The widow of Egor Letov published a previously unknown song by the musician

“It took me a long time to decide, and yet I was going to prepare for the release of all the records I have of “Sowing”. There is some problem: the reels are not all signed, and Egor did not let me listen to it during his lifetime,” Chumakova said. She described the presented composition as “a compilation of different poems from about the same time.” “In this case — New Year’s Eve, 1983,” Natalia Chumakova stressed. “Civil Defense” was founded on November 8, 1984 in Omsk by Egor Letov and Konstantin Ryabinov. She became one of the most influential Soviet and Russian punk rock bands. It broke up in 2008 after Letov’s death. Even more interesting things about people

The European Union has extended economic sanctions against Russia until July 31, 2022

“Today the Council & nbsp; EU decided to extend the restrictive measures that are currently in effect in & nbsp; certain sectors of the Russian economy , for & nbsp; six months, until & nbsp; 31 & nbsp; July 2022 & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the & nbsp; statement reads. The heads of the & nbsp; EU countries at the & nbsp; summit in & nbsp; Brussels in & nbsp; the end of 2021 also called on Moscow to “ begin to & nbsp; implement the Minsk agreements. '' The sanctions are directed against financial, energy and & nbsp; defense sectors of the Russian economy. In & nbsp; in particular, some banks and & nbsp; companies have limited access to the & nbsp; primary and & nbsp; secondary capital markets & nbsp; EU. There is also a ban on the & nbsp; import and & nbsp; export of weapons,

Montenegro has relaxed the rules of entry for tourists

Starting from January 13, tourists will be able to enter if one of four conditions is met: a negative PCR test no older than 72 hours, a negative rapid antigen test no older than 48 hours, a certificate that a person has had a coronavirus infection no earlier than six months ago, or a full vaccination, from which no more than six months have passed. The new requirements for the entry of tourists cancel the previous ones, according to which unvaccinated and unwell foreign citizens could not come to Montenegro, and vaccinated and those who had COVID-19 needed a PCR test. Such requirements were introduced at the end of December.

Lukashevich: The West has shown that there is no need to expect a constructive reaction to Russia's proposals

“The only thing that & nbsp; I understand is that & nbsp; the coordinated position of the so-called collective West is pushing to & nbs reactions we & nbsp; to & nbsp; our proposals, unfortunately, we do not & nbsp; receive. For & nbsp; at least I have that impression. This is definitely disappointing. I & nbsp; would like & nbsp; be wrong & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Lukashevich at a & nbsp; press conference (quoted by & nbsp; TASS). According to & nbsp; he said, “ an adequate response '' Russia has not yet received any & nbsp; offers, because in the West the principle of indivisibility of security has been interpreted in its own way. Lukashevich noted that & nbsp; Russia still & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; expects the reaction of the West, and in & nbsp; & quot; short deadlines. & Quot; on this

Scientists have found that boredom provokes cruelty

A team of researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark decided to look into the root causes of cruelty and came to unexpected conclusions. In their work, they studied nine papers, among which were surveys and studies of military personnel who are cruel to their colleagues; parents who are cruel to their children; school bullying and other cases of such antisocial behavior for pleasure. In total, experts studied the data of more than four thousand people from the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark and other countries belonging to different age and social groups. After studying the results of these studies, scientists came to the conclusion that in most cases, people who show cruelty were bored at that moment and thus tried to compensate for unpleasant internal sensations. For example, participants in one of the experiments watched a 20-minute film about a waterfall one by one, while their smartphones were taken away

Media: The State Duma will not have time to adopt the bill on QR codes in public places until February 1

“Most likely, the & nbsp; agenda of the State Duma will not & nbsp; there will be this bill until & nbsp; md & nbsp; February 1 & nbs; said the interlocutor of TASS, adding: that & nbsp; for & nbsp; consideration of projects in the & nbsp; second reading, there should be draft bylaws. ; vaccination, the presence of antibodies or medical treatment for & nbsp; visiting public places. It was expected that & nbsp; new rules will be in effect from & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; February 2022 to & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; June 2022, with & nbsp; they will be of a framework nature. Regional authorities will decide whether to impose restrictions or not. Initially, together with the & nbsp; bill on & nbsp; QR codes for & nbsp; visits to public places, the State Duma was to consider introducing certificates for & nbsp; transport. However,

The average age of motherhood in Russia has increased to 29 years

“We see that over the past 10 years, the average age of our mothers has increased from 27 years to almost 29 years. And this largely reduces the number of births,” Kotyakov said during a speech at the XIII Gaidar Forum (quoted by TASS). He stressed that the same trends are observed in Western countries. A survey of demographers conducted by RIA Novosti in June 2021 showed that the average age of births in Russia is shifting towards 30 years. They also stressed that the increase in the number of births at a late age may be associated with the development of reproductive technologies, and regional peculiarities may influence the earlier age of motherhood. One of the experts, Deputy Head of the International Laboratory of Demography and Human Capital of the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEI) of RANEPA Sergey Shulgin explained that in In Italy, the average age of birth

Ryabkov: US and NATO are not ready to meet Russia halfway on security guarantees

& laquo; Main problem & nbsp; & mdash; The United States and & nbsp; their & nbsp; NATO allies, neither & nbsp; under any guise, nor & nbsp; for & nbsp; whatever reasons & lt; & hellip; & gt; are not & nbsp; ready to meet our key requirements for & nbsp; non-expansion of NATO, the curtailment of the infrastructure of the alliance and & nbsp; its return to & nbsp; & nbsp; as of & nbsp; 1997. & nbsp; And, of course, on & nbsp; topics, which concerns the placement of legally binding systems of guarantees of non-placement & nbsp; ; close proximity to & nbsp; our borders & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the Deputy Minister. Ryabkov noted that & nbsp; in & nbsp; in this case, I was not & nbsp; happy with the forecast that came true & nbsp; there were no surprises in the

Russia denied the US demands to “return the troops to the barracks”

Russia will not even & nbsp; discuss US demands to “ return troops '' in the & nbsp; barracks in the & nbsp; territory of the country. This was & nbsp; stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. According to him, these demands of Washington are unacceptable. as they say, and & nbsp; about the fact that these troops went to the barracks, Sherman said just that, in & nbsp; including publicly at the & nbsp; press conference. I & nbsp; do not & nbsp; think that & nbsp; there is a need to explain the absolute unacceptability of such requirements & nbsp; and, of course & nbsp;, we & nbsp; them & nbsp; will not even & nbsp; discuss & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Lavrov said. Earlier, the Kremlin said that & nbsp; NATO cannot & nbsp; dictate to Russia, as well as & nbsp; where to move