A robot has been created that cooks a new pizza every 45 seconds

3 former SpaceX engineers have launched a robot restaurant that makes a pizza every 45 seconds. Stellar Pizza, a robotic restaurant that can churn out a pizza every 45 seconds, is opening in spring next year in Los Angeles. pic.twitter.com/8iBiMm9VTv — ~????????? ????~ (@TeahCartel) December 25, 2021 Three former SpaceX engineers have created a robotic restaurant that cooks pizza without human intervention in the shortest possible time. Now Stellar Pizza is undergoing tests, and will begin full-fledged work in the spring of 2022, Business Insider reports. The company was founded in May 2019 by three former SpaceX engineers: Benson Tsai, Brian Langone and James Vahavisan. They used to develop advanced battery systems for Elon Musk’s rockets and satellites. Tsai, the CEO of the startup, hired more than 20 former SpaceX employees, who built a contactless pizza machine. It fits in the back of a truck. Former SpaceX chef Ted Cima

Zakharova denied US statements related to non-expansion of NATO

According to & nbsp; her, the issue will be one of the & nbsp; main & nbsp; upcoming talks with & nbsp; USA and & nbsp; NATO. The commentary was published in & nbsp; her personal Telegram channel. Zakharova emphasized that & nbsp; the key issues in the & nbsp; negotiations will be the non-expansion of NATO and & nbsp; the non-appearance of weapons systems threatening the country's security at & nbsp; Russian borders. “ Those who & nbsp; have not yet & nbsp; understood the & nbsp; essence of the Russian position & nbsp;, & nbsp; & mdash; added a Foreign Ministry spokesman. Earlier, White House spokesman Jen Psaki said that & nbsp; the United States will hold talks with & nbsp; Russia on & nbsp; security in & nbsp; January. According to & nbsp; her, the details of the talks at & nbsp; at the moment are not

Ariane 5 rocket with James Webb telescope launched from the Kourou cosmodrome in French Guiana

PARIS, December 25. /tass/. The Ariane 5 rocket with the James Webb orbital telescope launched on Saturday from the Kourou cosmodrome in French Guiana. Arianespace conducts a live broadcast of the launch on its website. The Ariane 5 rocket will take the telescope into orbit. After that, the telescope will move for four weeks to its destination at the second Lagrange point, the European Space Agency clarifies. This point is four times farther from the Earth than the Moon, at a distance of 1.5 million km on the opposite side from the Sun. Too excited to sleep? We get it.@NASAWebb – the world’s most powerful space telescope – is set to lift off Dec. 25 at 7:20am ET (12:20 UTC). Live NASA TV coverage begins at 6am ET (11:00 UTC): https://t.co/z1RgZwQkWS#UnfoldTheUniverse pic.twitter.com/Y1c1VLraeq — NASA (@NASA) December 25, 2021 Initially, the launch was planned for December 18, but it was postponed

The American military joked about Biden on the air

In the United States, the president’s phone calls to employees of military departments are traditionally broadcast. This time, after the conversation, one of the soldiers congratulated Biden and his wife on the upcoming Christmas. “Merry Christmas and go ahead, Brandon,” the man jokingly said. To which the president replied: “I agree, go ahead, Brandon.” It was not clear from Biden’s reaction whether he knew the meaning of this phrase, but Jill Biden, who was sitting next to him, laughed and then rolled her eyes. CALLER: “Merry Christmas and Lets Go Brandon:” BIDEN: “Lets Go Brandon, I agree” pic.twitter.com/K8PpzceB3K — Greg Price (@greg_price11) December 24, 2021 The phrase “Go ahead, Brandon” appeared during the October NASCAR races in Alabama and became winged. During an interview with a racing participant named Brandon, fans began shouting “to hell with Biden,” and a reporter who was interviewed told viewers that fans were chanting “go ahead,

Volodin named the most important laws among those adopted by the State Duma in 2021

MOSCOW, December 25 & nbsp;/TASS /. The laws on & nbsp; requirements for & nbsp; foreign IT companies to open representative offices in & nbsp; RF, increasing maternity capital and & nbsp; tax deduction for & nbsp; sports have become one of the & nbsp; most important among those adopted by the State Duma in & nbsp; 2021. The speaker of the lower house Vyacheslav Volodin said on & nbsp; Saturday on his Telegram channel. “In the outgoing year, the State Duma adopted many laws important for & nbsp; our citizens. Some of & nbsp; them come into & nbsp; force in & nbsp; the first month of the new 2022. There are many such laws. Therefore, today I will tell you about & nbsp; the first 10 most significant of the & nbsp; decisions taken & nbsp; & mdash; increasing maternity capital, tax deduction for & nbsp; sports, &

Former Austrian Chancellor Kurz got a job in a private company from the USA for € 500 thousand a year

It is noted that & nbsp; the contract was signed before & nbsp; Christmas, the name of the company is not & nbsp; specified. Kurz's annual income at & nbsp; new job is estimated at & nbsp; & euro; 500 thousand. At the & nbsp; post of Chancellor, Kurz received a salary of & nbsp; a little more than & nbsp; 270 thousand in & nbsp; year. According to & nbsp; according to the publication, in & nbsp ; USA Kurz will move with & nbsp; family, but & nbsp; plans to periodically return to & nbsp; Austria. On December 2 & nbsp; ex-Chancellor of Austria Kurz announced his & nbsp; retirement from & nbsp; politics. It was reported that & nbsp; he & nbsp; made such a decision after the birth of his son. On November 18 & nbsp; the Austrian Parliament unanimously approved the decision to & nbsp;

The Taliban banned listening to music in cars

According to the agency, this instruction exists in writing, its provisions have been communicated to drivers. In addition, it is now forbidden to carry women in cars without a hijab. Earlier, representatives of the Taliban movement abolished the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and banned live music at weddings. For example, in the northeastern province of Badakhshan, it is strictly forbidden to listen to music, smoke, not follow the prayer schedule and spend time together for men and women in hotels and restaurants. At the end of October 2021, it was reported that members of the radical Taliban movement attacked a wedding in Afghanistan. The attack took place in the village of Shamshpur Mar Gundi in Nangarhar province — music sounded there in the evening, which provoked the conflict. Two people were killed and ten people were injured.

Murashko said that cases of infection with omicron have been recorded inside Russia

MOSCOW, December 25. /tass/. Cases of infection with a new strain of coronavirus “omicron” were recorded inside Russia, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko told reporters on Saturday. “We are monitoring, in total we see that there are imported cases from abroad, they are quickly localized, but there are cases of infection with the omicron strain on the territory of the Russian Federation—” he said during a working trip to Rostov-on-Don. The Minister also said that the commission of experts of the Ministry of Health of Russia is developing new recommendations for the treatment of a new coronavirus infection caused by a new strain of omicron. “Today, studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and treatment of [covid] caused by a new strain of drugs, including those based on monoclonal antibodies, which appear on the market today. We see that certain approaches will need to be changed. Yesterday, a commission of

The best Christmas trees in the world were shown in the photo

View this post on Instagram A post by Thomas (@tbuberlin) Berlin View this post on Instagram A post by Spazio Italiano Ufficiale (@spazio_italiano) Vatican City View this post on Instagram A post by Benoitlife (@benoitlife) Paris View this post on Instagram Post by worldpatrography (@worldpatrography) New York View this post on Instagram A post by poppy rose (@poppyrlse) Madrid View this post on Instagram Publication from Ukraine Ukraine (@ukraine_picture) Kiev The World’s Largest Floating Christmas Tree is erected every year in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil??. It’s made of metal, stands at a height of 279 feet (approx) and has 3.1 million lights on it. It’s lit up every night until Jan 6th. Video credit – @ODN pic.twitter.com/paumbxmiNU — A Silly Point (@a_sillypoint) December 24, 2021 Rio de Janeiro View this post on Instagram A post by Larry Almazar Obogne (@larirenz22) Antipolo, Philippines View this post on Instagram Post by Walk

The star of “Irony of Fate” refused to watch the main New Year’s movie

According to Brylskaya, she is known to the Soviet and Russian audience as an actress precisely because of the role of Nadenka Sheveleva, however, by the time she was invited to shoot the main New Year’s tape in In Russia, she was already an accomplished and famous actress. She was even offended by the position of Ryazanov, who offered her a photo test first, and not immediately the role itself. By that time, the star had already “starred in bolder pictures about love than a New Year’s lyrical comedy.” For this reason, the actress also considered the possibility of refusing the role. However, according to her, she will not reconsider the “Irony of fate” primarily because of the unwillingness “from the height of great life experience to notice her own acting mistakes.” Earlier it was reported that actress Barbara Brylska has serious health problems — a spinal fracture and voice problems.