Onishchenko explained the low incidence of COVID in Russia compared to the United States

“The incidence, of course, is lower than in Europe and the USA, but not the same as it is in statistics, because, of course, the peculiarity of this disease is different from what it was,” RIA Novosti quotes the specialist. As explained by the deputy president of the RAO, “Omicron”-strain, in comparison with previous versions of the coronavirus, causes a more gentle course of the disease, although it is more contagious. Onishchenko noted that in the USA, where there is currently a very high incidence, the new strain came earlier, and the holidays ended on January 2, that is, Americans were the first to go to work and began to get infected. “We have a head start, we have just started work, a timely instruction has been given to develop measures. If we now make it so that our collective immunity is not 63%, but we bring it to at least

Grushko called the conditions for Russia's response to NATO threats by military means

“Russia has indicated that & nbsp; we have a set of legal military-technical measures that we will & nbsp; apply if we & nbsp; we will feel real threats to security. And & nbsp; we & nbsp; already feel & nbsp; & mdash; if our territory is considered as an object for & nbsp; targeting strike weapons, of course, we cannot agree & nbsp; we can & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. “ We will take all necessary measures to fend off these threats by military means, if it doesn’t & nbsp; turn out to be political & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; promised Grushko. He added that & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; this situation cannot be brought and & nbsp; need to move forward in & nbsp; the directions that we & nbsp; set out. & Quot ;. Grushko also said that

Day in History: January 13

Russian Press Day January 13 , 1703 in The first issue of the Vedomosti newspaper (unrelated to the modern Vedomosti newspaper of the same name), founded by the decree of Peter the Great, was published in Moscow. He considered the newspaper as an important means of fighting for reforms and the assertion of the power of the Russian Empire. In 1992, the Day of the Russian Press was established in honor of this event. 1898: Emile Zola sent an open letter “I accuse” to the French government On January 13, 1898, the French writer Emile Zola sent an open letter (known as “I accuse”) to the French government about the Dreyfus case. The article accused the authorities of anti-Semitism and illegal imprisonment of Alfred Dreyfus. Zola pointed out the bias of the military court and the lack of serious evidence. Zola’s article caused a wide resonance in the cultural world, becoming

Astronomers have discovered the brightest supernova in the X-ray range

The corresponding article was published in the Astrophysical Journal. In 2018, astronomers discovered the supernova AT2018cow – the letters COW were generated by a computer, but because of the similarity with the English word “cow”, they became a stable designation for this type of supernova. This type was distinguished by an unusual brightness in the visible spectrum: about ten times brighter than any other known supernova, but at the same time it faded more quickly. In addition, AT2018cow was a source of powerful, rapidly changing X-rays, which led astronomers to assume that they witnessed the birth of a black hole or neutron star. Scientists have explained the formation of huge cyclones on Jupiter A new supernova, AT2020mrf, was discovered in July 2020 by Yuhan Yao from California Institute of Technology and her colleagues. They did this with the help of the Russian-German telescope “Spektr-RG”. The researchers verified this data using the

FMBA estimated the timing of providing test systems for omicron detection

“In a day and a half, we received orders from large state corporations, from the subjects of the Russian Federation, and from the Far East to the European part of our country. We will ensure the working turnover within 7-10 days,” she said (quoted by TASS). According to her, the agency’s production capacity will be 1 million test systems per week with a possible increase to 2-3 million. The test system for detecting omicron, developed by the FMBA, was registered in Russia on January 11. The agency stressed that the developed set of reagents allows for 1.5 hours to identify and differentiate the genovariants of the omicron and delta strains in one test tube. The reagents were developed at the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks of the FMBA of Russia and are intended for use in clinical laboratory diagnostics. Omicron was discovered in southern Africa

Hungary introduced state regulation of food prices

“Today we decided & nbsp; to intervene in & nbsp; the pricing of six products: sugar, sunflower, wheat flour butter, pork hams, chicken breasts and & nbsp; cow's milk 2.8% fat. This means that the & nbsp; price of these six products should return to the & nbsp; level of October 15 & nbsp; last year. Starting from & nbsp; February, this should be in & nbsp; all stores & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Orban said in a & nbsp; video message posted to his & nbsp; Facebook account. He noted that the government is resorting to such measures to protect the interests of citizens in the face of rising prices for essential products caused by the energy crisis in Europe. According to & nbsp; Orban's words, Hungary & nbsp; has already limited the growth of prices for & nbsp; gasoline and & nbsp; is pursuing a policy of

Moscow authorities allowed the introduction of new restrictions due to Omicron

He noted that the city is ready to work under time constraints. “We will certainly resort to them if such a need arises. Only in a situation when the capacity of our medical institutions will be at the limit,” Yefimov said. He added that in previous waves, decisions on the introduction of restrictions were made point-by-point, according to the situation and allowed “almost painlessly for the economy to overcome peak situations.” “Therefore, in this situation, we will also look at the level of morbidity, but most importantly, at the number of hospitalizations …, therefore, we will make operational decisions on the introduction or non-introduction of restrictions, based on the number of hospitalizations and the load of the Moscow healthcare system,” Yefimov said. According to him, it is premature to say exactly what restrictions can be introduced, but “their set is clear”, the scenarios have been worked out.

Boris Johnson apologized for participating in a party during a lockdown

According to Johnson, it was a working event for members of the Conservative Party, which “technically” did not violate any anti-covert restrictions. The politician also explained that he came to the party on Downing Street at about 18:00 and stayed there for only 25 minutes, after which he left the event. I want to apologize. I know that millions of people across the country have made huge sacrifices over the past 18 months. I know what suffering they went through, not being able to mourn their relatives, not being able to live the way they want or do what they love.Boris JohnsonMacron called Johnson a clown The Prime Minister also stressed that he knows how outraged the residents of the UK are by the actions of the government, which introduces restrictive measures, but does not comply with them. “Looking back, then I should have sent everyone back to their homes,” he

A bill on new sanctions against Russia presented in Congress

The project proposed by US senators assumes, ; Ministry of Defense, chief of staff and & nbsp; for & nbsp; at least three Russian financial organizations, including Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank. As previously reported, the initiative was put forward by the chairman of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee Robert Menendez (Democrat from & nbsp; State of New Jersey). “ Senator Menendez in & nbsp; chapter 25 of his fellow Democrats presented the & ldquo; Act on & nbsp; Protection of the Sovereignty of Ukraine & rdquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in a & nbsp; message on the & nbsp; website of the committee. According to the message, the proposal “sends a clear signal” that the United States is ready to achieve “devastating consequences” for the Russian economy in the event of an escalation of the situation around Ukraine. Russia has repeatedly rejected accusations of the West and & nbsp;