“No answer calls”: how do private clubs new wave
The new generation of fashion private clubs gaining popularity all over the world, promising something more interesting than their stuffy old colleagues.
New places are gaining a younger audience. And although their visit is not necessary to be a graduate of an elite school or University, they still high fees and stringent checks.
How they are less elitist? And why do they visit?
“I love how naturally tie the relationship in the club Soho House, says entrepreneur in the field of technology Tyler McIntyre. — You can’t wear a costume, hand out business cards and answer the phone.”
26-year-old Tyler joined the club Soho Beach House in Miami two years ago, after I went there with fellow club members.
“This is a very tranquil community, but it allows me to do things I would never have tried to do a wine tasting or cooking jam.”
“Sometimes I go to pool parties at sunset. They are noisy and a little crazy,” Tyler says.
In private clubs a new generation of less restrictions and more variety than the gentlemen’s clubs of the past.
Here is a coworking, a room for film screenings, the rooftop pools. It works here and rest a lot of young people belonging to the creative class.
Membership in this club is not cheap: about $ 2,000 per year, in addition to the fee for joining the club of $ 300.
“In the past, private clubs were elitist, they were visited by people from the same school or University,” says Richard cope, senior trends consultant at Mintel company.
“But these places are more for businesses and those who “made himself” himself. The only thing to do is to pay a fee, and it can be quite high.”
Soho House opened its first branch in 1995, is the first in a wave of clubs new sample.
The trend is gaining momentum in the U.S. and other countries.
“We see a big jump in the number of clubs a new type of that are promoted online, in contrast to traditional,” says Zach Bates of Private Club Marketing company that promotes private clubs.
“Los Angeles can’t get into Soho House. So there are others such as the Hospital Club, Griffin House and Norwood, to meet the needs of this place.”