EU imposed sanctions against PMC Wagner

Restrictions have also been introduced against Euro Policy, Velada, Mercury for & nbsp; exploration and & nbsp; extraction of resources in Syria. The sanctions include a ban on & nbsp; entry into the & nbsp; EU countries and & nbsp; asset freeze, and & nbsp; also a ban on & nbsp; cooperation.

Earlier it was said that & nbsp; permanent members of & nbsp; EU approved sanctions against a Russian private military organization. They, according to & nbsp; the head of the French Foreign Ministry Jean-Yves Le & nbsp; Driand, will not affect & nbsp; only the company itself, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; those who & nbsp; with & nbsp; it cooperates. Discussion of restrictions is connected with & nbsp; media reports about & nbsp; possible cooperation of PMCs with & nbsp; Mali authorities. The decision followed a meeting of the EU & nbsp; Council on November 15 & nbsp;.

