The former president of Korea, convicted of corruption, wants to pardon

According to the agency, referring to a government source, Park Geun-hye was included in the list of amnesties on the occasion of the New Year holidays. It is clarified that the 69-year-old former Korean president may be granted amnesty, primarily because of serious health problems. In 2019, Park Geun-hye underwent shoulder surgery, and since then her health has been steadily deteriorating. Park Geun-hye was ousted in 2017 as a result of impeachment for ties to conglomerates, bribery and abuse of power. She was sentenced to 22 years in prison. Earlier, the vice president of Samsung received a sentence for bribing the girlfriend of the ex-leader of South Korea. Lee Jae-yong was sentenced to two years and six months in prison for paying a bribe of 8.9 billion won (about $8 million) to a close friend of ex-President Park Geun-hye in exchange for the government’s support for the merger of a

Kravtsov announced the return of schools to full-time education after the holidays

“As for the format [of training], the next year and after the winter holidays is a full—time format,” Kravtsov told reporters. He added that the remote format will be introduced only if the epidemiological situation requires it. Rosobrnadzor is not against leaving the Unified State Exam only for university applicants “But so far we don’t see any point in using this format [online] or extending the holidays. We will see how the holidays will go and what the epidemiological situation will be,” the minister said. In addition, Kravtsov answered the question about the day off on December 30 for teachers. According to him, this year the situation with the spread of infections, including coronavirus, is “not so acute”, which gives each region the right to declare this day a weekend or not. Earlier, on December 8, the Rospotrebnadzor gave recommendations to schools in some regions to switch to distance learning

Day in History: December 24

The Taking of Ishmael Russians celebrate the Day of Military Glory — on December 24, 1790, Russian troops took the Turkish fortress of Izmail. During the Russian-Turkish War of 1787-1791, it was considered a citadel of Turkish rule on the Danube. In November 1790, Russian troops under the able leadership of commander Alexander Suvorov began the siege of Izmail. After nine hours of fighting, the fortress fell. Christmas Eve On December 24, Catholics and Protestants celebrate Christmas Eve – the eve of the feast of the Nativity of Christ. Today, Christmas Eve in many Western countries, like Christmas, is a family holiday. Even those who do not attend church gather at the table in the evening with the whole family. The whole ritual of the Christmas Eve meal is headed by the father of the family. Before the beginning of the feast, they read a passage of the Gospel of

Mir-19: what is already known about the new cure for covid

According to experts, until the effectiveness of the drug is proven during a full cycle of clinical trials according to international standards, Russians are unlikely to trust it. Inhale, not prick The Mir-19 drug, as its developers say, blocks virus particles that are responsible for copying covid molecules and, accordingly, stops the spread of the virus inside the body. Mir-19 is injected through the respiratory tract by medical nebulizers. This contributes to the “targeted delivery of the drug to the upper and lower respiratory tract,” said Musa Khaitov, director of the SSC “Institute of Immunology” of the FMBA. It is allowed for use by people aged 18 to 65 years. It is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, patients with severe coronavirus infection and taking glucocorticosteroids, according to the instructions for the drug.

Italy introduced the mandatory wearing of masks on the street

According to & nbsp; citizens should use FFP2 respirators in & nbsp; public transport, in & nbsp & np; cinemas, theaters and & nbs; ; stadiums. “ It is prohibited to eat food in & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. The minister also said that the validity period of the Green Pass electronic certificate will be reduced from & nbsp; nine to & nbsp; six months. & nbsp; We are also cutting the time for & nbsp; fourth dose, which is reduced to & nbsp; four months & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; added Speranza. Earlier, the Italian Ministry of Health called for mutual recognition of vaccines against the & nbsp; coronavirus. In & nbsp; this question should be guided only by the & nbsp; opinion of the scientific community, the & nbsp; department emphasized.

Cult writer and playwright Joan Didion has died

Didion passed away at her home in Manhattan. The cause of her death, as told in the Knopf publishing house that published the writer’s works, was Parkinson’s disease. Joan Didion became famous in the 1960s thanks to articles in such publications as Life, The Saturday Evening Post, The New York Times Magazine and Esquire. She wrote about the California counterculture, Hollywood, American politics and the social chaos of that decade in a sarcastic style that earned her the status of one of the brightest representatives of the “new journalism”. Among the novels and collections of essays written by Didion are the books “Play as written”, “And wandered to Bethlehem”, “The last thing he wanted”, “The White Album”. In 2005, the writer’s memoir “The Year of Magical Thinking” became a bestseller, in which she told how she experienced grief after the death of her husband, writer John Gregory Dunn. Didion also

NATO denied Putin’s accusations and said it didn’t promise not to expand

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that, contrary to & nbsp; statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Alliance never promised & nbsp; expand. He & nbsp; explained that & nbsp; in & nbsp; the founding agreement of the organization says that & nbsp; every European state can become its & nbsp; member. Earlier, Putin said that the & nbsp; alliance had 'cheated' Russia without & nbsp; fulfilling its promises. NATO has never & nbsp; promised not to expand. Even in & nbsp; the founding agreement of our organization says that & nbsp; every European state can become a member of the alliance & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Stoltenberg in an & nbsp; DPA interview (translated by & nbsp; RIA Novosti). He & nbsp; explained that & nbsp; there are documents from the 1970s and & nbsp; 1990s & nbsp; & mdash; The Helsinki Final Act, the Charter

The FIU decided to merge with the Social Insurance Fund by 2023

“Commission members discussed the upcoming merger of the Pension Fund and the & nbsp; Social Security Fund, which is scheduled to be completed by & nbsp; 2023 & nbsp; ;, & nbsp; & mdash; According to the & nbsp; message. According to Golikova, a temporary working group will be created within the RTK to discuss legislative initiatives that implement the upcoming changes. , & nbsp; & mdash; she clarified. About & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; the idea of ​​transforming the FIU into a & nbsp; public law company (PPK) was discussed in the & nbsp; government, RBC sources reported in & nbsp; at the end of December 2017. Later, in an & nbsp; interview with RBC, PFR Chairman Anton Drozdov said that & nbsp; a public company is considered as one of & nbsp; possible options for transforming the Pension Fund. In & nbsp; December 2018, Golikova gave

The head of the DPR announced the presence of chemical weapons in Ukraine

“Chemical weapons are present & nbsp; already on the & nbsp; territory of Ukraine, will it be used or not, it’s a matter of time. I & nbsp; very much hope for & nbsp; that & nbsp; coverage in & nbsp; media, appeals will take effect, and & nbsp; Ukraine will not & nbsp; go to & nbsp; this very serious and & nbsp; illegal step & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Pushilin said on the & nbsp; air of the Russia 24 TV channel. He stressed that at the moment no one can give guarantees that Ukraine will not use chemical weapons in Donbass. that the United States supplied Ukraine with containers with & nbsp; chemical weapons, which were later transferred to & nbsp; areas near the & nbsp; contact line in & nbsp; Donbass. In addition, he & nbsp; stated that & nbsp; on the & nbsp; line