Livestock specialist at Kaliningrad zoo had violated safety rules, which she was attacked by an Amur tiger named Typhoon. This was reported by press Secretary of the institution Ekaterina Mikhailova, whose words RIA Novosti reported.
“According to preliminary results of the internal investigation, there was a violation of safety when working at the facility. Now have to figure out why an experienced employee can avoid a violation. Separately to figure out how efficiently worked, all services of the zoo which should be involved in any emergency situation,” — said Mikhailov.
According to the representative of the zoo, the victim is in hospital, threats to her life or health is not. She added that this is the first ever institution in case the tiger attacks on humans. The animal survived the stress and is now in his enclosure. Any action against him will not be made.
Typhoon attacked the employee on November 5 when she was in a cage. Visitors to the zoo by using everyday items managed to distract him and give the opportunity to the woman to hide in the inner room.
In October, white tiger cubs mauled the Indian employee bannerghatta national Park when he was cleaning the cage.
Background: the Amur tiger Typhoon attacked the woman in Kaliningrad