Physical activity helps to reduce anxiety better than medications

Experts from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, studied the impact of physical activity on people’s mental health. In an experiment that lasted 12 weeks, scientists monitored the condition of 286 patients (mostly 39-year-old women) with anxiety syndrome. About half of the study participants had been living with anxiety for more than 10 years by that time. By drawing lots, the participants were divided into two groups who played sports under the guidance of a physiotherapist three times a week for 60 minutes. The first group was engaged in a moderate regime, and the second – with heavier cardio and strength training. During all 12 weeks, the participants told the scientists about their condition and the severity of anxiety symptoms, including: nervousness, rapid breathing, palpitations and trembling. The results of the experiment showed that in both groups the symptoms of anxiety decreased markedly. Moreover, this also applied to those patients whose

Murashko announced an increase in the number of hospitalizations of seriously ill patients with COVID-19

“In 16 subjects, there is an increase in the number of hospitalized in serious condition, which indicates that citizens go to the doctor late,” Murashko said during a meeting of the operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus. In addition, he noted that 77 percent of patients with COVID-19 receive outpatient treatment, while the rest receive inpatient treatment. More than 4,000 people, according to him, are on artificial lung ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation apparatus. Earlier, Murashko said that the ideal cure for COVID-19, which could be used at various stages of the disease, has not yet been created.

Putin signed a law banning the write-off of social benefits for debts

Banks are prohibited from writing off one-time social payments from the state to & nbsp; account of debt repayment for & nbsp; consumer loans without additional & nbsp; consent of each borrower & nbsp; such payment. The document was developed after the head of state at the congress of the United Russia party called on parliamentarians to protect all social payments from automatic write-off. that & nbsp; we are talking about & nbsp; social benefits “ to everyone who the president or the government decides to help. '' In & nbsp; in particular, not & nbsp; benefits and & nbsp; payments to citizens with children, pregnant women, carried out at the expense of the federal budget, state extra-budgetary funds, budgets of the subjects of & nbsp; RF and & nbsp; local budgets, payments of the president and & nbsp; ; in order to provide social support measures to certain categories

Lice helped scientists extract DNA of ancient Indians

Human #DNA Extracted From Nits on Ancient Mummies Sheds Light on South American Ancestryvia @SciTechDaily1 — SMARTMD (@SMART_MD) December 29, 2021 Scientists note that samples of teeth or the inside of the skull are usually used to study the DNA of human remains. But this method is often inappropriate due to ethical aspects. In addition, such manipulations have a detrimental effect on the remains themselves, destroying their integrity and complicating further research. But now experts have come up with a new, simple and, as it turned out, very effective way to extract DNA from mummies. Experts have collected the glue of lice preserved on the hair of mummies. As you know, these parasites have accompanied humans for many millennia and their traces can be found on a wide variety of human remains of antiquity. As an example, scientists studied the glue from the hair of several mummified remains of

Putin established the Day of Pipeline Troops

“Set in the & nbsp; Armed Forces & nbsp; RF Pipeline Troops Day and & nbsp; celebrate it on 14 raquop & nbsp; & nbsp; it says in the & nbsp; decree. The list of professional holidays and & nbsp; memorable days in the & nbsp; RF Armed Forces was supplemented with the corresponding date. The pipeline troops were formed according to & nbsp; directive of the USSR Minister of Defense on January 14 & nbsp; January 14, 1952 in & nbsp ; the form of a separate battalion for pumping fuel and & nbsp; does not & nbsp; have analogues in & nbsp; foreign armies. The pipeline troops of Russia perform tasks to & nbsp; ensure continuous delivery of fuel over long distances. Their main & nbsp; “ weapons '' make up pipelines, piping equipment and & nbsp; other means of mechanization of work, and & nbsp; also special

The artist recreates famous paintings together with her dog

View this post on Instagram A post by Eliza (@eliza_reinhardt) Eliza was inspired by numerous art flash mobs to recreate famous paintings from improvised materials and together with Finn began to make her own copies. In a year and a half they were able to repeat more than 300 classical paintings. In addition, they have many copies of paintings by contemporary artists, greeting cards and movie posters on their account. They have accumulated enough funny works to release a whole book, which they recently did. Eliza’s social media account has become very popular, and therefore she intends to continue to recreate the paintings together with her pet. The girl notes that she tries not just to copy details and colors, but to rethink the works and add a little humor to them. The artist says that Finn is so used to dressing up and photo shoots that he is looking

The level of collective immunity to COVID-19 has increased in Russia

Golikova said on December 30 that 78.6 million times had been vaccinated with the first component in the country, and 74.5 million times had been vaccinated with the full cycle. “We already have four leading regions where the level of [collective immunity] has exceeded 80%. These are Sevastopol (90.2%), St. Petersburg (80.9%), Chukotka (80.7%) and Karelia (80.4%),” Golikova added. According to her, the Republic of Tyva (78.1%) and the Moscow Region (77.2%) are also approaching the 80% mark. The deterioration of the COVID-19 situation over the week was recorded in seven regions of Russia: Vladimir Region; Karachay-Cherkessia; Bashkiria; Tyva; Sverdlovsk Region; Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. At the same time, the epidemiological situation has improved in 13 regions of Russia, including the Kamchatka Territory, Buryatia, Ingushetia, Mari El, Mordovia, Khakassia, Chuvashia, as well as the Voronezh, Kemerovo, Magadan, Moscow, Rostov and Volgograd regions. President Vladimir Putin said on December

103 cases of omicron infection have been identified in Russia

“Today, despite the fact that the world has been familiar with Omicron for almost two months, there are 103 omicron detections in our country with tight monitoring. These are people who have arrived or people who have been in close contact with them,” she said on the Rossiya-24 TV channel. According to Popova, all foci are localized. She added that the first screening of the test system is already being conducted to identify omicron directly. “We are testing all those who came from risk zones, from high-risk zones we are sending for observation today, and selectively from all those countries where [the virus] has been detected. The number of countries is increasing every day, but we conduct random testing from almost all flights from where Omicron can be brought to us,” the head of Rospotrebnadzor said. The omicron strain will be distributed in In Russia, this is inevitable due to the

What is called Russian in the world

This extreme game is really Russian in origin. According to one version, it originated in the XIX century in places of detention: guards forced prisoners to shoot themselves in turn and made bets on who would get the only cartridge. According to another version, the game was invented by Russian officers in order to test themselves for bravery and show prowess to others. For the first time the term “Russian roulette” is found in the American magazine Collier’s Weekly in 1937. Russian Russian George Surdez describes this extreme fun from the words of a French sergeant who served in the Russian army in Foreign Legion: “Have you ever heard of Russian Roulette? When I said I hadn’t heard, he told me all about her. Russian Russian officers believed when he served in the Russian army in Romania, around 1917, when everything was falling apart, that they were losing not only prestige,

Day in History: December 30th

1903: the largest fire in the history of the American theater On December 30, 1903, a fire broke out at the Iroquois Theater in Chicago, Illinois. As a result of the disaster, more than 602 people died. This theater fire became the deadliest in the history of the United States: hundreds of people were crushed, trampled or strangled due to the unthinkable panic in the crush at the closed shut-off lattice gates. There were also several fake decorative “doors” in the theater that looked like exits. 200 people died in one such passage. The theater was built by Fuller Construction and, after numerous problems and delays in construction, opened on November 23, 1903. Among the shortcomings of fire safety, the excessive presence of wooden trim and insufficient capacity of fire exits were noted, as well as their small number, there were no fire alarms, telephones and fire hydrants. 1916: the