Political scandal erupted in Ireland over criticism of Putin

“It amazes me that, speaking in the & nbsp; parliament in front of the & nbsp; European Council, members of & ldquo; rdquo; were silent on & nbsp; about a large-scale build-up of Russian armed forces on the & nbsp; border with & nbsp; Ukraine & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. Martin's words are reported by The Irish Times.

The prime minister called unusual the & nbsp; fact that & nbsp; members of Sinn Fein; for & nbsp; the last few years “ never & nbsp; criticized Russia. '' According to & nbsp; his opinion, the party “ at heart is against the European Union. '' from the & nbsp; side of Russia at & nbsp; the borders of Ukraine. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that & nbsp; Russia is moving troops within & nbsp; the limits of its territory and & nbsp; at & nbsp; its discretion. According to & nbsp; he said, this does not & nbsp; threaten anyone and & nbsp; nobody & nbsp; should worry. The & nbsp; Kremlin believes that & nbsp; such attacks & nbsp; & mdash; just an excuse to place more military equipment and & nbsp; NATO forces on the Russian border. Moscow has repeatedly emphasized that & nbsp; is not & nbsp; going to attack anyone & nbsp;.



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