Almost 670 thousand foreigners have received Russian citizenship since the beginning of the year

“In January – November 2021, the number of persons in respect of whom a decision was made to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation was 667 thousand 939,” the materials say. At the same time, for the same period last year, this number amounted to 563 thousand 342. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of foreigners registered for migration has also increased. So, if for 11 months of 2020 there were 8 million 983 thousand 944 people, then this year – 11 million 895 thousand 887. However , in Foreigners from visa-free countries began to enter Russia less. “In January — November 2021, visas were issued to foreign citizens and stateless persons — 183 thousand 157,” the summary says. At the same time, for the same period in 2020, this figure was more than 206 thousand. At the end of September, the head of the Main Migration Department

“One dances, the other steals”: the number of crimes is growing in Russia on New Year’s Eve

On New Year’s Eve in Fraudsters have become more active in Russia. Most of them operate in Networks, sending messages to users about “fabulously generous” promotions and sales. Some deceive people live, dressing up in Santa Claus costumes and Snow maiden. In addition, animators often trade apartment thefts. How not to become a victim of criminals during the holidays – in the material of Izvestia. Discount offer Before New Year in Fraudsters have become more active in Russia. Many began to receive messages with offers of “fabulously generous” holiday promotions and sales allegedly from well-known brands. The authors lure customers by offering products at an incredibly low price, such as expensive gifts with a 90% discount. Often such letters are sent by scammers who place links to fake websites of large retail chains in them, experts of the Moshelovka ONF platform, launched by the All-Russian People’s Front to combat fraudsters, warned. Since mid-December, the organization

Day in History: December 26

The Decembrist Uprising December 26 , 1825 on Senate Square in The oath of troops and government institutions to the new Emperor Nicholas I was appointed in St. Petersburg . A group of like-minded nobles, many of whom were officers of the Guard, who dreamed of liberalization and democratic freedoms in the Russian Empire, decided to prevent Nicholas I from taking the throne. The coup attempt, in which more than 3 thousand people participated, was brutally suppressed on the same day. The surviving participants of the uprising were exiled, and five leaders were executed. The uprising had a strong resonance and influenced the further socio-political life of the country. The discovery of radium On December 26 , 1898 , working at the French Academy of Sciences , Maria and Pierre Curie was informed about the discovery of radium. Scientists have found that the waste remaining after the separation of uranium from ore is

Coronavirus: there are more than 100 thousand cases in France

The leaders in the number of new infections per day are now the USA (about 184 thousand), Great Britain (more than 120 thousand), France (104 thousand) and Italy (almost 55 thousand cases). For France, Saturday’s morbidity data was a record since the beginning of the pandemic. The country tried to prevent the spread of a new variant of the Omicron covid by restricting the entry of travelers from the UK, where a sharp increase in infections began even earlier. However, now the number of cases has exceeded one hundred thousand, despite the restrictions. According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 279 million people have been infected with coronavirus worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic, 5.4 million patients have died.

The Ministry of Health clarified Murashko’s words about cases of infection with omicron in Russia

The Ministry of Health clarified the words of the head of the Ministry Mikhail Murashko. He said on December 25 that cases of COVID-19 caused by omicron were registered in Russia. “We are monitoring, in total we see that there are imported cases from abroad, they are quickly localized, but there are cases of infection with the omicron strain on the territory of the Russian Federation,” the minister said during a working trip to Rostov-on-Don. Murashko did not say how many people with omicron were registered and what their condition was. The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, reported on December 21 that omicron was detected in 41 people in Russia. All patients are in hospitals, the condition of all patients is stable, most already have immunity to coronavirus after vaccination or previously transferred COVID-19, Popova noted. To prevent the uncontrolled spread of Omicron, a number of countries, including Russia, have

Peskov: Russia never attacked anyone first

“Russia has never been the first to & nbsp; & nbsp; who has never & nbsp; attacked & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; answered Peskov in & nbsp; air of the TV channel “ Russia 1 '' on the & nbsp; question, is Moscow calculating the steps of other countries. Commenting on reports of & nbsp; a possible Russian attack on & nbsp; Ukraine, Dmitry Peskov called them & nbsp; empty and & nbsp; groundless escalation of tension. The Russian Federation neither for who poses no threat.Dmitry PeskovPress Secretary of the President of Russia -East of Ukraine, while maintaining adherence to the Minsk agreements and & nbsp; “ Normandy format '', Dmitry Peskov said. He warned that & nbsp; attempts to resolve the conflict by force in the & nbsp; Donbass would have the most serious consequences. Kiev previously reported that & nbsp; at & nbsp; state borders were seen

The authorities of the Russian region forced sellers to show buyers QR codes

The resolution on the obligation of sellers to show QR codes appeared on the website of the Government of the KhMAO. The document states that the certificate of vaccination must be presented by “employees of organizations, individual entrepreneurs, citizens who sell goods, provide services, perform work to the population.” Moreover, they are obliged to show the QR code at the “first request (demand) of buyers,” according to the decree of the governor of Ugra Natalia Komarova. The new rule comes into force from the date of its signing — December 25, 2021. For all the time in the region, 94,800 people fell ill with coronavirus, of which 1946 died. On November 8, QR codes for visiting public places began to operate in Ugra. Until February 1, 2022, teenagers under the age of 14 cannot go to shopping malls without their parents, it is forbidden to hold entertainment events with the

The immunologist warned about the deadly consequences of COVID-19 for some Russians

The specialist clarified that there are three categories of people at risk — the deeply elderly, people with chronic diseases and those who have suffered from COVID-19. “After they get over covid, they seem to have recovered, symptoms persist, weakness, disorders of the heart, brain activity, nervous system, psyche. And the worst thing is that it is progressing, and the body cannot compensate for it. Especially if the person is not on intensive treatment. As a result, 3-4 months pass, and the person dies. Either a stroke or a severe heart attack,” the immunologist noted. He added that such deaths do not fall into the statistics of deaths as a result of coronavirus infection. Earlier, Kryuchkov named a group of people with the easiest course of the omicron strain. He referred young people without chronic diseases to her.

Former Prime Minister of Ukraine named those responsible for the energy crisis

“Centralization of monetary resources is in progress. Local budgets will be deprived. In & nbsp; in particular, energy. There was money and & nbsp; time to buy cheap gas. But & nbsp; because of & nbsp; inability to predict, the authorities overslept the gas issues and & nbsp; the situation with & nbsp; coal. With this she gave us to the & nbsp; hands of Belarus. And & nbsp; by & nbsp; essence & nbsp; & mdash; Russia & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he stated & nbsp; in & nbsp; interview to the magazine “ Country ''. Groisman believes that & nbsp; this could have been done on purpose. “ There are two options & nbsp; & mdash; either complete incompetence, or deliberately undermine the foundations of energy security. The price for a & nbsp; country will be too high. Here is the question of our independence & raquo;,

Russian inspectors will perform observation flights over the territories of Estonia and Finland

Read TASS in Yandex.NewsYandex.Zen … Show hidden linksGoogle News MOSCOW, July 20./ITAR- As part of the implementation of the international treaty on open skies, Russian specialists will perform two observation flights over the territories of Estonia and Finland. This was reported to ITAR-TASS by the head of the National Center for the Reduction of Nuclear Risk Sergei Ryzhkov. The flights will be operated by the Russian An-30B aircraft. “Observation flights will be carried out from 20 to 26 July from the open skies airfields of Helsinki-Vantaa (Finland) and Tartu-Ulenurme (Estonia),” Ryzhkov specified. “The maximum ranges of observation flights are 1400 and 800 km, respectively.” > Observation flights are carried out with the aim of promoting greater openness and transparency in the military activities of the states parties to the treaty, as well as strengthening security through strengthening confidence-building measures. The Russian observation aircraft will fly along the route agreed with