Nun of the XIV century faked his own death to escape from the monastery

Nun of the XIV century faked his own death to escape from the monastery

This is stated in the old note.

Employees of the University of York found in the archives of funny document written by Archbishop William Melton in 1318. In his note, he reported to the Dean of Beverly Benedictine nun named Joan, which is absolutely incredible by the way lied to the other nuns escaped from the convent.

Archive shows medieval nun faked her own death to escape convent

— Archiver@s de CyL (@AsociacionACAL) February 13, 2019.

According to the letter, Jeanne really wanted to go free, but because you faked your own death.

As follows from the document, she is “blatantly threw decorum of religion and modesty of her sex”, “simulated bodily illness, pretended to be dead, not fearing for the health of his soul, and with the help of numerous accomplices created a dummy similar to myself.”

The woman managed to mislead even his loyal assistant, and she buried her in a sacred place.

Then Jeanne ran away from the monastery, and about its further fate is not known.

See also:

  • Nuns lost the other half a million dollars in a casino
  • The story of a woman raised in a monastery
  • Where is the largest Buddhist Academy in the world (photos)

