US Supreme Court Blocks Biden's Mandatory Vaccination Decree

The court ruled that & nbsp; when the Biden administration obliged the OSHA millions of Americans, she exceeded the authority of this department. OSHA should regulate safety issues in the & nbsp; workplace, at & nbsp; then & nbsp; times like COVID-19 & nbsp; & mdash; this is a universal threat, the panel of judges ruled.

The decree of the American president was blocked by the forces of the conservative majority: six Republican judges voted against. Three Democrats also supported Joe Biden's initiative.

While & nbsp; this, the US Supreme Court did not & nbsp; objected to mandatory vaccination and & nbsp; PCR testing for & nbsp; healthcare workers receiving funding under & nbsp; federal Medicare and & nbsp; Medicaid programs. Previously, this category of medical workers was required to get vaccinated against coronavirus infection only in & nbsp; half of the states.

The burden of responsibility for making workplaces as safe as possible now falls on the shoulders of employers and states. [I urge] businesses to join & nbsp; those who & nbsp; have already introduced similar measures, and & nbsp; this is a third of Fortune 100 companies & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Biden pointed out after the blocking of the decree, which was supposed to take effect in & nbsp; January.

Mandatory vaccination in the & nbsp; USA

The federal decree of the American president on & nbsp; compulsory vaccination was signed on November 4 & nbsp; 2021. According to & nbsp; The New York Times, the document's requirements were supposed to affect about & nbsp; 84 & nbsp; million employees of American companies, of which 31 & nbsp; million were not & nbsp; vaccinated. According to & nbsp; OSHA's estimate made in & nbsp; November, mandatory vaccination at & nbsp; enterprises should have prevented 250 thousand hospitalizations and & nbsp; 6 & nbsp; & nbsp; 6 & nbsp; 500 deaths in & nbsp; six months.

However, Joe Biden's decision provoked resistance, in particular, from trade unions, whose representatives said that such demands are an infringement of personal freedom. “Omicron” came to Russia: how to protect yourself from the mistakes of other countries

On November 7, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in the & nbsp; United States suspended a federal decree on & nbsp; the introduction of mandatory vaccination against & nbsp; COVID-19 for & nbsp; employees of companies that & nbsp; which employ more than 100 people. The basis for this verdict was a class action suit from a & nbsp; coalition of several states, which considered the new requirements an “ unconstitutional abuse of power by the federal government. '' The initiative of the American president was opposed, in & nbsp; in particular, by Missouri, Arizona, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Montana, New Hampshire, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska and & nbsp; Wyoming.

At the & nbsp; currently fully vaccinated from & nbsp; coronavirus about & nbsp; 63% of US residents. According to the & nbsp; opinion of Bloomberg experts, in the & nbsp; conditions of the spread of the omicron strain low herd immunity can lead to the collapse of the American health care system. Due to the & nbsp; growth of hospitalizations, hospitals will be forced to stop planned operations and & nbsp; to mobilize staff, the agency's interlocutors warned.



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