The quieted Don: what will happen to the Open Skies Treaty after December 18

Russia finally withdrew from the & nbsp; Treaty on & nbsp; Open Skies (DON) & nbsp; & mdash; From & nbsp; 18 & nbsp; December, it will no longer & nbsp; be able to make observation flights over & nbsp; the territory of the & nbsp; NATO allies. Nevertheless & nbsp; less this will not & nbsp; prevent her & nbsp; from receiving information about & nbsp; their & nbsp; military facilities & nbsp; & mdash; for & nbsp; this Moscow has satellites. The key question in & nbsp; is, will the Republic of Belarus (RB), which worked in the & nbsp; document with & nbsp; Russia, remain in & nbsp; as part of a group of states. As Izvestia was told in the & nbsp; Permanent Mission of the & nbsp; RB at the & nbsp; OSCE, Minsk will make a decision on & nbsp; membership in the & nbsp; treaty on the basis of & nbsp; positions of other states.

There are & nbsp; 32 left

On December 18 & nbsp; Russia finally ceased to be a part of the Treaty on & nbsp; Open Skies (DON). As he said in an & nbsp; interview with Izvestia Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the & nbsp; RF delegation at & nbsp; negotiations in & nbsp; Vienna on & nbsp; military security and & nbsp; arms control, Moscow made every possible effort to & nbsp; preserve the treaty, giving the US administration the opportunity to make a decision to & nbsp; return to & nbsp; & nbsp; DON '.

“ However, on May 27 & nbsp; the US State Department notified the Russian Foreign Ministry that & nbsp; Washington made a decision not & nbsp; to return to the & nbsp; treaty. Thus, the decision of Donald Trump, which Joe Biden called short-sighted a year ago, was confirmed, & nbsp; & mdash; noted the diplomat.

Moscow decided to quit & nbsp; DON after the agreement left Washington on November 22 & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; & nbsp; & mdash; before & nbsp; this he & nbsp; repeatedly accused Russia of & nbsp; violation of the document. Then & nbsp; RF demanded from & nbsp; countries remaining in the & nbsp; treaty & nbsp; & mdash; European allies and & nbsp; Canada & nbsp; & mdash; fulfill its two & nbsp; conditions: 1. The Allies will not & nbsp; restrict Russian flights over & nbsp; their territory, including & nbsp; including over & nbsp; American facilities; 2. They will provide Russia with written guarantees that & nbsp; information from & nbsp; territory of & nbsp; RF will not & nbsp; will be in & nbsp; hands of the United States. The DON participants rejected the conditions, arguing that & nbsp; they and & nbsp; are spelled out in the & nbsp; agreement, and & nbsp; and therefore & nbsp; there is no need to re-confirm them.

On January 15 & nbsp; January 2021, Moscow announced that & nbsp; will launch domestic procedures for & nbsp; exit from & nbsp; document. For four months, she called on the new US administration to change its mind. But & nbsp; seeing that & nbsp; these appeals do not & nbsp; work, the Russian Federation & nbsp; moved to & nbsp; real procedures: in & nbsp; in early May, the government presented the President with a bill denouncing the Don, giving Washington time to & nbsp; think before & nbsp; the beginning of summer. After the States officially confirmed that & nbsp; will not return to the & nbsp; document, on June 7 & nbsp; Vladimir Putin signed a law on & nbsp; its denunciation. On June 18 & nbsp; Moscow notified DON depositories & nbsp; & mdash; Hungary and & nbsp; Canada, after which the countdown began to & nbsp; its release (according to the & nbsp; rules of procedure, it & nbsp; is six months).

“ The further fate of the DON is entirely and & nbsp; completely under the jurisdiction of the remaining participating states , although the territorial scope of the treaty, if it & nbsp; continues to function in the & nbsp; absence of Russia and & nbsp; the United States, will be reduced by & nbsp; times & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Konstantin Gavrilov.



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