The number of victims of the earthquake in Mexico has reached 360 people

The number of victims of the earthquake in Mexico has reached 360 people According to preliminary estimates of the authorities on liquidation of consequences of natural disasters in some regions will require more than $2 billion. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий MEXICO city, September 30. /TASS/. The bodies of five victims of the earthquake of September 19 was extracted from the rubble in Mexico city. Thus, the total death toll has reached to date, 360 people. This was reported on Saturday, the national coordinator of civil defense, Luis Felipe Puente. “All [the country] 360 dead: 219 in the [city] of Mexico, 74 in the state of Morelos, 45 in Puebla, 13 in the state of Mexico, six in Guerrero and one in Oaxaca,” wrote the Puente. More than 300 people still remain in hospitals. More than 20 thousand people after the disaster a magnitude of 7.1 received psychological help. The epicenter was located 12

At the passenger A380 in-flight destroyed the engine covering

At the passenger A380 in-flight destroyed the engine covering The Airbus A380 Air France collapsed casing of the engine. The incident occurred during a flight from the Paris airport Roissy — name of Charles de Gaulle in Los Angeles. It is reported portal Pictures of the destroyed engine in social networks published the passengers of the flight. The liner carried out flight AF66. It is reported that the plane landed safely at the airport in goose Bay in Canada. Photo of #AF66 engine – taken by colleague Martin Brand – — Klaasjan Tukker (@ktukker) September 30, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. The Airbus A380 is the world’s largest passenger plane. The first flight with passengers this model performed 10 years ago — October 25, 2007. To date produced more than 200 planes of this model — they are in parks ten airlines in Europe,

The manifestation of neo-Nazis in Gothenburg have detained about 50 people

The manifestation of neo-Nazis in Gothenburg have detained about 50 people STOCKHOLM, 30 sen — news, Lyudmila Bozhko. The Gothenburg police have detained at least fifty people in connection with the manifestation of neo-Nazis, held on Saturday 30 September in the Central part of the city and accompanied by a demonstration of opponents of neo-Nazis. “In the course of the day police detained 29 people and 21 people were taken to the stations,” — said in a press release. The police, however, did not explain exactly who the demonstrators were arrested. The manifestation of neo-Nazi organization “the Nordic resistance movement”, attended by 600-700 people, was planned as a marsh a few hundred feet to the center of the city and they were allowed to do this from 13.00 to 16.00 GMT. On the website of the organization explained that its members had intended to go around the city with the

Four people were killed in a road accident near Penza

Four people were killed in a road accident near Penza PENZA, September 30. /TASS/. Clash of the Hyundai and Volvo truck occurred on Saturday in Kamensky district of Penza region on 211 km of motorway Penza — Tambov. As a result of collision four persons were lost, have informed in a press-service of traffic police in the Penza region. After the collision, the car slid into a ditch. The driver and her three passengers from injuries died, the report said. Investigated all the circumstances of the incident.

The leader of the “Christian state” was charged

The leader of the “Christian state” was charged MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. The leader of the “Christian state” Alexander Kalinin charged in the case of pressure on cinemas, said on Saturday the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Irina Wolf. Earlier, the representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs told journalists that the investigation has indicted three of the four suspects in the arson of a car at the office of Konstantin Dobrynin, counsel for the Director of the film “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel. The fourth suspect is Kalinin, who is under arrest on charges of pressure on cinemas (article 179 of the criminal code “Coercion to commit the transaction or to refuse its execution”). “Charged with the alleged act of the leader of one of public organizations”, — said Irina Wolf. She recalled that the accused in the case, “initiated on the fact

Soldier who shot his colleagues in the Amur region, was killed during the arrest

Soldier who shot his colleagues in the Amur region, was killed during the arrest KHABAROVSK, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. The military, who escaped with weapons from the landfill in the Amur region after the shooting of fellow officers, resisted arrest and was fatally wounded. This was reported by the press service of the Eastern military district. According to authorities, the gunman in the co-workers discovered and blocked anti-terrorist unit. During the detention he opened fire, and then against him used their weapons. Currently, the scene works Commission of the Ministry of defense of Russia. The incident occurred on Friday at the site during the on-site firings. A soldier opened fire with a machine gun on fellow soldiers, awaiting exit on the firing line. An officer and two soldiers were killed and two soldiers were hospitalized with injuries. The gunman fled from the landfill with a gun and ammunition. According

The name of the soldier, shot in the Amur region colleagues

The name of the soldier, shot in the Amur region colleagues MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. Fire on colleagues on the ground near Belogorsk in the Amur region was opened by the native of Dagestan was Gasol of Abdulahatov. About it reported in a press-service of the head of the city. “Hasan of Abdulahatov Omarovich, born in Kizlyar district of Dagestan, 17 June 1994. The rank of corporal. Driver-electrician radio company communication battalion”, — stated in the message. What happened Previously, the defense Ministry reported that the site near Belogorsk soldier opened fire on fellow soldiers. As a result, the officer and two soldiers were killed and two were injured. The incident occurred during a routine night firing. The military, which opened fire Abdulahatov, were waiting at the firing line. The gunman fled The shooter fled the area of the polygon, and if he had a gun and several

The court has sent General Director of “VIM-Avia” under house arrest

The court has sent General Director of “VIM-Avia” under house arrest Alexander Kochnev allowed to visit medical facilities while under house arrest. MOSCOW, September 29. /TASS/. Basmanny court of Moscow sent under house arrest till 25 November, the General Director of “VIM-Avia” Alexander Kochnev, accused of fraud with funds of the airline. “The court decided the petition of the investigation to meet and elect against Kochneva measure in the form of house arrest for a period up to November 25,” — announced the decision of judge Elena Lenskaya. The judge also noted that while under house arrest, Kochnev could visit health facilities to obtain skilled assistance, notifying the authorities of the investigation. Otherwise, the court imposed Kochneva standard restriction, not to leave the place of residence, not to communicate with the media not to use the Internet and do not send mail. Also, the court wouldn’t let him walk. On

The police sent in search of conscripts shot dead colleagues

The police sent in search of conscripts shot dead colleagues MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Extra police sent from Blagoveshchensk to aid in search for the soldier Hasan Abdulagatova who shot fellow officers on the ground in the Amur region, reported on the website of the Moi of Russia in the region. “The municipal Department of internal Affairs of Russia “Belogorskiy” together with the crews of the traffic police exhibited additional police posts and patrols. Strengthened the protection of socially significant objects. From Blagoveshchensk sent additional police forces to assist in the investigation of an armed serviceman”, — stated in the message. As noted in UMVD Russia across the Amur region at the time of investigation the soldier entered the plan “Siren” and is the operational headquarters. The police asks to inform any data on the possible whereabouts of the suspect by phone: 02 (102) or a telephone hotline

A court in Moscow has placed under house arrest accountant “VIM-Avia” Panteleev

A court in Moscow has placed under house arrest accountant “VIM-Avia” Panteleev MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Basmanny court of Moscow has concluded under house arrest of the chief accountant of airline “VIM-Avia” Catherine Panteleev, accused of embezzling funds of customers of the carrier, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. “The petition of the investigator to meet to elect a measure of restraint in the form of the conclusion under house arrest,” announced the decision of the judge Natalia Dudar. The term of house arrest is set to November 25. To serve house arrest she has in her apartment building on Veernaya street, where her court will take the employees of the FSIN. They de will monitor her movement using electronic bracelets. The accused is forbidden to communicate with anyone except investigators, lawyers and close relatives, to use the phone she will only be able to