In Balashikha during a demonstration flight the plane crashed An-2

In Balashikha during a demonstration flight the plane crashed An-2 The main version of the crash was pilot error when performing aerobatics, said emergency services. MOSCOW, September 2. /TASS/. The an-2 plane crashed in Balashikha during the Airshow, completing a demonstration flight. About TASS reported in the emergency services. “The plane is at low altitude, performed demonstration flight. The pilot lost control, the An-2 fell. Two people aboard were killed,” the source said. When they hit the ground the plane caught fire. During the download an error has occurred. As head of flight Airshow in Balashikha Victor Koshin, the plane crashed performing aerobatics. “The plane An-2 crashed while performing aerobatics, killing the two pilots,” said Koshin, adding that investigation of the causes of the incident. During the download an error has occurred. While in the emergency TASS reported that the main version of wreck of An-2 — error of the

Rescuers found the body of one of three missing in the landslide in the CBD

Rescuers found the body of one of three missing in the landslide in the CBD In Kabardino-Balkaria found the body of a man missing in the landslide in the night of last Friday. Presumably, the victim was a security guard at allergotsentr, Interfax reported. “Below the village of Neutrinos, before the bridge, in the river Baksan rescuers found the body of the deceased”, — said the source Agency. Previously missing in the landslide were three people, including the head of the settlement Elbrus Musa dzhappuev. He and another man, according to the portal were in the car “Niva”, which collapsed the ground. The car was carried away by the current. Currently, the CBD introduced a state of emergency, five villages and the resort Elbrus remain without gas supply. With areas cut off by mudslides, were evacuated to 114 tourists, 382 tourists are still in the disaster zone.

MOE said about the situation in the area of mudslide in Kabardino-Balkaria

MOE said about the situation in the area of mudslide in Kabardino-Balkaria MOSCOW, 2 sen — RIA of news. The deterioration of the situation in Kabardino-Balkaria last night isn’t allowed, said the head of EMERCOM of Russia in the region Vyacheslav Borisov. “For the last night of the deterioration is not allowed… For the last day, a considerable increase of the forces of EMERCOM of Russia in the emergency area”, — he said. According to Borisov, to the place of profit rescuers from North Ossetia, Adygea, the center “Leader”. Expected reinforcements from the don spascenter, search and rescue team of the southern regional center. “Readiness is the aviation of EMERCOM of Russia. As soon as the weather permits — we will continue the evacuation of tourists from the village of Terskol in the village Tyrnauz”, he added. Borisov said on Saturday work will continue on the road recovery and gas.

About 20 pupils of the cadet corps in Irkutsk contracted gastroenteritis

About 20 pupils of the cadet corps in Irkutsk contracted gastroenteritis Moscow. 2 Sep. INTERFAX.RU — Epidemiological investigation initiated on the fact of group the incidence of gastroenteritis in the cadet corps in Irkutsk, said on Saturday the press service of the regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor. “On 2 September reported 20 cases of gastroenteritis among children 12-14 years state budgetary educational institution of the Irkutsk region — Irkutsk cadet corps. In cases of marked increased temperature, nausea, vomiting,” — said in the message. Currently, 12 children hospitalized in Irkutsk regional infectious diseases hospital, and the rest are under medical supervision. State in cases of medium and light severity.

Witnesses noticed the fire in the courtyard of the Russian trade representation in Washington

Witnesses noticed the fire in the courtyard of the Russian trade representation in Washington Moscow. 2 Sep. INTERFAX.RU — In the courtyard of the Russian trade mission in Washington, which on Saturday closed at the decision of the us administration, was spotted the fire, said on Friday Foreign Policy. According to the publication, it was possible to see how employees thrown into the fire, divorced in the backyard some papers. It is also noted that was dismantled surveillance cameras, placed on the wall of the building. Earlier, similar reports came from San Francisco, where over the building closing the Consulate General of the Russian eyewitnesses saw the black smoke. Embassy officials said that made a fire to burn in it some items. EXCLUSIVE: Here’s the fire in back of about to-be-closed DC Russia trade rep building. @janawinter on the scene. — Foreign Policy (@foreign policy) 1 September 2017 During

Trump has asked Congress for $7.9 billion for rebuilding after hurricane “Harvey”

Trump has asked Congress for $7.9 billion for rebuilding after hurricane “Harvey” Moscow. 2 Sep. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump has asked Congress for the first $7,885 billion for rebuilding after the devastating hurricane “Harvey”, informs on Friday Agency Associated Press. $7.4 billion will be transferred to the account of the U.S. Agency for emergency management, $450 thousand — management on Affairs of small business. Earlier media reported that trump will ask for the first aid of $5.9 billion. As wrote the New York Times, just to eliminate the consequences of floods in the most affected States — Texas and Louisiana — need more than $50 billion.

Holidaymakers in the area of landslide in the Elbrus region are 22 children

Holidaymakers in the area of landslide in the Elbrus region are 22 children NALCHIK, September 2. /TASS/. More than 20 children are reported among tourists in the Elbrus region, where on the night of Friday descended powerful mudflow. Only in the area of emergency remain 382 people, reported the press service of EMERCOM of Kabardino-Balkaria on Saturday. On 1 September, the Ministry of emergency situations reported on seven children among the more than 500 tourists and vacationers in the place. “As of 00:01 GMT 2 Sep continuing work on elimination of consequences of mudflows in the Elbrus region. Only in the Elbrus region, starting from the village of Upper Baksan and above to Azau valley, was 382 people, including 22 children,” — said in the message. In tourist groups on mountain routes — 66 foreign nationals, said in the MOE. Friday in the CBD descended powerful mudflow. The zone to

In Paris evacuated the Eiffel tower for a possible terrorist

In Paris evacuated the Eiffel tower for a possible terrorist In Paris evacuated the Eiffel tower because of a suspected terrorist attack. About it reports The Daily Mail. “A complete blockade. We were locked inside. Say, some guy was acting weird, but it seems not. The staff locked in with us,” — told the newspaper one of the tourists. On a place cynologists work with dogs. Paris lockdown: Man ‘with weapon’ arrested at Eiffel Tower as police evacuate Gare du Nord — Daily Express (@Daily_Express) on 1 September 2017. During the download an error has occurred. In addition, according to some reports, evacuated one of the stations with the Eurostar. FIRST VIDEO :#BREAKING #BreakingNews FROM THE #eiffeltower Reports of a man with a gun and knife people are stuck in lifts of the tower — BNL (@BREAKING_LN) 1 September 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

Black smoke from the building of the Russian Consulate in San Francisco has attracted the attention of journalists

Black smoke from the building of the Russian Consulate in San Francisco has attracted the attention of journalists Over the building of the General Consulate of Russia in San Francisco is seen the smoke, arrived at fire, which is not allowed on the territory of the mission. On Friday, September 1, reports the Associated Press. The reporters indicate that Consulate staff deliberately refused to allow firefighters inside, because the building of “something burning in the fireplace,” and the smoke coming from the chimney. Earlier Friday, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the us intelligence agencies are going to conduct a search in the General Consulate of Russia in San Francisco. According to her, it is planned to make 2 Sep. On the same day the Russian Embassy in the U.S. stated that he hoped for the normalization of bilateral relations even after the closure of

In France, found the car, stolen nearly 40 years ago

In France, found the car, stolen nearly 40 years ago MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. Peugeot 104, which was stolen in 1979, was found on the North-East of France, the newspaper reports Ouest France. According to the publication, due to the drought the water level in a pond near the town of Chalons-EN-champagne has fallen sharply, and revealed unknown fragments. On the scene arrived the staff of the gendarmerie and the divers. The gendarmerie has published on the page in Facebook photos and a message about the amazing discovery of the machine, which is not produced since 1988. Authorities have established that the car still was. It turned out that it was stolen from a resident of Reims, which is tens of kilometers away from the pond, where they found the Peugeot. The gendarmerie contacted the owner’s family to return his stolen car, the newspaper notes.