At the mine in the Komi Republic was smoke

At the mine in the Komi Republic was smoke Moscow. September 22. INTERFAX.RU the Smoke occurred in a rail tunnel in the mine “polar-2” in the Komi Republic. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic. “At 11.45 in the operational-duty shift of control center in crisis situations of EMERCOM of Russia in Komi Republic, received a report of smoke in the rail tunnel in the mine “polar-2” DIRECT “Vorkuta”, — stated in the message. Underground there are 263 people. Currently they are rising to the surface.

Businessman Umar Dzhabrailov was sent for psychiatric examination

Businessman Umar Dzhabrailov was sent for psychiatric examination The investigators appointed psychiatric examination Russian businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, who started shooting at the Four Seasons hotel. It is reported TASS citing a source in law enforcement bodies. According to the Agency, the lawyer of the businessman Alexander Karabanov declined to comment for this reason. Earlier the examination was conducted for the presence of alcohol and drugs in the blood of the businessman. In GU MVD Moscow to comment on the information about test results, then did not. However, as reported by the city news Agency Moscow, mister Dzhabrailov has arranged shooting in the Moscow hotel in a condition of narcotic intoxication. Shooting in a hotel in Umar Dzhabrailov staged the evening of August 29. On the given fact criminal case on hooliganism. After questioning Mr Dzhabrailov was released on his own recognizance.

Source: in Russia for the week was “mined” over a thousand buildings

Source: in Russia for the week was “mined” over a thousand buildings MOSCOW, September 22. /TASS/. The number of “mined” in Russian cities buildings for the week exceeded 1 thousand in total were evacuated about 400 thousand people. About this TASS said a source in law enforcement bodies. About the wave of mining began in the Russian regions since the beginning of last week. “She touched 80 cities, including Moscow. Because of false reports of a bomb threat was checked more than 1 thousand objects, evacuated about 400 thousand people”, — said the source. Among the “mined” objects — shopping malls, administration buildings, schools, railway stations, airports, museums, night clubs. No message about the bomb threat was not confirmed.

Source: the police released a suspect in the attack on the opposition Laskin

Source: the police released a suspect in the attack on the opposition Laskin Alexei Shcherbakov taken recognizance not to leave. MOSCOW, September 22. /TASS/. Police have released on bail of Alexei Scherbakov, informed the detainee and a suspect in the attack on the head of the Moscow headquarters of Alexei Navalny Nikolai Laskin. TASS reported Friday a source close to the investigation. “Shcherbakov taken recognizance not to leave, and he was released from the police station, since it’s been 48 hours since the detention,” — said the Agency interlocutor. As reported previously TASS himself Lyaskin, during the identification procedure in OVD petty-bourgeois Thursday he was unable to point to Shcherbakov, like attacked him a man. “I’m not ready to say exactly what this man hit me, although he admits the attack at my own request. The reckless it was announced in a lineup that at our first meeting I allegedly

Rostov disaster will open in the U.S.

Rostov disaster will open in the U.S. The Boeing pilot saw the readings on the windshield. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий As it became known””, in the United States conducted a unique study that will help determine the cause of last year’s disaster Boeing 737-800 of FlyDubai company in Rostov-on-don. Dubai Board became the first in the world crashed a plane equipped with ultra-modern display system parameters on the glass before the eyes of the pilot Head Up Display (HUD). Experts do not exclude that it could be associated with the loss of pilot spatial orientation. Instead of having to put the car on Board of which there were 62 people, he literally stuck it into the runway. As explained “Kommersant” a source close to the investigation into the disaster on 19 March 2016, crashed Boeing 737-800 was equipped with a HUD system, which was quite unusual. The fact that the transparent display in

A resident of Mexico city told me how he survived in the earthquake

A resident of Mexico city told me how he survived in the earthquake MEXICO city, 22 Sep — RIA Novosti, Elena Kargina, Dmitry Znamensky. Living in Mexico, the native of Ukraine Gal Dulinsky was in an office building, when in Mexico city a strong earthquake occurred on September 19. She told RIA Novosti about their feelings during the aftershocks and about how to get out of the ruins within seven minutes. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий An earthquake of magnitude of 7.1 occurred in Mexico on Tuesday. Tremors recorded at 18.14 UTC (21.14 GMT). According to the latest data, the number of victims of earthquake has increased to 273. According to the source Agency, the day she was going to the first class courses in the heart of Mexico city. Classes are held on the second floor of a six storey office building. As throughout the country, on 19 September there was carried out

The UAE has begun investigating the incident with the Airbus A380 at Domodedovo

The UAE has begun investigating the incident with the Airbus A380 at Domodedovo The civil aviation authority (GCAA) of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) launched an investigation into the incident with the Airbus A380 of Emirates airlines in Moscow’s Domodedovo airport. About it reports Reuters. The incident occurred on 10 September during a landing at Domodedovo airport, EN route Dubai-Moscow. Airbus, for unknown reasons, fell to a height of 120 m at a distance of about 15 km from the runway. According to the GCAA, the normal height at this point the glide path is over 600 m. The airliner was able to land only on the third attempt. On Board the aircraft were 446 people, including 26 crew members. In GCAA called the incident “a serious incident”, noting that while “almost an accident”. The plane is really two times left to the second round, however, the situation did not

More than 60 students were poisoned in Tula region

More than 60 students were poisoned in Tula region Moscow. September 21. INTERFAX.RU — Investigation Department of the TFR in the Tula region checks on the fact of mass disease of acute enteric infections of pupils of one of schools in the Leninsky district. As have informed on Thursday “Interfax” the representative of the regional TFR Zinaida Kaminska, a total of more than 60 sick school educational institution “Center of education № 56” the village of Plekhanovo Leninsky district. Currently hospitalized there. Started investigation verification.

The fire at the hotel in Rostov-on-don, killed two people

The fire at the hotel in Rostov-on-don, killed two people Victims of a fire in a ten-storey hotel in the centre of Rostov-on-don became two. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the southern regional emergency center. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The fire was given the third grade of difficulty, the fire area amounted to 840 sq. m. the Fire damaged five standing nearby cars. Currently, the fire managed to be localized, in the area of fire regime introduced emergency. According to a source “RIA Novosti” from nearby buildings were evacuated more than 400 people. “The hotel was evacuated 250 people from neighbouring houses and a kindergarten — 161, including 61 of the child”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the fire began with ignition of insulation on the facade. The fire also affected the roof and attic of the don Cossack state Institute of food technology

The fire covered the entire facade of a hotel in the centre of Rostov-on-don

The fire covered the entire facade of a hotel in the centre of Rostov-on-don Moscow. September 21. INTERFAX.RU — a Fire in a 10-storey building in the centre of Rostov-on-don have spread over the entire area of the facade, has informed “Interfax” in the press service of EMERCOM of Russia in the region. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “The fire spread almost nine floors of multi-storey building on the street Semashko. Information on casualties yet”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The fire is assigned the increased rank of difficulty. As the correspondent from the scene, near the fire are on duty five carriages “ambulance”. The fire damaged five cars standing near the house. Adjacent to the hotel building is a residential building on the first floor is a kindergarten. During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred. August 21 fire in the heart of Rostov-on-don has engulfed a residential