The social network VKontakte named the main memes of 2021

In second place is the post-ironic meme “Will you sell fish?”, born in the VKontakte social network. He gained popularity in July 2021 thanks to the community “Memes about cats (to laugh)”. In the picture, the cats look at the fish laid out on the asphalt for sale. There is a slightly absurd dialogue between cats and sellers: “Will you sell fish? – No, we are showing it. – Krosivoe” (the spelling of the authors is preserved – Ed.). The meme “And cleverly you came up with it” closes the top three with a quote from the cartoon “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”. “The same phrase helps to mark both ridiculous ideas and really cunning plans,” the organizers of the “Battle of Memes” note.

An unusual “velvet” soil was photographed on Mars

New photos of the Martian soil show an amazing relief, which astronomers compared to a “velvety” pie sprinkled with powdered sugar. The image taken by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter captures a 4 km wide Martian crater in the Great Northern Plain area. It is partially filled with water ice, especially on the northern slopes, which are less illuminated during the year. The dark band at the edge of the crater consists of volcanic materials such as basalt. Most of the terrain is ice-free. It was formed by the ongoing Aeolian processes associated with the work of the wind. In the lower right corner of the photo, stripes are visible — here the wind has removed the bright iron oxide dust from the surface, exposing a darker “substrate”. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Anna Lysenko Even more interesting things about nature

Taliban announced plans to appoint ambassador to Moscow

Mujahid stated that & nbsp; the organization has a plan to & nbsp; appoint representatives to & nbsp; operating embassies. “This is a diplomatic step. Embassies and & nbsp; consulates are important for & nbsp; diplomatic relations, and & nbsp; we & nbsp; in & nbsp; we cooperate & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said a representative of the organization (quoted by & nbsp; RIA Novosti). He & nbsp; did not & nbsp; clarify the timing of the appointment of the ambassador and & nbsp; noted that & nbsp; the movement has not yet & nbsp; received from & nbsp; Russia conditions for & nbsp; recognition of the government formed by the Taliban … According to the & nbsp; Mujahid's opinion, the recognition of the created state will contribute to the development of relations and & nbsp; trust, in & nbsp; in particular, with the & nbsp; USA. Earlier in

Dodon becomes a suspect in a criminal case of embezzlement of $ 12 million

“I was shown part of the case, they said that & nbsp; I am a suspect, not & nbsp; accused & raquo; & nbsp; said & nbsp; he. It is clarified that, as a former president and & nbsp; deputy, Dodon does not & nbsp; enjoy immunity and & nbsp; can be detained if prosecutors deem it necessary. December 27 & nbsp; reported, that & nbsp; Dodon did not & nbsp; came to the & nbsp; Prosecutor General's Office of the republic for & nbsp; interrogation on & nbsp; the fact of the politician's participation in & nbsp; scheme for & nbsp; embezzlement of public funds, and & nbsp; asked to postpone hearings on & nbsp; case on & nbsp; Wednesday, December 29. & nbsp; According to the materials of the investigation, in & nbsp; 2008, the management of Energocom, which provides Moldova with electricity, entered into an & nbsp;

High school students in Russia will be taught financial literacy

“In cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Education, the introduction of financial literacy in educational programs will continue. It is planned to consolidate the teaching of elements of financial literacy within the framework of existing academic disciplines for grades 10-11 (from 2022 it is already mandatory in grades 1-9),” the website of the Ministry of Finance reports. Other priorities for the development of financial literacy include digitalization of educational products, expanding the reach and increasing the involvement of target audiences, as well as ensuring the safety of consumers of financial services. “Financial and investment literacy has entered the Financial market development strategy until 2030. So our horizon is exactly the year 2030. For all of us, this is an absolute achievement – recognition that financial literacy is the most important component of the country’s economic success,” the press service of Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov

Russians named the most useless gifts for the New Year

Thus, 6% of the survey participants identified souvenirs and figurines among the most unnecessary gifts, 3% – kitchen utensils, cutlery, 2% each — socks, trinkets, sweets, sweets and chocolate. At the same time, about 7% of citizens called all gifts received for the New Year useless. However, 71% of respondents noted that they had never received unnecessary gifts. 27% admitted that they received. “Almost never give gifts received for the New Year, 88% of Russians, every tenth respondent sometimes gave gifts received for the New Year (10%). Women do this twice as often (13%) than men (6%),” the report says. The survey was conducted on December 25 among 1,600 adult citizens of Russia. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60%

The ancient city of Ephesus in Turkey will be connected to the sea after 2.5 thousand years

Ancient city of Ephesus to reunite with Aegean after 2,500 years — DAILY SABAH (@DailySabah) December 25, 2021 The Turkish authorities decided to return the historical traditional appearance of the ancient ancient city of Ephesus, located in the modern province of Izmir. About 2500 years ago it was a port city, but due to landslides, earthquakes and shallowing of the harbor, it is now 9-10 kilometers from the water. A new two-stage landscape reconstruction project will help connect Ephesus with the sea after more than two millennia. According to the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli, the first stage of the project includes the reconstruction of the harbor, the construction of a new canal, as well as the creation of a system of piers and breakwaters. The second stage of the project is the reconstruction of the historical territory from the Izmir-Kusadasi highway to the port of Ephesus. According

Putin proposed to change the law on citizenship

In & nbsp; in particular, instead of canceling decisions on & nbsp; admission to & nbsp; citizenship & nbsp; RF introduced the institution of termination of citizenship. For & nbsp; more than & nbsp; 20 categories of persons, a reduction in the number of requirements is provided. The text of the presidential law “ On & nbsp; citizenship of the Russian Federation '' published in the Duma electronic database. The news is being added.