The state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill about the stability of the Runet

The state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill about the stability of the Runet

MOSCOW, February 12. /TASS/. The state Duma on Tuesday adopted in the first reading a bill to ensure the stable operation of the Russian segment of the Internet in case of disconnection from the global infrastructure of the world wide web. The authors of the initiative made by the head of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction Andrey Klishas, his first Deputy, Lyudmila Bokova and state Duma Deputy Andrei Lugovoi.

The document envisages “the creation of a national system of information on domain names or network addresses — a set of interrelated software and hardware designed to store and retrieve network addresses for domain names, including those included in the national domain zone, as well as authorization when resolving domain names.”

The requirements for this system, the order of its creation and use will determine the Roskomnadzor, which will also be responsible for the registration of persons authorized to form the domain names included in the national domain zone.

The procedure of providing operators with the technical means for countering threats to the integrity, stability and security of functioning of the Internet in Russia. These funds will be donated to provide Roskomnadzor. The office also will determine “the manner, terms and conditions of hardware installation, as well as requirements for communication networks in their use”.

Operators who have installed such equipment, are exempt from the obligation to block prohibited in Russia information, as this will make the Roskomnadzor.

Provides that in the event of threats to the sustainability of the Internet in Russia by Roskomnadzor “can be centralized network management of public communication in established by the government of the Russian Federation the order, including measures to eliminate” the relevant threats. With the aim of improving information security, integrity and stability of functioning of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of exercises.

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Profile Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications supported the initiative, but expressed to her a number of comments. In particular, the text “not specified threats to the integrity, stability, and safety of operation” of the Internet, said the MPs. In addition, certain provisions of the document need to be aligned with the norms of applicable legislation, said at the meeting, the head of the Committee Leonid Levin. Previously, the project received a positive opinion of the government of the Russian Federation, as well as all the Duma committees, appointed co-executors.

