Calculator iOS 11 did not cope with the addition of Prime numbers

Calculator iOS 11 did not cope with the addition of Prime numbers

MOSCOW, 25 Jul — RIA Novosti. Built in calculator operating system iOS 11, issued September 19, wrong by adding primes. This drew the attention of the portal specializing in news about Apple products.

Adding two units calculator gives the answer 11, and the sum of the numbers 1, 2 and 3 is equal to 23. It is noted that this problem occurs with the rapid entry of data if you punch in the numbers with a pause, the “time” to carry out the calculations correctly. Reddit users speculated that the outage is due to the fact that the animation is buttons, blocking the execution of other operations.

Lol quality iOS 11 calculator

— [Ac] Arcium (@arcofskyy) October 23, 2017
During the download an error has occurred.

Previously, the programmers reported that iPhone users are risking to disclose to criminals the data Apple ID, because shortcomings in iOS. According to them, the owners of the smartphone used to validate the account every time I see a system warning that can be shown to any third-party application.

