The Foreign Ministry lists Russia's requirements for NATO

He & nbsp; stressed that & nbsp; Moscow requires & nbsp; NATO to officially withdraw the decision on & nbsp; that Georgia & nbsp; Ukraine and & nbsp; ; the future will be able to join the & nbsp; North Atlantic Alliance. According to & nbsp; he said, Moscow's position is that & nbsp; further expansion of the organization in & nbsp; principle is impossible. Ryabkov expressed the opinion that all NATO activities should be “rolled back to the positions that existed at the time of the signing of the Russia-NATO fundamental act.” At the & nbsp; Summit in & nbsp; Bucharest in & nbsp; April 2008, the North Atlantic Alliance adopted a political statement that & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Ukraine and & nbsp; Georgia will eventually become NATO members. In & nbsp; February 2019, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved amendments to the country's constitution, securing the

The head of the HRC spoke in favor of free PCR tests and against fines for refusing vaccination

“It is already difficult for people, and it is necessary to treat people’s problems related to the epidemic as delicately as possible. The pressure from some bureaucrats increased up to the point of saying that fines should be imposed, that it is necessary to vaccinate forcibly, we are against it,” he said at a press conference in TASS on Monday. According to Fadeev, it is necessary to encourage people to be vaccinated not with the help of fines. It is necessary to explain, persuade, work with people in a human way.Valery Fadeev He also noted that PCR tests and antibody tests should be extremely cheap or free. “An urgent PCR test costs 4 thousand rubles — this is quite a lot of money. I believe that a system should be deployed when citizens can either do a PCR test for free or very cheaply, as well as an analysis for

In Russia, for the second day in a row, less than 24 thousand infected with COVID-19 were detected

The regions are the leaders in the number of new cases of infection: Moscow — 2239; St. Petersburg – 1834; Moscow region — 1616; Sverdlovsk region — 554; Irkutsk region — 537. Per day in 937 cases died in Russia — 3.2% less than yesterday (968). The total number of deaths reached 305,155. 33,715 people recovered during the day, a total of 9,293,486. Regions-leaders in the number of deaths: Moscow – 68; Saint Petersburg — 60; Moscow region — 52; Krasnoyarsk Territory — 39; Voronezh region — 38; Sverdlovsk region — 30. As of December 24, the level of collective immunity in Russia has reached 60.4%. In November, a new strain of coronavirus called “omicron” began to spread in the world. In Russia, more than 40 cases of infection with this strain have been identified. Scientists believe that with omicron, the probability of a severe course of the disease and hospitalization is

Russians admitted that they are annoyed on New Year’s Eve

“Most often, Russians are annoyed by noise on New Year’s Eve: 19% of respondents admitted that explosions of firecrackers and festive fireworks cause them exclusively negative emotions, and this is 3 percentage points more than last year,” analysts found out. In addition, 10% of compatriots are dissatisfied with the abundance of alcohol and drunk people around, another 7% are dissatisfied with the television program. Lack of sleep due to night walks unnerves 3% of respondents. 2% of respondents admitted that they are annoyed by their own loneliness, which is felt especially acutely on New Year’s Eve, and the general obsession with celebrating. Another 2% are upset that the holiday is going too fast. For 23%, the main factors of discontent in the New Year are extra money, poorly functioning cellular communication, too much food, a mountain of dirty dishes in the kitchen, expensive taxi services, the need to work, endless

A new season of “Matchmakers” is coming out on the TV channel “Russia”

On December 27, at 21:20, the premiere of the new season of the popularly beloved TV series “Matchmakers” will take place on the Rossiya TV channel. The Budko couple (Fyodor Dobronravov and Tatiana Kravchenko) and Kovalev-Berkovichi (Lyudmila Artemyeva and Alexander Feklistov) will go on vacation to Belarus, which will result in a loud international scandal, and a harmless trip to Georgia will turn into a series of incredible events. In addition, the audience is waiting for an interesting turn in the personal life of the eldest beloved granddaughter of matchmakers Zhenya (Anna Koshmal), who grew up and got married. The new season of “Matchmakers” will feature new characters performed by Viktor Dobronravov, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Mikhail Trukhin, Jemal Tetruashvili and Olga Medynich.

The Kremlin began preparations for the presidential elections in 2024

Baseline scenario The Kremlin has begun preparations for the 2024 presidential election … Preliminary discussions on & nbsp; this topic began in the & nbsp; summer, said two acquaintances with & nbsp; the course of the discussion of the source of RBC. In & nbsp; in particular, it was said that & nbsp; the campaign should be planned not & nbsp; for & nbsp; a year, but & nbsp; in advance, says one of & nbsp; interlocutors of RBC. At the & nbsp; meetings, where the issue of the presidential election was touched upon in one way or another, there was talk of a & nbsp; possible campaign by the incumbent President Vladimir Putin, both sources told RBC. “ Discussing a campaign with a & nbsp; certain candidate. There are no other options [at & nbsp; at the moment] & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; emphasized one of them. At

The head of the WHO European Bureau expects the recognition of Sputnik V soon

“WHO and RDIF met at the end of November to discuss the need for additional data on the quality, safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, the company undertook to submit a detailed roadmap for the submission of data so that WHO could accelerate the evaluation of this vaccine. The submission of data is expected by the end of December 2021, and I hope that the process will be completed soon after that,” Kluge said in an interview with TASS. He added that WHO is an organization that is based on scientific evidence, so the vaccine approval process is the same for all manufacturers. WHO treats all applicants equally, using the same criteria to evaluate any particular product, in this case the COVID-19 vaccine.Hans KlugeGlava of the organization’s Regional Office for Europe Kluge also said that the EUL procedure is the main one to accelerate the availability of these vaccines. The

Former Tatler editor-in-chief Eduard Dorozhkin has died at the 46th year of his life

“Eduard is no more. And it’s impossible to believe,” his colleague and founder of PR Bar Anetta Reshetova said on Facebook. Ksenia Sobchak also expressed her condolences, recalling that she worked with Dorozhkin in lOfficiel magazine. “He’s gone today. Rip,” she wrote. Dorozhkin was constantly published in Vedomosti, was the editor-in-chief in the newspaper On Rublevka and in Tatler magazine. According to the publication the journalist, who has done a lot for modern glossy publications, had serious health problems. Doctors call the cause of death heart failure, but they say that the journalist had a coronavirus, after which he formed a blood clot. Eduard Dorozhkin’s body was found in the apartment by his mother.