Putin instructed to continue the implementation of additional payments to doctors fighting covid in 2022

“The Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the previously given instructions, to continue the implementation in 2022 of special social payments to medical and & nbsp; other workers medical and & nbsp; other organizations (their & nbsp; structural units) providing medical care (participating in the & nbsp; provision, providing medical care) for & nbsp; diagnosis and & nbsp; treatment of coronavirus infection, employees in contact with & nbsp; patients with & nbsp; diagnosed with COVID-19 19), social workers of stationary social service institutions & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; According to the & nbsp; list of instructions of the head of state on the results of a meeting with & nbsp; members of the government. Putin also ordered to establish for doctors and workers in contact with patients with covid, the payment of special social benefits doubled for work on weekends and holidays from December 31 to January

Rakova: the drawings of apartments and cars did not have a special effect to stimulate vaccination

“We are introducing motivational measures. And everyone knows that apartments were played, and cars were played, and we offer a “Health box” to people of retirement age, if you don’t want a “Health Box” — 10 thousand. But I have not seen such a super effect from these measures,” Ms. Rakova said in an interview with RIA Novosti. She noted that two factors can influence the rate of vaccination — an increase in morbidity and restrictions or certain circumstances, for example, the introduction of mandatory vaccination for service workers. “As soon as they started talking at the beginning of November that mandatory QR codes would be introduced, a federal law was introduced, we also received an increase in those wishing to get vaccinated, somewhere 35-40 thousand daily,” she added. The State Duma last week approved in the first reading a government draft of amendments to the law “On sanitary and

Almost 9 billion COVID-19 vaccinations have been made in the world

“The largest vaccination campaign in the history of mankind continues: in total, over 8.95 billion doses have been administered,” the publication says. It is also noted that if such rates of vaccination are maintained, it will take another five months before 75% of the world’s population receives at least one dose of the vaccine, then life on the planet “will return to normal.” Experts clarified that at the moment, 75% of the population in 38 countries of the world have been vaccinated with at least one dose of the coronavirus drug. At the same time, the vaccination process is 10 times faster in higher-income countries than in lower-income countries. So, to date, 2.7 billion people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in China, 85.2% of the country’s residents have completed the vaccination process, 79.6% of the vaccinated population in France, 70.9% in Germany, and 70.7% in the UK. At the same

Traffic lights need special permission

As it became known to Kommersant, the Association of Transport Engineers (unites specialists in the & nbsp; field of traffic management) came up with an initiative to introduce amendments to & nbsp; current GOST 52289. We are talking about & nbsp; standard (mandatory for & nbsp; observance in & nbsp; RF), which sets the rules for the use of signs, markings and & nbsp; traffic lights. Until & nbsp; April 2020, he & nbsp; prohibited the organization of the so-called single-phase regulation at & nbsp; crossroads & nbsp; & mdash; when the car turns right simultaneously with & nbsp; a pedestrian who is crossing the road at this moment. The ban was partially lifted by the new edition of GOST. But & nbsp; the introduction of such an order is now possible only with & nbsp; low traffic intensity, when not more than 120 cars turn at & nbsp; hour,

From 2023, digital passports will be issued in three regions of Russia

He & nbsp; explained that & nbsp; digital passport & nbsp; & mdash; This is an analogue of an electronic bank card with a & nbsp; contactless chip. In & nbsp; it, you can additionally enter TIN, SNILS or driver's license number. “ Personal data of a person and his photograph will be applied to the card containing several degrees of protection against counterfeiting. By the end of next year, all preparatory activities will be completed & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; noted the Deputy Prime Minister. According to & nbsp; he said, the system project of the digital passport & nbsp; is already ready, technical tests of basic electronic components have been carried out & nbsp; & mdash; microcircuits and & nbsp; form. Earlier it was reported that & nbsp; to issue passports with & nbsp; electronic media will be & nbsp; on a voluntary basis to citizens of

Khusnullin proposed to reduce the maximum allowable amount of alcohol in the driver's blood

& nbsp; I & nbsp; believe that & nbsp; it is necessary to reduce the number of permissible fractions per mille of alcohol in & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; driving, & nbsp; & mdash; stated to & ldquo; Vedomosti & rdquo; Deputy Prime Minister. & mdash; & nbsp; After all, there is a direct dependence of mortality and & nbsp; accidents on & nbsp; the number of ppm alcohol in & nbsp; blood. The percentage of accidents among & nbsp; those who & nbsp; drank a glass of beer or so is minimal. Those who & nbsp; sat behind & nbsp; a wheel with & nbsp; one ppm of alcohol in & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; & nbsp; are potential death row. Therefore, these things need to be regulated. ” The struggle for“ ppm ”was active in the early 2010s. S & nbsp; 2008 & nbsp;

Experts assessed the possibility of the end of the pandemic in 2022

Virologists interviewed by Izvestia believe that the appearance of the Omicron strain could be key to the entire history of COVID-19 if this variety turns out to be the mutation that will bring the epidemic to naught. According to medical forecasts, this process can take up to a year. So, Alexander Butenko, head of the Department of the N. F. Gamalei National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, said. that the end date of the pandemic will depend on two factors: the immune layer of the population and the mutagenicity of the virus. “We see that COVID-19, like other coronaviruses, has a high mutation capacity. The longer the pandemic lasts, the more the virus mutates. But such processes do not always lead to an increase in the pathogenicity of the virus, sometimes they work to weaken it. Science has known cases of deprivation

The sunken ships were compared in the video

The designers of the MetaBall Studios channel compared in a spectacular visualization the depth at which the most famous sunken ships rest on the seabed. Here you can see the famous ships “Umbria”, “Costa Concordia”, “Crown Prince Wilhelm”, the ferry “Estonia”, “Britannic”, the Soviet submarine K-278 “Komsomolets”, “Titanic” and many others. Previously, MetaBall Studios compared the sizes of skyscrapers, molecules and viruses, craters and moons of the Solar System. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Anna Lysenko Even more interesting things about people

Harris threatened Russia with unprecedented sanctions over Ukraine

“We & nbsp; are cooperating with & nbsp; our allies on & nbsp; this issue, and & nbsp; we made & nbsp; we are & nbsp; ready to impose sanctions that you & nbsp; have never & nbsp; seen & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the politician on CBS. She did not name specific measures, but & nbsp; said that Washington is “ in direct discussions '' on & nbsp; this topic with the & nbsp; Russian side. Harris stressed that “Russia should not violate Ukraine's sovereignty” and that the United States will support the country's territorial integrity. The United States has repeatedly stated that & nbsp; can impose sanctions in & nbsp; military aggression of Russia in & nbsp; relation to & nbsp; Ukraine. 1 & nbsp; December on & nbsp; Washington's readiness to take “ economic and & nbsp; other measures '' against Moscow in & nbsp;

Foreigners will be put on infectious registration

On December 29, amendments to the laws “On the legal status of foreign citizens” and “On State fingerprint registration in the Russian Federation” developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs come into force. From this date, all citizens of the EAEU countries older than seven years must, within a month after arrival in Russia should provide the Ministry of Internal Affairs with medical certificates – with the results of drug testing and the presence of infectious diseases, in particular tuberculosis, leprosy (leprosy), syphilis, HIV and COVID-19. It is assumed that they will be valid for a year — after that, the tests will have to be taken again. “Now there is no document that regulates a specific deadline, but it will appear in the near future,” Vadim Kozhenov, president of the Russian Federation of Migrants, told Kommersant. Previously, almost the same requirements were established for citizens of the CIS countries: when