A huge school of sharks filmed
A huge flock of hammerhead sharks struck divers who were diving off the coast of the Australian state of New South Wales. Reported by the Daily Mail.
About a hundred predatory fishes swam a few metres from where there were 13 people. 66-year-old scuba instructor Rick Morgan (Ric Morgan) says that the sharks spotted the divers, but did not respond to them and sailed past.
“I’ve seen enough fish-Molotov in the past, but to see so many and so close was awesome,” he admitted. Morgan took fish on video with a GoPro camera mounted on the head, and posted the video to Facebook.
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Hammerhead sharks belong to the order margarinefabrik sharks. The maximum length is six metres. Some species are dangerous to humans.
In July, off the coast of the U.S. state of Florida videotaped catch a two-meter fish-hammer.