unified register of pre-trial investigation after the Prosecutor’s office one of the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. Previously, Scooter got into the database of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker”. In the publication the authors said, “‘thank you” Russian radio station “Moscow speaking”, where staff

ALROSA released the names of nine miners missing in the mine in Yakutia

ALROSA released the names of nine miners missing in the mine in Yakutia KHABAROVSK, August 5 — RIA Novosti. Four of the nine missing workers at the mine “Mir” in Yakutsk are residents of Belgorod, the rest are local residents of Peaceful, reported Saturday on the website of the government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). On the mine of “ALROSA”, “Peace” in the town of Mirny in Yakutia there was a breakthrough of water. According to the MOE, only mine was 151 people. According to the latest data, on the surface of the mine after flooding raised 142 miner. Nine people are looking for. Currently in the Pacific, where there are search and rescue operations, is the head of Yakutia Egor Borisov. On Saturday morning there was held a meeting of the operational headquarters for the organization and conduct of searches at the mine. “Being in the Peace, Yegor

Rescuers found the possible location of the missing miners on mine “Mir”

Rescuers found the possible location of the missing miners on mine “Mir” MOSCOW, Aug 5 — RIA Novosti. Rescuers have identified the possible whereabouts of the missing workers in the mine “Mir” in Yakutia after the flooding, according to the website of EMERCOM of Russia on Saturday. “Rescuers surveyed nearly seven thousand meters unflooded mine workings. Work is conducted in shifts around the clock, eight rescuers-divers conducting a survey of flooded areas. According to the operational headquarters, determined the probable location of the miners,” — said in the message. It is specified that in these areas of work will be carried out load-haul-dump machines, and where the work of art would be impossible — will be rubble by rescuers manually. As told the Agency continues to operate a telephone hotline, psychological assistance to families not coming to the surface miners. Currently, the psychologists of EMERCOM of Russia has received 95