An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 in Mexico has led to death and destruction

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 in Mexico has led to death and destruction In Mexico, an earthquake of magnitude of 7.1, according to the website of European Mediterranean seismological center. It happened on the day of the anniversary of one of the most devastating earthquakes in American history, the magnitude of which amounted to 8.1 in 1985. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to the center, the focus of the earthquake lies at a depth of 50 km. the Epicenter of tremors was located 58 km South-West of the city of Puebla de Zaragoza. As noted by Reuters, the earthquake has damaged buildings in the capital of Mexico is Mexico city. Impactante video del terremoto en #México. Así cae un edificio tras el fuerte sismo — TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) 19 Sep 2017 During the download an error has occurred. According to the mayor of the city, at least 20 buildings

A powerful earthquake occurred in southern Mexico

A powerful earthquake occurred in southern Mexico It is noted that in Mexico shook buildings, thousands of people ran into the streets. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий TASS, September 19. An earthquake of magnitude of 7.1 occurred on Tuesday in southern Mexico. It is reported by the European Mediterranean seismological centre. According to him, the epicenter of the disaster was located 63 km South-West of Puebla de Zaragoza. The earthquake lies at a depth of 30 km, and Data on the likely tsunami threat did not arrive. As reported by Reuters, the earthquake was felt in Mexico city. It is noted that in the capital shook buildings, thousands of people ran into the streets. On the night of September 8 the Mexican coast an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2, which Mexican President Enrique peña Nieto called the most powerful in the country over the past 100 years. His victims were 98 people.

The victims of the earthquake in Mexico were more than 40 people

The victims of the earthquake in Mexico were more than 40 people MOSCOW, 19 Sep — RIA Novosti. At least 42 people were killed in the Mexican state of Morelos after the earthquake, said the state Governor Graco Ramirez on Twitter. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий “First preliminary report on the victims,” wrote Ramirez. He posted on his page a table with the first preliminary data about the victims, which indicates that their total number amounted to 42 people. At least three people were killed in the state of Puebla. Information about the Russians among the victims yet. An earthquake of magnitude of 7.1 occurred in Mexico on Tuesday. Tremors recorded at 18.14 UTC (21.14 GMT). The epicenter was located 49 kilometers southwest of Puebla de Zaragoza is 8 kilometers from the settlement of Tepeojuma. The earthquake lies at a depth of 60 kilometers. URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Mexico City and surrounding areas have been

Security forces found the source of the “telephone attack” on Russia in Brussels

Security forces found the source of the “telephone attack” on Russia in Brussels Behind the attack “telephone terrorists” for commercial and social infrastructure in Russia could stand the international hacker group, told RBC sources. The source of calls found in Brussels. That for the mass calls about bombs in the regions and Moscow can stand the international hacker group, told RBC a source in the interior Ministry and confirmed the source, who was present at a private interdepartmental meeting on the subject of telephone terrorism. In the meeting, as said the interlocutor of RBC, were employees of the interior Ministry and the FSB; the latter investigate a criminal case under article 207 of the Criminal code (CC), Russia (Telephone terrorism), which was initiated on the fact of mass calls about mining of administrative and commercial objects in Russia. Security forces are investigating the possibility that the unknown members of the

There is a new video mistaken helicopter strike on doctrines “the West-2017”

There is a new video mistaken helicopter strike on doctrines “the West-2017” The incident with unintentional descent of the missile in military exercise “Zapad-2017” took place on 16 September, says the source of RBC, close to the defense Ministry. Available RBC was a new video of the incident with the gathering of rockets from the helicopter Ka-52 on maneuvers “West-2017”. The incident, according to the source RBC, close to the defense Ministry, occurred on September 16. According to the interlocutor of RBC, three persons suffered. “They’re not civilians,” — said the source. 16 September as a result of the helicopter accident injured three people, among them civil — RBC source: — RBC (@ru_rbc) September 19, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Earlier, the defense Ministry said that in the video, released before this, “recorded case that occurred in another period of time when the crews of helicopters

The defense Ministry denied reports about the “volley at reporters” on the “West-2017”

The defense Ministry denied reports about the “volley at reporters” on the “West-2017” St. PETERSBURG, 19 Sep — RIA Novosti. The press service of the Western military district has denied reports in social networks about “volley through a crowd of journalists” during a large-scale doctrines “the West-2017”: no accidents with the aircraft during the event was not. “Eighteenth of September, in the framework of the draw of the episode the practice of the exercises “West-2017” no accidents associated with the work of army aviation, was not… All the social media posts about “volleys into the crowd of journalists”, “a large number of seriously wounded” — a deliberate provocation or somebody’s personal stupidity” — said in a release. ZVO noted that posted on the social network videos “recorded case that occurred in another period of time when the crews of helicopters of army aviation within the flight and tactical exercises did

The media reported the volley of helicopter Ka-52 for the audience to exercise “West-2017”

The media reported the volley of helicopter Ka-52 for the audience to exercise “West-2017” In the Leningrad region on doctrines “the West-2017” combat helicopter Ka-52 accidentally fired a volley at the audience, there are wounded, informs a portal 66.RU with reference to the informed source. According to him, it happened “yesterday” on the ground “Luga”, 66.RU suggests that it was not long before the visit to the landfill of Vladimir Putin. According to the publication, two people hospitalized in the result. “They flew at the target, remained about 500 meters, on assignment to the combat path included chain weapons, they are included, but there is something shorted out and the rocket came down themselves. The shrapnel dispersion is large, burned at least two cars, two people were seriously injured, now they are in the hospital. It was a training before the show. Suffered, most likely, the journalists” — quoted 66.RU

The interior Ministry announced the elimination of the largest online drug store

The interior Ministry announced the elimination of the largest online drug store Activities trading platform RAMP was terminated in July, said Deputy interior Minister Mikhail Vanichkin. MOSCOW, September 19. /TASS/. The interior Ministry has eliminated the largest online drug store — RAMP (Russian anonymous marketplace), which operated in the Russian segment of the TOR network. This is stated in the answer of the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Vanichkin at the request of the Deputy of the state Duma Anton Gorelkin about the measures taken by the Agency against the spread of drugs in the Internet. The request of a parliamentarian was sent in August, and the closing RAMP has not previously been reported. “As a result of events in July 2017 discontinued operations are the largest in the Russian segment of the TOR trading platform RAMP (Russian anonymous marketplace)”, — stated in the document,

The Prime Minister of Dominica about the impact of hurricane “Maria”: “We lost everything”

The Prime Minister of Dominica about the impact of hurricane “Maria”: “We lost everything” Hurricane “Maria” walked on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean sea, causing enormous damage. “We lost everything,” said the Prime Minister of the island, Roosevelt Skerrit. He appealed to the friendly countries with the aviation, to help the people of Dominica. Since the beginning of the disaster, the Prime Minister published in the social networks of the latest updates about what is happening, yet his house is not blown away. After that, he wrote that depends entirely on the will of the hurricane. About the victims have not yet been reported. Before you come down on Dominic, “Maria” has intensified to category five, which experts also call the “potential catastrophe”. Gusts of wind reach 260 km per hour. Following the disaster are expected to Guadeloupe.

Accused of the murder of a powerlifter in Khabarovsk surrendered FSB

Accused of the murder of a powerlifter in Khabarovsk surrendered FSB Moscow. September 19. INTERFAX.RU Local media reported the voluntary surrender to the FSB of Russia suspect in the murder of world champion Andrey Drachev residents of Khabarovsk territory. The information is transmitted with reference to sources in law enforcement bodies. “Interfax” does not yet have official confirmation of this information. As reported, the world and European champion in powerlifting Andrey Drachev was killed on the morning of 20 August, during a fight at a cafe in Khabarovsk. The athlete died from a traumatic brain injury. The suspect in the murder of 25-year-old native of Amursk, absconded immediately after the incident. Initiated a case under part 4 of article 111 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (deliberate causing of heavy harm to health, entailed on imprudence death of the victim). Later, the consequence retrained actions of a young man