Difficult case: Rosstat estimated the number of Russians with salaries at the minimum wage level and below

The main reason for such statistics is underemployment, the & nbsp; service explained. They added that & nbsp; violations of the law with & nbsp; wages are possible at & nbsp; 0.2% of & nbsp; these 2.5%.

Not & nbsp; by & nbsp; full

< p> In & nbsp; 2019, according to & nbsp; Rosstat data, the share of employees of large and & nbsp; medium-sized enterprises receiving wages below or at the & nbsp; level of the all-Russian minimum wage was 2.9%, or 775 thousand people. In & nbsp; 2021, this figure decreased to & nbsp; 2.5%, or 689.8 thousand workers (the study is carried out once every & nbsp; two years).

In 2021, the minimum wage is equal to 12 792 rubles, and from 1 January 2022 will grow to 13,890 rubles.

According to the Labor Code, the employee's salary for & nbsp; month in which he & nbsp; worked the full working time and & nbsp; fulfilled his duties, not & nbsp; may be less than the minimum wage. The & nbsp; statistical department clarified who & nbsp; is included in & nbsp; these 2.5%.

& mdash; & nbsp; 1.4% are workers with & nbsp; underemployment, 0.9% & nbsp; & mdash; those who & nbsp; received at the & nbsp; minimum wage level, and & nbsp; only 0.2% & nbsp; & mdash; other cases, including & nbsp; possible violations of the law, & nbsp; & mdash; explained in & nbsp; Rosstat.

With & nbsp; this people included in & nbsp; these 2.5%, hypothetically, can work in & nbsp; several places, but & nbsp; be taken into account only in & nbsp; one organization and & nbsp; in & nbsp; aggregate to receive more minimum wages , explained in the & nbsp; federal service. In & nbsp; 2021, a little more than 33 & nbsp; million people worked at & nbsp; large and & nbsp; medium-sized enterprises. The total & nbsp; same & nbsp; labor force in & nbsp; country & nbsp; & mdash; 75.1 & nbsp; million people, and & nbsp; employed & nbsp; & mdash; 71.2 & nbsp; million



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