“They gave me two minutes.” Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani talks about escape from Kabul for the first time

Ghani spoke about & nbsp; his last minutes as an Afghan leader on the & nbsp; Today morning news program on BBC Radio -si Radio 4. He & nbsp; took part in & nbsp; it along with & nbsp; former Chief of Staff of the British Ground Forces Nick Carter. According to & nbsp; Ghani, on August 15 & nbsp; when the Taliban captured Kabul, he & nbsp; woke up, & laquo; not & nbsp; having no & nbsp; the slightest idea & raquo; about & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; this day will be his last as president of the country. He & nbsp; admitted that & nbsp; the final understanding about & nbsp; what happened came to & nbsp; him only on & nbsp; board of the plane, which delivered him from & nbsp; Afghanistan to & nbsp; Uzbekistan, and & nbsp; further & nbsp; & mdash;

How the Church uses high technology to attract new followers

In recent years, the ranks of parishioners of American religious organizations have been steadily thinning, and in the two years of the pandemic, the picture has become quite sad. The churches have turned to high technologies for assistance in order to use them to find an approach to the hearts and souls of Americans and increase the number of followers. Such assistance, and quite effectively, is provided, for example, by the company Gloo. According to The Wall Street Journal, by analyzing the personal data of Americans, their online activity, the platform finds an individual approach to them, and also makes forecasts based on the information collected. To believe without leaving home. Religion has recognized the Internet According to Gloo itself, more than 30 thousand churches have already subscribed to its services, which is about 10% of all churches in the USA. Gloo buys some data from third-party organizations or collects

A Royal guardsman shot down a child in London. Video

@user7312510220627 Nobody is safe ? #england #royalguards #foryou #foryoupage #london ♬ original sound – user7312510220627 Tourists were photographing London’s marching Guards in their traditional uniforms when a child got in their way, apparently oblivious to the danger. A couple of meters before the boy, the guardsman shouted “make way”, which translates as “give way”, but he was confused and did not have time to move away. The soldier had to step over the boy he had shot down. After the boy’s fall, the soldier checked whether everything was fine with him, but this moment was no longer captured by the camera — the press secretary of the Ministry of Defense told reporters about it. He indicated that he knew about this event in the Tower. The cry of “make way” is a common warning for the British Guard, after which everyone must disperse and give way to patrolling soldiers. Even

The Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences spent 742 thousand rubles on the study of hell and evil

The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) spent 742 thousand rubles on the study “Is the existence of hell evil”. This is evidenced by data from the public procurement website. In October, this agreement was executed. The only supplier of public procurement is Igor Gasparov (Associate Professor, PhD, works in Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko and Higher School of Economics (HSE). In addition, according to the public procurement website, the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences spent: 667 thousand rubles for the scientific work “Alexius Meinong and Austrian philosophy of the XIX – early XX: Basic ideas and late-scholastic roots”. The contract was executed a week and a half ago. 742 thousand rubles for the study “Useless freedom and the problem of hell”. The only supplier of public procurement is Alexander Mishura (PhD, teaches at HSE). The contract was executed in October.

Details of Saddam Hussein's detention revealed

According to & nbsp; he was & nbsp; was with & nbsp; the US military who were carrying out the & nbsp; operation to detain Hussein About eight months after he started working with & nbsp; they received classified information about & nbsp; his whereabouts. “ This place was located on a & nbsp; farm, literally & nbsp; a few meters from & nbsp; Tiger, & nbsp; 50 meters or even closer, in & nbsp; El Maabar area & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; clarified the ex-translator. Hussein's whereabouts were identified in & nbsp; as a result of spying on & nbsp; his security guard, who was buying up the best goods in the & nbsp; markets, “ goods of certain brands '', which aroused suspicions. A detachment of American special forces was sent to the & nbsp; place, and a landing party also landed there. “ Several people were

“Swing” and “drag”: businessmen and politicians named the main words of the year

Alexey Tolstogan, CEO of the National Advertising Alliance: “Reboot”. Stefan Durr, President of EkoNiva Group of Companies, and Alexey Vasyasin, CEO of the united Cinema Park and Formula Cinema cinema chains: Swing. Ilya Sachkov (arrested on suspicion of treason and is now in prison Pre-trial detention center; the answers of the RBC editorial board were given by his lawyer Sergey Afanasyev), the founder of Group-IB: “This is an obscene word.” Vladimir Nikolsky, Chief Operating Officer of VK, co-founder of My.Games: “Promising / year of opportunities”. German Gref, Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank: “Difficult, but successful.” Andrey Wagner, CEO of T Plus: “Productive.” Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, Chief Managing Director of Alfa-Bank: “Record”. Sergey Monin, Chairman of the Board of Raiffeisenbank: “Not acidic”. Sergey Mironov, Co-Chairman of “Fair Russia – For the Truth – Patriots of Russia”: “Difficult.” Natalia Kaspersky, President of InfoWatch: “Postpandemic”. Dmitry Sergeev, CEO of AliExpress Russia: “Opportunities”. Anton

The Ministry of Internal Affairs clarified the requirements for permissible self-defense weapons

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has prepared technical restrictions for self-defense weapons that can be produced in the country or imported from abroad. These standards will be mandatory to comply with. So far they are registered in the draft order of the department. The document refers to traumatic and gas pistols and revolvers, mechanical sprayers and aerosol devices, as well as stun guns. So, traumatic weapons should not be made from firearms by alteration, include some of its parts. And it is also impossible for him to have a design that allows for such alterations. “Mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices should not have a form that imitates combat hand-held firearms. They should have a bright color coloring of individual parts and mechanisms,” TASS quotes from the draft order. There is another requirement for stun guns in addition to those mentioned above: they must be marked with an

What will change in the life of Russians from January 1

Since the beginning of the year, Russians are waiting for an increase in the subsistence minimum and the minimum wage, as well as new rules for registration and accrual of pensions – now a significant part of the processes associated with their registration and recalculation will be carried out in an undeclared manner. For most drivers, the requirement for mandatory technical inspection for registration of CTP will be canceled, but excise taxes will increase from the beginning of January— including on fuel, cars, alcohol and cigarettes. about these and other innovations of the beginning of the year – in the traditional review of Izvestia. Increase in the subsistence minimum and minimum wage Since the beginning of the year in Russia will have a new living wage. On average, it will amount to 12.6 thousand rubles per capita in the country (now it is 11.6 thousand rubles per capita). For the able-bodied

The head of Rospatent Ivliev named the best inventions of the year

According to Rospatent experts, the main inventions of the outgoing year, not counting the anti-liquid sphere, were a composite material with an antibacterial effect, a robot disinfectant and insulin tablets. This was told in an interview with RIA Novosti by the head of the department Grigory Ivliev. Scientists from the USA have developed a remedy for coronavirus in the form of chewing gum “Whole new technologies are being created for life and in a covid situation. And the first one we wanted to report is a biodegradable composite material with an antibacterial effect. This is the Emanuel Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences,” he said. According to Ivliev, this is “material for life.” It is proposed to make dishes and household items from it, for example. They have a higher level of antibacterial efficacy compared to previously known materials with a lower content of antimicrobial agent.

Summing up the results of 2021: records, achievements, losses

See in our collection the main events of the year in photos, the best pictures of photo agencies, the works of the winners of photo contests, take interesting tests and try to guess which event of the year is shown in the photo. We will also remind you about the most curious news of 2021, unusual records, major archaeological discoveries, optical illusions most discussed in social networks and much more. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Even more interesting things about people