In Syria killed the recruiter from the UK, nicknamed the White widow

In Syria killed the recruiter from the UK, nicknamed the White widow Sally Jones, a citizen of the UK and one of the most famous recruiters of the extremist group “Islamic state” were killed in Syria as a result of a drone strike in June. 48-year-old Jones have joined ISIS (a group banned in Russia and other countries) after a trip to Syria in 2013. Prior to that, she played in a punk band. It has not undergone military training and were mainly recruited in the ranks of extremists of girls from Western countries and published on social networks the posts the Christians of Britain. Initially, her death announced to British tabloid the Sun. The recruitment and planning of terrorist attacks Sally Jones actively encouraged to prepare terrorist attacks in Britain and were published in the Internet instructions for creating explosive devices. In addition, on Twitter she talked about how

Media: Spain crashed fighter jet returning from a military parade

Media: Spain crashed fighter jet returning from a military parade The incident occurred at the base in Albacete, the pilot was killed. MADRID, 12 Oct. /TASS/. Fighter Eurofighter returning from a military parade on the occasion of the national holiday of Spain, crashed. This was announced on Thursday, the newspaper El Models. According to her, the incident occurred at the base in Albacete. The pilot was killed. On the causes of the crash, which occurred around 12:10 local time (13:10 GMT), there is no information. At the scene working firefighters. In a military parade, hosted by king Philip VI, was attended by 78 of aerial equipment. The festival aims to perpetuate the state’s role in the discovery of America. The official date of this event is considered to be October 12, 1492, when Explorer Christopher Columbus led a Spanish expedition in search of the shortest sea route to India reached

The court showed a video of the meeting, Ulyukayev and Sechin at the office of “Rosneft”

The court showed a video of the meeting, Ulyukayev and Sechin at the office of “Rosneft” The court in the case of Alexei Ulyukayev gave the audience listen to the audio of the telephone conversation of the ex-Minister with the head of “Rosneft” and the video of their meeting in the office of the oil company on the day of the alleged payment of a bribe. In the course of the trial in the Zamoskvoretsky court of the capital in case of ex-Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev his participants to listen to a recording of the telephone conversation of the ex-Minister Igor Sechin. On it the head of “Rosneft” invites the speaker to come to his office: “I Have outstanding assignments at the end of the work there in Goa, so many questions have accumulated. Could you for one second for us to drive, well, and a company to

Ulyukayev said he began to read “the Process” by Kafka

Ulyukayev said he began to read “the Process” by Kafka MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Accused of receiving bribes, the ex-Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev said that under house arrest he began to read the novel “the trial” by Franz Kafka. “Read Kafka — the Process”, — he said to journalists on Thursday in Moscow’s Zamoskvoretsky court, where his case is heard. In previous months the former Minister as it was reported, and read other classical works, in varying degrees, affecting the subject of litigation. Among them “the Stranger” by albert Camus. “Process” is one of the most famous works of Franz Kafka and European literature of the XX century, in General, tells the story of a man who was arrested for unknown charges him and vainly trying to understand where he violated the law. The first line of the novel became a textbook in absurdist

A fire destroyed one of the main attractions of Frankfurt

A fire destroyed one of the main attractions of Frankfurt MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. One of the main attractions the German Frankfurt am main — Goethe Tower (Goetheturm) — at night on Thursday burnt to a crisp. “Goethe tower in Sachsenhausen (a district of the city — ed.) enveloped in flames. Fire fighting continues,” — said the fire service Frankfurt to Twitter. The fire to neighbouring buildings is not threatened. “The tower itself, unfortunately, can not be saved”, — stated in the message. The reasons for the fire are not reported. Der Goetheturm, Wahrzeichen im Frankfurter Stadtwald, brennt. Er ist nicht mehr zu retten. Infos: — FrankfurterRundschau (@fr) October 12, 2017. During the download an error has occurred. Wooden Goethe tower, the height of which was 43 meters, was first built in 1867, then it was dismantled and restored in 1931. The tower was on the

ABC: the number of victims of fires in Northern California increased to 23

ABC: the number of victims of fires in Northern California increased to 23 MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. The number of victims of natural fires in the North American state of California has risen to 23 people. On Wednesday night, reported the American TV channel ABC. “Two deaths reported in SONOMA County, increase to 23 the number of victims of the devastating forest fires in Northern California”, — stated in the message channel on Twitter. Earlier it was reported 21 dead. According to recent reports, more than 100 people were injured and were hospitalized. Local authorities establish the whereabouts of about 500 people. The fire destroyed more than 3,5 thousand houses and buildings were evacuated about 20 thousand people. Entire neighborhoods have burned to the ground in Santa Rosa, California due to raging wildfires. — ABC News (@ABC) October 11, 2017. During the download an error has occurred.

Russian by mistake illegally entered the territory of Germany

Russian by mistake illegally entered the territory of Germany MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. German authorities are conducting an investigation against a citizen of Russia, by mistake illegally entered the territory of Germany, reported on the information portal of the Federal police station of Ludwigsdorf in lower Saxony. About 6.30 am on Wednesday, police in the town of bad Muskau stopped 25-year-old driver from Russia for verification of documents. As explained by the Russians, he and his wife were in Poland. If travelling by car, he mistakenly entered the territory of Germany. “Due to the fact that he was caught without valid documents, he is being investigated on suspicion of violation of the law on stay of foreign citizens on the territory of Germany”, — stated in the message. Later, the Russians released, demanding to immediately return to the territory of Poland.

The source linked the case at the Anemoscope with the processing of salaries in Roskomnadzor

The source linked the case at the Anemoscope with the processing of salaries in Roskomnadzor The press Secretary of Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor) Vadim Ampelonskiy could be accused of fraud because of the nuances of registration of salaries in the Department. On Wednesday, October 11, “the” has informed a source familiar with the situation. According to him, we are talking about the withdrawal of money through one of the controlled by Roskomnadzor, the Federal state unitary enterprises (FGUP). “Many officials compensate for a small salary contracts for which payment goes through enterprises subordinate to. In this situation, most likely, the scheme is such. In any case, at present, convincing evidence of theft, including fraud investigators have,” said the source. He noted that the scheme is controversial, but the law does not. The source said that the case against

The investigative Committee suspects the officials of Roskomnadzor fraud

The investigative Committee suspects the officials of Roskomnadzor fraud Chertanovo district court last week considered the issue of election of a measure of restraint for three people whose initials coincide with those of officials of Roskomnadzor Boris Edidin, Alexander Vasilchikov and Vadim Ampelonskiy, the filing of criminal cases of the Moscow city court. The meetings were held in one day, led them one and the same judge Irina Yermishin. According to a source close to the investigation, the Investigative Committee is really excited and is investigating a criminal case against officials of Roskomnadzor. This source knows that we are talking about the three suspects in the same case. Vadim Ampelonskiy, a press — Secretary of Roskomnadzor. Boris Edidin listed on the website of Roskomnadzor as head of the legal Department of the Ministry. Alexander Merry on the resource about the Internet industry Runet-id named chief of staff of Roskomnadzor, and

Press Secretary of Roskomnadzor became the figurant of criminal case about swindle

Press Secretary of Roskomnadzor became the figurant of criminal case about swindle The court did not arrest Vadim Ampelonskiy and the other defendant — the head of the legal Department of the Ministry of Boris Edidin. Moscow. 11 Oct. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of Roscomnadzor Vadim Ampelonskiy and head of the legal Department of the Ministry Boris Edidin are suspected of fraud. As the materials on the website Chertanovo district court of Moscow, the court refused to result in the conclusion officials into custody. The head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov in conversation with “Interfax” refused to comment on the criminal case against the Anemoscope and Edidin.