Experts told about a sharp increase in the number of protests in Russia

Experts told about a sharp increase in the number of protests in Russia

The number of social and political protests in Russia increased compared with the beginning of the year by almost two thirds, says the report Capra. Experts explain this by the crisis and the inadequate response of the authorities to meetings.

Why protest

In the third quarter of 2017, the number of political, socio-economic and labor protests have increased by almost two thirds compared with the beginning of the year. In the first quarter, there were 284 protests in the second — 378, and in the third — 445. This is stated in the report of the Center for economic and political reforms (CEPR) “Protest activity of Russians in the third quarter of 2017,” which is available to RBC.

Experts Capra divide the protests into political, socio-economic and labour. In the third quarter, as in the previous two, most of the socio-economic protests — 312. To them the authors of the report include protests relating to the requirements of shareholders, discontent, growth rates and so on.

The most numerous of the socio-economic stock steel rallies defrauded investors, the report (in the first and second quarters of most of the protesting truckers and farmers).

On the second place — political protests, including the rally of supporters of Alexei Navalny: their 106. Experts recorded 27 protests of employees of enterprises related to labour conflicts, mainly with the non-payment of wages.

Most of the protests experts have recorded in the Rostov region, Krasnodar Krai, Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk oblasts, as well as in Moscow. With the fact that over the last six months, there was an increase in the amount and spreading of the protests, according to Nikolai Petrov, the author of the rating of socio-economic and political tensions of the regions the Committee of civil initiatives Alexei Kudrin. “This is due to the socio-economic situation, which is not well perceived by ordinary citizens, — said Petrov RBC. — At the level of individual enterprises and entire sectors, entire cities the situation is unfavourable”. According to experts, the growing number of protests, especially socio-economic, associated with the lack of financial resources in the regions.

In most regions the authorities have been unable to solve the problems that caused the protests, stated the experts. This led to a rise in the number of protests.

“Grow almost all protests related to the social sphere, standard of living, violations of labor rights, — told RBC head Capra Nikolay Mironov. — The main reason — economic crisis.” Also the growing number of dissatisfied is associated with the failure of the authorities to resolve social conflicts in times of crisis, the expert believes.

