Putin instructed to think about the closure of mines with a high risk of accidents

Coal mining in & nbsp; Russia should eliminate the risk of accidents at & nbsp; production. This is stated in & nbsp; instructions that President Vladimir Putin gave after a meeting on the & nbsp; situation in the & nbsp; coal industry of Kuzbass. The document was published on the & nbsp; Kremlin website.

The President instructed the government, following a discussion with & nbsp; trade unions and & nbsp; other interested organizations, when it is necessary to introduce the following measures:

  • completely prohibit the issuance of new permits for & nbsp; mine method of coal mining;
  • Gradually close all coal mines with & nbsp; high risk of accidents. With this, Putin instructed to take into account the economic and & nbsp; social consequences;
  • develop and & nbsp; implement coal mining methods that exclude the possibility of 'group accidents'. In & nbsp; including prohibiting miners from working at & nbsp; depth, where it is impossible to ensure the safety of life and & nbsp; health.

At & nbsp; at the end of December 2021, in an interview with RBC, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak , in charge of the energy sector, spoke about plans to abandon the & nbsp; issuance of new licenses for & nbsp; use of subsoil for & nbsp; mining of coal at & nbsp; highly hazardous mines with & nbsp; high methane content.

It is necessary to pursue a policy aimed at reducing the number of highly hazardous mines (deep mines, with a high methane content). The mechanism for implementing such a policy is a ban on the issuance of new licenses for the use of subsoil for coal mining. Alexander Novak

Novak then clarified that & nbsp; in & nbsp; in recent years, the number of especially dangerous mines in & nbsp; Russia has decreased from & nbsp; 52 to & nbsp; 23. At the same time, the share of safer open-pit coal mines increased. From the & nbsp; point of view of safety, mines are dangerous production facilities, the risks of accidents and & nbsp; other emergencies are higher at & nbsp; than at & nbsp; & nbsp; other industrial facilities, & nbsp; he explained.

Following the fuel trail: who turned out to be the shadow owner of Listvyazhnaya mine “

The meeting with & nbsp; participation of the President took place on December 2 & nbsp; 2021. The reason for & nbsp; was the accident at the & nbsp; Listvyazhnaya mine in & nbsp; Kemerovo region, the victims of which were 51 people. At the & nbsp; meeting, the president demanded to “ ask hard about the & nbsp; law '' with & nbsp; managers and & nbsp; owners of enterprises for & nbsp; life and & nbsp; health of miners.

“ It is unacceptable to abuse, to exploit the courage of people who descend into the & nbsp; mines. Their & nbsp; life, health must be protected & nbsp; & mdash; it is the personal responsibility of everyone who & nbsp; is involved in the & nbsp; organization of production. And & nbsp; heads of enterprises, and & nbsp; representatives of supervisory authorities, and & nbsp; owners & nbsp; & mdash; those who & nbsp; in the & nbsp; pursuit of & nbsp; profit or & nbsp; for & nbsp; some & nbsp; other reasons neglect the safety of people, puts them at mortal risk. [With & nbsp; them] you need to ask according to & nbsp; the law, tough & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he said.

“ It was then precisely about & nbsp; systematic work on & nbsp; ensuring safety at & nbsp; coal mining enterprises, and & nbsp; today we will analyze these issues '', & nbsp; & mdash; & nbsp; he noted.

In the & nbsp; case of the & nbsp; accident at the & nbsp; mine, nine people from the & nbsp; number of managers and & nbsp; specialists were arrested, including & nbsp; including the main owner of the mine, the chairman of the board of directors of & nbsp; JSC HC 'SDS-Ugol & raquo ; Mikhail Fedyaev.

Vladislav Gordeev



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