Tattoo on nails have become the new beauty trend in Instagram

Tattoo on nails have become the new beauty trend in Instagram

The Americans invented the harsh alternative to the usual manicure.

Manicure and eye brow shaping for a long time will inspire the beauty bloggers around the world. Here, for example, a new fashion trend — tattoo on nails. Sounds intriguing, isn’t it?

Publication of a [[ NEEDLE NAILS ]] (@needlenails) 10 APR 2018 10:32 PDT

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The first idea was offered by tattoo wizard EMBI Stapleton and Christian Boyd from new York. According to the artists, the process of drawing on the nail is a little different from the usual tattoo on the skin.

The main problem is a hard surface. You need to be very careful not to go too deep with the needle.

But this tattoo does not forever hold the picture for about six weeks (depending on the rate of growth of the nail).

Publication of LannyGoLightly (@lannygolightly) 7 April 2018 7:22 PDT

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Time tattooing is from one hour to three, depending on how many nails you decide to decorate or what the complexity of the drawing.

By the way, unlike a regular tattoo, the process of drawing on nails is painless.

In General, there are no contraindications, and the wizards hope that their “new” can replace a regular manicure. At least the mods in Instagram already eagerly embraced the new trend.

Publication from Katie Ward (@katie_n_ward) 7 APR 2018 2:03 PDT

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Publication of a [[ NEEDLE NAILS ]] (@needlenails) 3 APR 2018 10:10 PDT

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Publication of a [[ NEEDLE NAILS ]] (@needlenails) March 16, 2018 11:46 PDT

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