In Virginia arrested three people due to the unrest in Charlottesville

In Virginia arrested three people due to the unrest in Charlottesville MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. Police in the American state of Virginia have arrested three people in connection with demonstrations in the “Park emancipation” of Charlottesville and the continuing unrest caused by the unauthorized collection. According to a statement posted to Facebook of police of Virginia, 21-year-old Tennessee resident was charged with disorderly conduct, 21-year-old native of Virginia, was charged with assault and battery, and 44-year-old Florida man accused of concealed carrying of weapons without a license. Virginia authorities announced a state of emergency due to clashes in Charlottesville supporters of right-wing organizations and their opponents. According to recent reports, the victims of the riots became one people, 34 people were injured and injuries of varying severity.

In the United States due to unrest in Virginia dismantle two more Confederate monument

In the United States due to unrest in Virginia dismantle two more Confederate monument NEW YORK, August 13. /TASS/. The mayor of Lexington (Kentucky) Jim gray in connection with the cases on Saturday, fierce clashes far-right activists and their opponents in the Charlottesville (Virginia) decided to summarily dismantle two monuments to the Confederacy. “I am taking steps to move statues of Confederate in the historic courthouse — said gray. We comprehensively addressed this issue and listened to many citizens. The tragic events in Charlottesville has led to the fact that I made this statement before, I was going to do it next week”. The mayor pointed out that already on August 15 asked the city Council to submit a petition to the Commission for the conservation of historical monuments in Kentucky. The legacy of the slave South According to local newspaper Lexington Herald-Leader, we are talking about the statues of

Media: in the United States was charged with the murder running into the crowd the man

Media: in the United States was charged with the murder running into the crowd the man MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. The police were charged with the murder of 20-year-old resident of Ohio, hitting the car into a crowd in the heart of Charlottesville, the correspondent of the TV station NBC29. “Twenty years James Alex fields, Jr. was arrested, he was charged with second-degree murder and other related collisions in the city center”, — wrote the correspondent of the TV channel Henry Graff in his Twitter. According to Graff, fields Jr. is accused of intentionally causing injury and failing to stop the vehicle, causing an accident with victims. The correspondent says that the accused is a native of Ohio. JUST IN: Booking photo of James Fields, Alex, Jr. @NBC29 — Henry Graff (@HenryGraff) 13 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Earlier on Saturday a car

The city Council of Charlottesville gave the police chief the authority to declare a curfew

The city Council of Charlottesville gave the police chief the authority to declare a curfew WASHINGTON, August 13. /TASS/. The city Council of Charlottesville (VA) endowed chief of police al Thomas the authority to declare when necessary, a curfew in the city. This decision was announced by mayor Mike Signer. “The Council’s decision to give chief Thomas the authority to declare a curfew if necessary, was taken as a precaution,” said Signer. “We do this with full confidence that Thomas and law enforcement agencies of the region can make the final decision,” he added. In Charlottesville early Saturday morning erupted violent clashes between nationalists and oppose their actions of citizens. They followed a torchlight procession that far-right activists spontaneously held ahead of a planned campaign “the Unity of right” against the decision of the local authorities to demolish the monument to the commander of the army of the Confederate States

Italian have used weights in a supermarket for weighing hashish

Italian have used weights in a supermarket for weighing hashish An Italian court arrested 23-year-old resident of the city of Ostia, after he came to the supermarket with a 100-gram bar of hashish. About this newspaper la Repubblica. The Carrefour store employees called the police after seeing how the young man did not hesitate, in the produce section got the drug and started to weigh. After the detention he said that pot was dug up in the Park, and as he was not at home weights, he came up with the idea to use public. The guards said that this bar would be enough for 600 doses, the approximate cost of the seized drugs is around one thousand Euro. March 13 in the Leningrad region, customs officials and police seized more than 266 kilograms of hashish from a truck that arrived from the territory of Estonia. The operation was of

Doctors said the condition of the victims in the clashes in Virginia

Doctors said the condition of the victims in the clashes in Virginia MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. Five injured in clashes with far-right of their opponents to American Charlottesville, in Virginia, are in critical condition, four others are in serious condition, said medical center of the University of Virginia. “We continue to assist the 20 patients taken to medical center of the University of Virginia after an incident in the city centre. As we noted earlier, one person was killed. Five patients are in critical condition, four in serious, six fair, and four — good”, — says the official Twitter of physicians. In Virginia, there is a regime of emergency in connection with the clashes in Charlottesville supporters of right-wing organizations and their opponents. According to official figures, the city as a result of various incidents killed a woman and injured 34 people. The woman died as a result

Location have “mined” the attacker installed.

Location have “mined” the attacker installed. Police found the whereabouts of the men who reported about mining of the Khrabrovo airport in Kaliningrad. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the Western linear administration of the MIA of Russia on transport. The representative of the Ministry said that law enforcement officers will see off quickly-search actions for detention of the malefactor. According to him, in search operations explosive device was involved cynologists Western linear control of the interior Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Kaliningrad region and the engineering unit of Regardie. Examined were the terminal building, runway as well as five aircraft. No suspicious items were found.

In the area of Charlottesville crashed police helicopter

In the area of Charlottesville crashed police helicopter WASHINGTON, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. A police helicopter crashed Saturday in the crash near the town of Charlottesville in the United States, where two days of clashes of the far right and their opponents. According to the publication Daily Progress, the helicopter, which belonged to the police of Virginia, fell in the forest a few miles West of Charlottesville in the area of the Birdwood Golf Course. Information on casualties yet. The videos of eyewitnesses it is visible as over the trees rises a thick black smoke, but the helicopter itself is not visible. Currently near Charlottesville to be clear. Supporters of right-wing protested against the authorities ‘ plans to remove from the “emancipation Park” a monument to Confederate General during the Civil war, Robert E. Lee. The first clashes between protesters and their opponents, and the arrests began Friday, when

In Virginia the incident with the car classified as murder

In Virginia the incident with the car classified as murder MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. Hitting the car on people in the us city of Charlottesville in Virginia has been classified as murder, NBC29 reports channel with reference to the district attorney. “The district attorney said that the collision of a car into a crowd is considered as an intentional murder,” according to a Twitter channel. Earlier on Saturday a car crashed into a group of opponents actions of the far right in the city centre. According to doctors, killed one and injured 19 people. Earlier, eight people were injured due to clashes with far-right. The driver of the car detained. Supporters of right-wing protested against the authorities ‘ plans to remove from the “emancipation Park” a monument to Confederate General during the Civil war, Robert E. Lee. The first clashes between protesters and their opponents, and the arrests

Rescuers found all five lost on Elbrus climbers

Rescuers found all five lost on Elbrus climbers NALCHIK, August 12 — RIA Novosti. Rescuers found a group of five climbers who got lost on mount Elbrus, told RIA Novosti the head of the press service of GU of EMERCOM of Russia in Kabardino-Balkaria Cantemir below. At 19.45 GMT Saturday received the message that on mount Elbrus at the altitude of 3800 meters in the center of the pass Hatutu lost a group of five climbers. In search of athletes came six rescuers of the Elbrus highland search and rescue team of EMERCOM of Russia. “At 23.30 GMT Saturday, the rescuers found a group of climbers, they are all alive and healthy. Now, together with rescuers athletes go down,” said Burow.