Schwarzenegger became a bachelor after ten years of divorce proceedings

The final decision of the judge was preceded by ten and a half years of divorce proceedings. Such a long period was explained by the fact that the spouses “lacked motivation”, as well as the settlement of disputes about the division of property. At the same time, on December 27, Shriver stated that she did not rule out the possibility of preserving the marriage. Arnold Schwarzenegger married TV journalist Maria Shriver, who was the niece of US President John F. Kennedy, in 1986. They had four children in their marriage. Shriver filed for divorce in July 2011, although by that time she and her husband had not lived together for several months. The reason for the breakdown of family relations, as it turned out later, was the actor’s having an affair on the side and an illegitimate child. Even more interesting things about people

Russians are not as afraid of coronavirus as protection from it

The main source of anxiety in 2021 is expected to be the coronavirus pandemic and everything related to it: from the appearance of new strains to uncertainty with vacation, the authors of the study state. But if in 2020 Russians were primarily concerned about the risk of infection with the “crown”, then in the outgoing year, the fear of introducing a QR-code system for admission to public places unconditionally came out on top. This phobia occupies a leading position in 70 regions at once, and in another 12 subjects it is in the top 3 fears. And only in the most “imperturbable” republics — Dagestan and Ingushetia, as well as in Chukotka, “QR panic” gives way to other worries. This is followed by vaccination against COVID-19, which is one of the top three fears in 68 regions, and the fear of the virus itself (46 subjects). The conditional rating is

USA and EU condemn the liquidation of Memorial in Russia

The United States and the European Union condemned the liquidation of the international human rights organization Memorial; (recognized in & nbsp; Russia as an NGO-foreign agent). State Department spokesman Ned Price and head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell made this statement. With this, Price urged the Kremlin to “stop persecuting human rights defenders.” on & nbsp; freedom of expression, association and & nbsp; peaceful assembly & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; quotes a spokesman for the State Department Reuters. In his & nbsp; Twitter account, the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell expressed the opinion that & nbsp; “ Memorial '' plays an important role in & nbsp; preserving the memory of & nbsp; political repression and & nbsp; about & nbsp; violations of human rights. Borrell also noted: the ability to critically assess one's past is necessary “ for & nbsp; healthy development and & nbsp; progress of any

Borrell called Russia's demand not to expand NATO eastward unacceptable

“Requirements for security guarantees and & nbsp; cessation of enlargement & nbsp; EU and & nbsp; NATO in & nbsp; East & nbsp; & mdash; & mdash; this is a purely Russian agenda with & nbsp; completely unacceptable conditions, especially with & nbsp; taking into account Ukraine & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Borrell stated. He & nbsp; stressed that & nbsp; The European Union should participate in & nbsp; negotiations on & nbsp; security in & nbsp; Europe. He called Russia's desire to negotiate without & nbsp; participation of the European Union absurdity. According to & nbsp; he said, the negotiations should not be limited to the topic of Ukraine. The parties will have to talk about all violations of the agreement from & nbsp; the moment the Helsinki Final Act was adopted in & nbsp; 1975 & nbsp; g. “ We & nbsp; do not & nbsp; agree

US military abandoned aircraft carrier in Mediterranean over Ukraine

According to the agency, this happened “ against the & nbsp; background of concerns about & nbsp; about the accumulation of thousands of Russian military at & nbsp; the border with & nbsp; ;. The aircraft carrier in & nbsp; as part of a strike group of & nbsp; five ships of the US Navy was supposed to go to the & nbsp; Middle East, however, according to a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, plans have changed. “ This is necessary to & nbsp; in order to reassure US allies and & nbsp; partners in the & nbsp; region & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the interlocutor of the agency. The information is confirmed by the publication USNI News. The Pentagon spokesman said that & nbsp; the carrier group will remain in the Ionian Sea between Greece and & nbsp; Italy, instead of heading to the & nbsp;

Valery Zorkin allowed the revival of the death penalty in Russia

In the book Constitutional Justice: Procedure and Meaning, Valery Zorkin returns to the doctrine of national identity and discusses the role of constitutional control, which is designed to “humble the destructive effect of political prominences and protect society.” He recalls that the socio-cultural situation in Russia differs significantly from the situation in the old democracies of Europe — and these differences must be taken into account. At the same time, the Constitutional Court, as Mr. Zorkin notes, demonstrated a willingness to overcome, if necessary, stereotypes of mass consciousness — as was the case, for example, with the abolition of the death penalty. The Chairman of the Court recalls that in Russia has had an indefinite moratorium on the use of the death penalty since 1996, which was introduced by virtue of the commitments made when the country joined the The Council of Europe. This moratorium was confirmed in 1999 and 2009 by the

Biden did not rule out the possibility of an early personal meeting with Putin

US President Joe Biden did not & nbsp; rule out the possibility of his personal meeting with & nbsp; Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in & nbsp; January. He & nbsp; gave the appropriate answer to & nbsp; a question from journalists. According to & nbsp; the White House press pool, in & nbsp; during a trip to & nbsp; Delaware, the media asked Biden if he was planning & nbsp; is & nbsp; he & nbsp; to hold a personal meeting with & nbsp; Putin in & nbsp; January 2022. “ Let's see '', & nbsp; & mdash; Biden said briefly, answering & nbsp; this question. Life said that on December 7 & nbsp; Putin and & nbsp; Biden held talks via & nbsp; video link, which lasted a little over two hours. The conversation became & nbsp; already the fifth since & nbsp; the moment Biden entered the &

Day in History: December 29

253 years ago , Catherine II introduced Russia paper money On December 29, 1768, the Supreme Manifesto was issued signed by Catherine II, on the basis of which in For the first time, the Russian Empire introduced paper money, called banknotes by the Empress. The first banknotes were printed in four denominations – 25, 50, 75 and 100 rubles, and were exchanged for copper coins. For one 100-ruble banknote, 100 kilograms of copper five-kopeck coins were given. The need for monetary reform was explained by the acute shortage of silver and the weight of old copper coins: it was possible to transport an amount of 500 rubles only by cart. At the same time, an Assignation Bank was created to exchange new banknotes for copper: Count Andrey Shuvalov was appointed its first director. “Annushka” On December 29, 1911, the tram “A”, the famous “Annushka”, began to run in the capital. Then the

Poroshenko announced Zelensky's gift to Putin

The politician believes that & nbsp; Zelensky made a gift to Putin when he announced suspicions in & nbsp; Poroshenko's address, which “ fought back for five years Russian aggression. '' Zelenskiy hates me, Zelenskiy is afraid of me, Zelenskiy is engaged in illegal political persecution through the & nbsp; system of twisted justice '', & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. According to Poroshenko, this has been going on for almost three years. Earlier, the ex-president announced his readiness to clarify the criminal case on & nbsp; high treason and & nbsp; financing of terrorism against him, which was initiated in & nbsp; Ukraine, when he returned to & nbsp; country. The politician noted that & nbsp; he “ has his own schedule '', which he & nbsp; “ is not & nbsp; going to break because of & nbsp; illegal desires ''; Zelensky. He & nbsp; did

The State Department announced that the meeting of the Russia-NATO Council is scheduled for January 12

WASHINGTON, December 28 & nbsp;/TASS /. Meeting of the Council Russia & nbsp; & mdash; NATO is scheduled for & nbsp; 12 & nbsp; January, after which contacts will take place on the & nbsp; line of the Organization for & nbsp; Security and & nbsp; Cooperation in & nbsp; Europe (OSCE). The corresponding statement was made on & nbsp; Tuesday at a & nbsp; briefing for & nbsp; journalists by the head of the press service of the US State Department Ned Price. He & nbsp; stressed that & nbsp; the United States and & nbsp; their & nbsp; NATO allies in & nbsp; Ukraine & nbsp; are united in & nbsp; our desire to adhere in & nbsp; respect to Russia diplomacy based on & nbsp; principles. 10 & nbsp; January & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; indicated by Price. “ In addition, it is clear that &