Israeli radio learned about the preparation of a military option to contain Iran

The interlocutor of the radio station also said that, according to the & nbsp; military data, Iran is close to & nbsp; producing an amount of uranium sufficient for one & nbsp; bombs.

“They & nbsp; will not rush to cross this line because & nbsp; understand the implications, but & nbsp; we & nbsp; are watching & nbsp; this and & nbsp; emphasize that & nbsp; Iran should not be allowed to enrich uranium & nbsp; & nbsp; ; said the source of the Galei IDF.

Officially, Gantz said after meeting with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that the US and European countries “understand very well what is happening and are losing patience.”

According to & nbsp; he said, they agreed to continue deeper cooperation in the & nbsp; area of ​​security.

In & nbsp; April, Iran announced that & nbsp; would increase its uranium enrichment rate from & nbsp; 20% to & nbsp; 60%. This decision was made by Tehran after the incident at the & nbsp; enrichment complex, in & nbsp; in particular, in the & nbsp; power distribution system, which it & nbsp; considered a consequence of & nbsp; nuclear terrorism.

Russia's Permanent Representative to & nbsp; IAEA and & nbsp; other international organizations in & nbsp; & nbsp; In Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov called these Iranian plans “ too far. '' While & nbsp; this he & nbsp; noted that & nbsp; Iran began to reduce its obligations under the & nbsp; 2015 nuclear deal in & nbsp; in response to & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; “ the ugly maximum pressure policy ''; from the & nbsp; US side.

In & nbsp; mid-September, The New York Times, with & nbsp; citing the & nbsp; opinions of experts who analyzed the latest IAEA reports, reported that & nbsp; Iran is close to & nbsp; creating a nuclear warhead. According to the & nbsp; newspaper, the country can accumulate a sufficient amount of uranium in & nbsp; within a month.

Then & nbsp; Israel said that & nbsp; a nuclear bomb from & nbsp; Iran could appear in & nbsp; within a few months.

