Peskov responded to the data on the refusal of the “Putin” park in St. Petersburg

Plans to & nbsp; create an art park 'Tuchkov Buyan' in the & nbsp; center of St. Petersburg are preserved, however, a Judicial District may also appear on this territory. & Nbsp; This was reported by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, RBC correspondent reports. January 10 & nbsp; The BBC Russian Service reported that & nbsp; President Vladimir Putin, by his order, canceled the plan for the construction of the Tuchkov Buyan park. ;. According to the service, on the site where the park was supposed to be located, a Judicial Quarter will be built, where the Supreme Court will later move. Peskov on & nbsp; Wednesday, January 12 & nbsp; replied: “ It is better, of course, to ask the & nbsp; City Hall of St. Petersburg, but & nbsp; as far as I know, there are plans and & nbsp; under & nbsp; court,

Primakov refused to work with the new Minister of Information of Kazakhstan

“I read about the new Minister of Information of Kazakhstan Askar Umarov. I carefully read numerous quotes of the new Minister of Information Askar Umarov & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; wrote Primakov in his Telegram channel. He & nbsp; cited several quotes from Umarov, in which he & nbsp; spoke unflatteringly about & nbsp; Russians. Rossotrudnichestvo does not maintain contacts, does not work and does not cooperate with Russophobic rubbish, which completely prevents any of our interaction with the aforementioned minister and the ministry of information headed by him in the current configuration. is engaged in political struggle, especially in & nbsp; sovereign states, and & nbsp; does not & nbsp; interfere in & nbsp; their & nbsp; affairs. “ I believe that & nbsp; Mr. President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev is now going through a very difficult job in & nbsp; his work to restore the country's normal

The Russian survived, wandering for several days on the tundra in a 40-degree frost

“The connection with him was lost. The search was complicated by the weather – a blizzard and extremely low temperatures up to -40,” Yamalspas said. On January 9, a resident of Yamal was still found in the tundra. The man survived. Nine members of the search and rescue team “Yamalspas” and 3 search engines of the non-profit public association of volunteers “LizaAlert” took part in the operation. No one needed medical help. It is reported that during the New Year holidays, from December 31 to January 10, employees of Yamalaspas went in search of 19 times. They rescued 30 people, including four children. “Compared to previous years, the number of exits to search and rescue activities has increased. During the New Year holidays in 2020, rescuers went out 14 times, last year – 10 times,” the website of the search and rescue squad says. The operation to rescue a lost

Scientists have explained the shape of an exoplanet similar to a rugby ball

The found planet – “hot Jupiter” WASP-103b – looks more like a rugby ball than a regular ball. This is the first time that tidal deformation has been detected directly from the transit light curve of an exoplanet. Astronomers have discovered up to 170 exoplanets the size of Jupiter The planet is located at a distance of over 1000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Hercules, it is almost twice the size of Jupiter, and its mass is 1.5 times that of Jupiter. Its unusual appearance is caused by tidal deformation, a group of European researchers led by Susana Barros from the Portuguese Institute of Astrophysics and Space Research reported in an article in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. According to a new study, the shape of WASP-103b is due to the fact that the planet is stretched by the gravitational forces of the parent star. The exoplanet WASP-103b itself

Folk signs for January 12: will the weather change

The change in the weather was judged by several signs among the people. We especially tried to keep an eye on the birds. If sparrows chirp loudly in the morning— you can expect a thaw. A clear day leads to warming. There are no clouds in the sky at night, but because of the haze, the stars are poorly visible — the weather will change. We made forecasts for the summer: snowfall foreshadowed rains, and the south wind – warmth and harvest. The wind from the west meant a good year for fishermen: there will be a lot of fish. Super discounts of up to -70% on electronics, fashionable clothes, shoes and many other prices

The incidence of coronavirus is growing in Russia, almost 18 thousand infected per day

Regions are leaders in the number of new cases: Moscow – 4008 (2,064,467 since the beginning of the pandemic), Saint Petersburg – 1659 (868 687), Moscow region — 1238 (654 309), Rostov region — 367 (197,841), Sverdlovsk region — 366 (203 492). Per day in 745 cases died in Russia, which is 4.85% less than yesterday (783). The total number of deaths reached 318,432. During the day, 26,346 people recovered, a total of 9,758,364. The news is being updated.

Nazarbayev's daughter did not appear at the parliamentary meeting. This was explained by her illness

According to & nbsp; according to her & nbsp; & nbsp; assistant Zhanna Ermekova, Nazarbayeva's health is assessed as moderate, she is at home & nbs; Alma-Ata. The & nbsp; press service of the Mazhilis said that & nbsp; a deputy from & nbsp; December on & nbsp; sick leave because of & nbsp; COVID-19. From & nbsp; January 2021 Nazarbayev is a member of the committee on & nbsp; economic reform and & nbsp; development of the Mazhilis. She also heads the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation. Previously, she was the speaker of the Senate of Parliament. She did not & nbsp; come to & nbsp; meetings of the Mazhilis on January 11 and & nbsp; & nbsp; 12 & nbsp; Protests in & nbsp; Kazakhstan 24Photos24Photos24Photos On 2 & nbsp; January 2 & nbsp; in & nbsp; Mangystau region in & nbsp; west of Kazakhstan began mass protests against a